NCEP Home > NCEP Central Operations > Implementation and Data Services Branch > Realtime Monitor
Data Deficiency Troubleshooting Guide
Last modified: Wed. 12 Sep. 2012
Data Type Categorical Index:
Data Type Mnemonic Index:
Advanced troubleshooting techniques for
data (for NCEP only)
Contact Decoders Support
(for all users)
Advanced utilities to monitor ingest of satellite
data (for NCEP only)
Note that many WMO bulletin headers and some file paths are coded as
UNIX regular expressions to concisely cover all possible permutations. However, occasional changes to some of these are
inevitable. For the latest, check the configuration file on the CCS at /iodprod/dbnet/ldm/etc/pqact.conf
(for NCEP only).
Ask any Dataflow specialist
for any question about its contents.
One may also reference this Operational Data Inventory Table (.xls) for a comprehensive tabulation of
Data Format, CCS Raw Data Location, CCS Tank (Decoded) Location, Original Source, WMO Headers, and more for most data types.
The following are listed on model data dump reports and are used in most model analyses.
Check the tables below for details on what is or is not ingested:
Types that do not go through PREPBUFR
Surface Data Types
SYNOP (Manual and automatic synoptic reports):
SYNOPM (Manual and automatic mobile synoptic reports):
SYNOPR (Restricted synoptic reports (WMO Res 40) manual and automatic):
Flow path: GTS data from many sites worldwide => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
Many of these data are constructed automatically at TOC using 6-hourly
metar data from "first order" stations as input. If flagged for deficiency,
check with TOC Tech Control for possible decoder or comms line problems.
If 6-hourly (00Z, 06Z, 12Z, 18Z) metar data are deficient at the Gateway,
then synop data can be expected to be deficient. Many synopm data come from CMC, who provides Mon-Fri support.
If deficient, check bulletin SNCN19 CWAO in FADD.
METAR (Aviation surface based observations):
Flow path: GTS data from many sites worldwide => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
These data are collected regionally and disseminated by ASOS data acquisition
systems (ADAS). If flagged for deficiency, check NAWIPS, AWIPS, and the
TOC "metar" program in order to determine the extent of the deficiency
such as 'only Canada missing'. Check with AMOC who should be aware of any
ADAS problem, then report your findings to TOC Tech Control.
Upper Air Data Types
DROPW (Dropwinsonde data):
Flow path: GTS data usually from TPC or USAF (CARCAH) or occasionally from non U.S.
sources => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
If expecting some, and they do not show, check with CARCAH or TPC and find out what WMO
bulletin header was used. Check with TOC Tech Control for any comms break.
RAOBF (Fixed land rawinsonde data):
Flow path: GTS data from many sites worldwide => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
If flagged for deficiency, check NAWIPS (Family of Services (FOS)),
bulletin header USUS50 in FADD and several AWIPS pils in effort
to isolate break in data flow. Reports from U.S. stations are normally
disseminated through AWIPS before reaching the Gateway and other users.
Report findings to TOC Tech Control. Also, call PMB data flow specialists
if you suspect a data flow problem or DBNet alert problem. Or contact Jeff
Ator if you suspect a decoder problem.
RAOBM (Mobile land rawinsonde data):
RAOBS (Ship based rawinsonde data):
PIBAL (Free balloon observations):
Flow path: GTS data from many sites worldwide => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
In the unlikely event these data types are flagged for deficiency, check
with TOC Tech Control for any line problems.
Aircraft Data Types
ACARS (Automated MDCRS ACARS aircraft data):
Flow path: GTS data from ARINC => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
These data are distributed from ARINC, many of which are distributed through the Leesburg link.
ACARS could be flagged for deficiency during times of normally light air
traffic such as early Sunday and Monday mornings and holidays.
If it is flagged when normal or greater air traffic would be expected, check
bulletin header IUAX02 KARP in FADD to see if any recent bulletins were
made. Then query TOC Tech Control for an explanation. They may contact
ARINC or Leesburg for assistance in troubleshooting.
ACARSA (Auto MDCRS ACARS aircraft data (ARINC) via AFWA):
Flow path: GTS data from ARINC => AFWA => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
These have been used as a backup to ACARS in case the direct ACARS feed from ARINC to NWSTG was down.
They are similar to ACARS except they are channeled through
AFWA on their way from ARINC to NWSTG. Therefore, if ACARSA is flagged for deficiency
when ACARS is not deficient, AFWA should be the first agency to query for any
problem. Check WMO header YRXX85 KAWN in FADD for any recent bulletins.
ACARSA data have been unavailable since 10/29/2009 because the contract between
ARINC and AFWA expired. Said contract is not expected to be renewed.
AIREP (Manual AIREP format aircraft data):
PIREP (Manual PIREP format aircraft data):
Flow path: GTS data from many worldwide reporting sites => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
Reporting sites include AWC,
FAA CWSUs, and international centers. If flagged for deficiency, check a sampling
of AWIPS pils nnnPIR000 where nnn is the node identifier, or a sampling of UBUS
bulletins in FADD. Then query TOC Tech Control for any line troubles from FAA,
WMSCR, Leesburg, etc.
AMDAR (Automated AMDAR format ASDAR/ACARS aircraft data):
EADAS (E-ADAS - European ASDAR/ACARS aircraft data from BUFR):
Flow path: GTS data from Exeter (Bracknell) => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
These data are received from Exeter and are the European counterparts
of the ACARS data described above. If flagged for deficiency, check bulletin
headers UD(EU|AS|NT|NA|AF)02 EGRR and IUAD01 EGRR in FADD. NCEP normally receives
30 to 40 such bulletins per hour. If indeed no or few recent bulletins, contact
TOC Tech Control, and TOC will probably contact Exeter to discuss and resolve the problem.
The E-AMDAR system (EADAS1 and backup EADAS2) at Exeter processes these bulletins.
Data loss may result when migrating flow from primary to backup or vise versa.
Stewart Taylor and Bruce Truscott are the E-ADAS specialists at Exeter.
CAMDAR (Automated Canadian ASDAR/ACARS data from BUFR):
Flow path: GTS data from Canada => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
These data are received from Canada and are the Canadian counterparts of the ACARS data
described above. If flagged for deficiency, check bulletin headers IUA.01 CWAO in FADD,
where the dot can stand for one of many letter characters.
TAMDAR (TAMDAR-Mesaba aircraft data from GSD, netCDF):
TMDARC (TAMDAR Chautauqua aircraft data from GSD, netCDF):
TMDARP (TAMDAR PenAir aircraft data from GSD, netCDF):
Flow path: NOAA/ESRL/GSD -- ldm => CCS
If flagged for deficiency, first contact a Dataflow specialist for any DBNet problem. If none, then contact
ESRL/GSD where the primary POCs are Leon Benjamin
and Greg Pratt.
Also check bulletin header ^IUXA40 KWBC in FADD.
TAMDAR, TMDARC, and TMDARP data have been unavailable since 11/19/2011 because the contract between the NWS
and AirDAT expired. Said contract is not expected to be renewed.
TMDARA (TAMDAR aircraft data - all types - from AirDAT, BUFR):
Flow path: GTS data from AirDAT => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
If flagged for deficiency, check bulletin headers IUXA40 KWBC in FADD.
Also check with TOC, as they can check if any problem at AirDAT.
TMDARA data have been unavailable since 11/19/2011 because the contract between the NWS
and AirDAT expired. Said contract is not expected to be renewed.
RECCO (Flight level reconnaissance data):
Flow path: GTS data usually from TPC or USAF (CARCAH) or occasionally from non U.S.
sources => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
If expecting some, and they do not show, check with CARCAH or TPC and find out what WMO
bulletin header was used. Check with TOC Tech Control for any comms break.
Radar and Profiler Data Types
NXRDW (NEXRAD Vertical Azimuth Display (VAD) winds from Radar Coded Message):
RADW25 (NEXRAD radial winds superobs, level 2.5 - ORPG):
RADW30 (NEXRAD radial winds superobs, level 3 - NIDS):
RD2RFT, RD2R(00-23) (NEXRAD reflectivity UTC hours 00-23, level 2 - GTS):
RD2WND, RD2W(00-23) (NEXRAD radial wind UTC hours 00-23, level 2 - GTS):
Flow path for NXRDW, RADW25: GTS data from U.S. NEXRAD sites => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
Flow path for RD2R(00-23), RD2W(00-23): GTS data from U.S. NEXRAD sites => NWSTG -- ldm => CCS
Flow path for RADW30: GTS data from U.S. NEXRAD sites => NWSTG -- ldm => NCOSRV -- ftp => CCS
If NXRDW is flagged for deficiency, check bulletin ^SDUS4 in FADD.
If RD2R(00-23), RD2W(00-23) are flagged for deficiency, check CCS file paths:
L2BZ|P2/([A-Z][A-Z][A-Z][A-Z])/([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-1][0-9][0-3][0-9])([0-2][0-9][0-5][0-9][0-5][0-9]) or
L2BZ|P2/KNEX/(YYYYMMDD)(HHMMSS) where KNEX is the 4-letter NEXRAD ID and (YYYYMMDD)(HHMMSS) is the conventionally coded
(date)(time) in year, month, day, hour, minute, second.
The 2.5 level data are placed into /dcom/us007003/radial_wind_2p5 on the CCS.
If RADW25 is flagged for deficiency, check bulletin ^SDUS9 in FADD.
The 3.0 level data are placed into /dcom/us007003/radial_wind on the CCS.
GPSPW (GPS integrated precipitable water):
Flow path: GPSPW data from NOAA/ESRL/GSD
=> NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
If flagged for deficiency, check bulletin ISXT40 KBOU in FADD.
Deficiencies may flag Big Brother. Check BB for additional clues.
Tech Control may call gpsmet support or the
ESRL/GSD Forecast Application Branch (FAB).
PRFLR (Wind profiler data from NOAA Profiler Network):
Flow path: GTS data from NOAA/NWS/OPS12 => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
If flagged for deficiency, check bulletin IUPT43 KBOU in FADD.
Deficiencies may flag Big Brother. Check BB for additional clues.
Then have Tech Control check with NWS/OPS12.
PRFLRB (Multi-Agency Profiler (MAP) and acoustic sounder (SODAR) winds):
Flow path: NOAA/ESRL/GSD -- ldm => CCS
First contact a Dataflow specialist for any DBNet problem. If none, then contact
ESRL/GSD where the primary POCs are Leon Benjamin
and Greg Pratt.
PRFLRP (Profiler winds decoded from PILOT (PIBAL) format):
Flow path: GTS data from a small number of sites, mainly in Europe and Asia => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
In the unlikely event these data are flagged for deficiency (count is often zero), check with TOC Tech Control
for any line problems.
RASS (RASS temperatures, NOAA and Multi-Agency):
Flow path for NOAA: GTS data from NOAA/NWS/OPS12 => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
Flow path for Multi-Agency: NOAA/ESRL/GSD-MADIS -- ldm => CCS
If NOAA Profiler Network is flagged for deficiency, check bulletin ^IUPT41 in FADD.
If Multi-Agency is flagged for deficiency, check file ^FSL\.CompressedNetCDF\.MADIS\.map\.(.*),
where the backslash (\) is the escape character to signify literal dots that follow, and
(.*) means zero or more additional characters.
Surface Marine Data Types
DBUOY (Buoy data decoded from WMO FM-18 format, moored or drifting):
Flow path: GTS data from CLS America (ARGOS) =>
While CLS America is the primary distributor of DBUOY data, some come also from Canada.
NWSTG transfers data to NDBC
for data processing and quality control before passing them to users.
If flagged for deficiency, check bulletins in FADD SSVX0[2-8] KARS and SSVX02 LFPW
(from France). Then check with TOC Tech Control.
MBUOY (Buoy data decoded from WMO FM-13 format, moored):
LCMAN (Land-based C-MAN stations decoded from C-MAN format):
Flow path: GTS data from many sites worldwide such as WAL => NWSTG -- TNC
=> CCS
NWSTG transfers data to NDBC
for data processing and quality control before passing them to users.
If flagged for deficiency, check bulletins in FADD SXUS2[0-3] KWNB, SXUS24 KWOH, SNVD1[57] KWNB,
SNVD2[02] KWNB and SIVC15, SIVD1[5-8], SIVD2[0-3][KWBC|KWNB], SIVD4[56], and also AWIPS pils
BOYCM[1-7]. Then check with TOC Tech Control.
SHIPS (Restricted manual and automatic ship reports):
Flow path: GTS data from many sites worldwide => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
Ship reports come to and are distributed from WAL (Wallops) through NOS CORMS.
If flagged for deficiency, check FADD to see if bulletins are being made; e.g.,
BMDA90 KWBC and SMVX90 KWBC. Then call TOC Tech Control who will check for any
line problem and contact WAL as needed.
SHIPSU (Unrestricted manual and automatic ship reports):
Flow path: GTS data from many sites worldwide => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
Ship reports come to and are distributed from WAL (Wallops) through NOS/CORMS. If flagged for deficiency, check FADD to see if
bulletins are being made; e.g., BMDA90 KWBC and SMVX90 KWBC.
Then call Tech Control to check for any line problem and to contact WAL as needed.
TIDEG (Tide gauge reports decoded from CREX format):
Flow path: GTS data from NOS/CORMS => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
If flagged for deficiency, check bulletins in FADD SOUS5[23] KWBC and
SOPA56 KWBC, and also AWIPS pil TIDATL. Then contact NOS CORMS if not updating properly.
Satellite Data Types
Reference this table for
useful information pertaining to NESDIS satellite data ingest in the CCS.
AIRSEV (AQUA-AIRS AIRS/AMSU-A/HSB 1B processed radiances-every FOV):
Flow path: Svalbard (Norway) downlink => NASA Goddard (Greenbelt) => NESDIS DDS server -- ftp => CCS
Svalbard is located north of the Norway mainland near 80 degrees N. A high-latitude site is necessary for reception.
If flagged for deficiency, first query ESPC Operations, and specify Aqua-AIRS. ESPC also manage Polar AIRS and
Model AIRS which are separate entities. If data shortage is limited to AIRS, then check
with NASA Goddard. Key contact person is Paul Haggerty (301-817-3876). One may browse the
NASA JPL AIRS web pages for detailed information.
Aqua-AIRS is an actual instrument (atmospheric infrared sounder) on board Aqua while Polar Airs and Model AIRS
refer to a system (automatic information retrieval system).
Aqua (and Terra) are part of the NASA Earth Observing System (EOS) that is considered a non_NOAA dataset.
EOS production is supposed to go operational at NSOF. However, the distribution system at NSOF is on hold
due to technical issues with the Quantum server. Resolution date is unknown.
ASCAT (METOP ASCAT scatterometer wind data):
Flow path: EUMETSAT-KNMI => NESDIS DDS server -- ftp => CCS
If flagged for deficiency, query ESPC Operations.
GOEST1 (GOES/NESDIS high-resolution 1x1 FOV soundings/radiances):
GOESTH (GOES/NESDIS high-resolution 1x1 FOV cloud data):
Flow path: NESDIS/OSDPB => NESDIS SATEPSDIST1E server -- ftp => CCS
These data come from the satepsdist1e server which is monitored by ESPC Operations.
If flagged for deficiency, query the ESPC Helpdesk.
GPSRO (CHAMP, COSMIC1-6, METOP/GRAS, GRACE-A, SAC-C, TerraSAR-X and C/NOFS/CORISS GPS radio occultation data):
[Bending angle from all satellites except CHAMP used by GBL analysis; refractivity from all satellites except CHAMP, SAC-C, TerraSAR-X and C/NOFS used by RGL analysis]
This dataset is actually comprised of a combination of unique and independent data subsets from different platforms.
The data are in BUFR format and filed into /dcom/us007003/ldmdata/obs/upperair/radio_occultation/ on the CCS by LDM.
The data are also sent to the /nwprod/exec/decod_dcrocc decoder. The output from the decoder is then written into the
/dcom/us007003/YYYYMMDD/b0003/xx010 tank by tranjb where YYYYMMDD is the conventionally coded current date.
Flow path for COSMIC, SAC-C, C/NOFS/CORISS: UCAR => NESDIS DDS server => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
Flow path for GRAS: Danish Met. Institute => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
Flow path for CHAMP, GRACE, TerraSAR-X: GFZ/Potsdam => Exeter => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
The now-defunct CHAMP (CHAndra Multiwavelength Project) subset is a German satellite which is used for
GPS-based atmospheric soundings of refractivity and bending angle based on radio occultation.
CHAMP data flow through the NWSTG to NCEP. CHAMP WMO IDs: IUT[A-L]14 EDZW, GRACE-A GFZ (via GTS node DWD, Offenbach)
See the CHAMP GFZ/Potsdam web site for more information.
The GRACE (Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment) subset is also a German satellite dataset which is used for GPS-based
atmospheric soundings of refractivity and bending angle based on radio occultation.
The COSMIC (Constellation of Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate) subset is
a series of US/JPL satellites used for GPS-based atmospheric soundings of refractivity and bending angle
based on radio occultation and comes from UCAR which provides
COSMIC data status reports.
COSMIC data flows through the NWSTG to NCEP. COSMIC WMO IDs: IUT[A-L]14 KWBC, COSMIC UCAR (via GTS node NESDIS, Washington)
See the COSMIC web site for more information.
The GRAS (Global Navigation Satellite System Receiver for Atmospheric Sounding) subset is a new European GNSS (Global Navigation
Satellite System) receiver that operates as an atmospheric sounder on board MetOP-A satellite.
GRAS uses radio occultation to measure vertical profiles of atmospheric temperature, humidity, refractivity, and bending angle
by tracking signals received from a constellation of GPS navigation satellites while they are setting or rising behind
earth's atmosphere. GRAS data are received via the GTS from NWSTG.
For more information, see: European Space Agency (ESA) MetOP,
and GRAS Satellite Application Facility Instrument, and
Current Product Status web sites.
The TerraSAR-X (TSX) subset is a German satellite dataset which is used for GPS-based atmospheric soundings of refractivity and
bending angle based on radio occultation. TSX WMO IDs: IUT[A-L]14 EDZW.
The SAC-C (Satellite de Aplicaciones Cientifico-B) subset is a joint NASA/Argentinian satellite dataset which is used for GPS-based
atmospheric soundings of refractivity and bending angle based on radio occultation. SAC-C WMO IDs:
The C/NOFS (Communications/Navigation Outage Forecasting System)/CORISS (C/NOFS Occultation Receiver for Ionospheric Sensing and
Specification) satellite subset is a U.S. Air Force equatorial satellite dataset which is used for GPS-based atmospheric soundings of
refractivity and bending angle based on radio occultation.
H2IUS (GOES/NESDIS water vapor imager derived cloud motion):
INFUS (GOES/NESDIS infrared imager derived cloud motion):
VISUS (GOES/NESDIS visible imager derived cloud motion):
Flow path: NESDIS/OSDPB => NESDIS SATEPSDIST1E server -- ftp => CCS
If flagged for deficiency, check with NESDIS/SAB on any satellite issues.
Or check with the ESPC Helpdesk for production and dissemination status. Also browse the
Satellite Services Division
for the latest of these high-density satellite derived winds, and browse the
Product Implementation Branch
wind statistics for the number of vectors produced compared to the 30-day running mean.
Also, consider that any current/recent RSO, maneuver, or keep-out-zone/eclipse events will likely result in
reduced GOES/NESDIS derived cloud motion counts.
H2OMO (MODIS (AQUA/TERRA) water vapor imager derived cloud motion):
INFMO (MODIS (AQUA/TERRA) infrared derived cloud motion):
Flow path: NASA Goddard LANCE-MODIS machine ( =>
NESDIS SATEPSDIST1E server -- ftp => CCS
If flagged for deficiency, check with the ESPC Helpdesk for production and dissemination status.
Or check NESDIS SAB for any satellite issues. Also browse the
MODIS Direct Broadcast at SSEC to check if the satellite is actually producing data.
Also, one may reference NASA's MODIS web pages
for general and detailed information about the MODIS program.
INFEU (METEOSAT/EUMETSAT infrared derived cloud motion):
VISEU (METEOSAT/EUMETSAT visible derived cloud motion):
Flow path: GTS data from EUMETSAT => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
These are received from NWSTG/TOC within bulletins matching any of the following headers:
I[UX]C[NS][01][1-9] EUMS or I[UW]V[ADEHIL][01[1-9] EUMG (example: IXCN05 EUMS)
then are processed by our decod_dcelrw decoder and stored in our database tanks:
/dcom/us007003/YYYYMMDD/b005/xx(064,065,066) where YYYYMMDD is the conventionally coded current date.
If flagged for deficiency, check the appropriate bulletin (FADD) or tank (CCS)
then call TOC Tech Control. Tech Control will probably check with Exeter if no problem at TOC.
For Meteosat (MSG) issues, check with the NESDIS/SAB shift supervisor.
VISJA (GMS-MTSAT/JMA visible derived cloud motion):
INFJA (GMS-MTSAT/JMA infrared derived cloud motion):
Flow path: GTS data from MTSAT/JMA => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
These are received from NWSTG/TOC within bulletins matching any of the following headers:
IUC[NS](4[1-6]|[57][1-9]|[69][0-5]|8[0-9]) RJTD (example: IUCS59 RJTD)(* See endnote for specific header info.)
then are processed by our decod_dcelrw decoder and stored in our database tanks:
/dcom/us007003/YYYYMMDD/b005/xx(044,045,046) where YYYYMMDD is the conventionally coded current date.
If flagged for deficiency, check the appropriate bulletin (FADD) or tank (CCS) then call TOC Tech Control.
Tech Control will probably check with Tokyo if no problem at TOC.
* IUCS bulletin header information by Atmospheric Motion Vector (AMV) type:
IUCS(41-46) for VIS AMVs
IUCS(51-65) for IR AMVs
IUCS(71-95) for WV AMVs
These datasets are generated at JMA/MSC.
The ends of files, IUCS46, 65, and 95 could vary lower depending on the number of AMVs.
MTIASI (METOP IASI 1C radiance data, variable channels):
Flow path: NASA Goddard LANCE-MODIS machine ( => NESDIS DDS server -- ftp => CCS
If flagged for deficiency, query ESPC Operations and specify METOP-IASI.
TRMM (NASA/tropical rainfall measuring mission):
Flow path: NASA Goddard (Greenbelt) -- ftp => CCS
Yes, CCS receives TRMM data directly from NASA with no NESDIS intervention.
If flagged for deficiency, check with NASA Goddard at Greenbelt.
WDSAT (WindSAT scatterometer wind data):
Flow path: FNMOC => shared processing (SPP) => NESDIS DDS server -- ftp => CCS
If flagged for deficiency for at least two model cycles, query ESPC Operations.
1BAMUA (POES/NESDIS and METOP AMSU-A 1b radiances):
1BAMUB (POES/NESDIS AMSU-B 1b radiances):
1BHRS3 (POES/NESDIS HIRS-3 1b radiances):
1BHRS4 (POES/NESDIS and METOP HIRS-4 1b processed radiances):
1BMHS (POES/NESDIS and METOP MHS 1b processed radiances):
OSBUV8 (POES/NESDIS Solar Backscatter UV-2 radiances, version 8):
Flow path: NESDIS/OSDPB => NESDIS DDS server -- ftp => CCS
Most deficiencies with these data are short-lived and the result of timing issues;
however, if any deficiency persists for more than one model cycle, then check with
ESPC about the NESDIS DDS server.
Mesonet/MADIS Data Types
MSO470 (Colorado E-470 (Interstate 470)):
MSOALK (Alaska Department of Transportation):
MSOAPG (U.S. Army Aberdeen Proving Grounds):
MSOAPR (Citizen Weather Observers Program):
MSOAWS (AWS Convergence Technologies, Inc.):
MSOAWX ("Anything Weather"):
MSOCOL (Colorado Department of Transportation):
MSODEN (Denver Urban Drainage and Flood Control):
MSOFLA (Florida (FAWN and USF)):
MSOFLT (Florida Department of Transportation):
MSOGEO (Georgia Department of Transportation):
MSOHAD (NWS Hydrometeorological Automated Data System (HADS)):
MSOIEN (Iowa Environmental):
MSOIND (Indiana Department of Transportation):
MSOIOW (Iowa Department of Transportation):
MSOKAN (Kansas Department of Transportation):
MSOKLA (Oklahoma Mesonet):
MSOLJU (Louisiana State and Jackson State Univ.):
MSOMCA (Missouri Commercial Agriculture Wx Net):
MSOMIN (Minnesota Department of Transportation):
MSONOS (NOS-Physical Oceanographic Real-Time System):
MSORAW (NFIC Remote Automated Weather Stations (RAWS)):
MSOTHR (all other mesonet providers, not separated out):
MSOVIR (Virginia Department of Transportation):
MSOWFY ("Weather for You"):
MSOWIS (Wisconsin Department of Transportation):
MSOWST (MesoWest):
MSOWTX (West Texas):
Flow path: NOAA/ESRL/GSD -- ldm => CCS
First contact a Dataflow specialist for any DBNet problem. If none, then contact
ESRL/GSD where the primary POCs are Leon Benjamin
and Greg Pratt.
The following are listed on model data dump reports and are either partially used or
not used in model analyses.
Check the tables below for details on what is or is not ingested:
Types that do not go through PREPBUFR
AMSRE (AQUA-AMSR-E processed radiances): [future type]
Flow path: NASA Goddard LANCE-MODIS machine ( => NESDIS DDS server -- ftp => CCS
If flagged for deficiency, query ESPC Operations, and specify Aqua-AMSR-E.
AMSRE data have been unavailable since 10/04/2011 due to instrument failure. In all likelihood the instrument is dead,
but this has not been made official.
ATMS (NPP Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder [ATMS] radiances): [used by GBL analysis]
Flow path: NOAA/NPOESS Data Exploitation (NDE) server -- ftp => CCS
If flagged for deficiency, query ESPC Operations, and specify NPP-ATMS.
ATOVS (POES/NESDIS - processed ATOVS soundings/radiances): [used by CDAS analysis]
Flow path: NESDIS/OSDPB => NESDIS DDS server -- ftp => CCS
Most deficiencies with these data are short-lived and the result of timing issues. However, if any
deficiency persists for more than one model cycle, check with ESPC about the NESDIS DDS server.
Also check bulletin headers (^IN[ABHM]X.. EUMS)|(^IN[ABHM][SX].. AMMC)|(^IN[AHM]X.. BAWX)|(^IN[ABHM]S.. NZGP)|(^IN[ABHM][CS].. RJTD)|(^IN[AHM]X.. RKSL) in FADD.
AVCSAM (morning satellite, currently NOAA17 or METOP2, AVHRR GAC NCEP-processed clear & sea radiances): [future type]
Flow path: NESDIS/OSDPB => NESDIS DDS server -- ftp => CCS
If flagged for deficiency, query ESPC Operations.
AVCSPM (afternoon satellite, currently NOAA18 or NOAA19, AVHRR GAC NCEP-processed clear & sea radiances): [future type]
Flow path: NESDIS/OSDPB => NESDIS DDS server -- ftp => CCS
If flagged for deficiency, query ESPC Operations.
BATHY (Bathythermal data): [dumped in GFS and GDAS; used indirectly in oceanographic models]
Flow path: GTS data => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
If deficient, check bulletins (^SO[FVW])|(^SOXX)|(^SXV.50) in FADD,
but recommend checking first SOVX01 KWBC.
POCs on how these are used are Vera Gerald and Diane Stokes.
CSTGD (Coast Guard data):
Flow path: GTS data from many U.S. sites => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
Check bulletins in FADD SXUS8(0-9) Kxxx and SXUS40 Knnn, and also AWIPS pils CGR000. Then check with TOC Tech Control.
These are dumped in all networks but are not currently assimilated.
ESAMUA (POES NOAA-series AMSU-A processed radiances from RARS): [used by GBL analysis]
ESAMUB (POES NOAA-series AMSU-B processed radiances from RARS): [used by GBL analysis]
ESHRS3 (POES NOAA-series HIRS-3/-4 processed radiances from RARS): [used by GBL analysis]
ESMHS (POES NOAA-series MHS processed radiances from RARS): [future type]
Flow path: GTS data from EUMETSAT => NESDIS DDS server -- ftp => CCS
If deficient, check bulletins:
in FADD where the two dots (..) stand for two additional characters which could vary.
GEOIMR (GOES/NESDIS [11x17 FOV] imager clear radiances): [future type]
Flow path: NESDIS OSDPB => NESDIS SATEPSDIST1E server -- ftp => CCS
If flagged for deficiency, query ESPC Operations.
GOME (POES/METOP Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment-2): [future type]
Flow path: EUMETSAT NESDIS OSDPB => NESDIS DDS server -- ftp => CCS
Most deficiencies with these data are short-lived and the result of timing issues. However, if any deficiency
persists for more than one model cycle, check with ESPC Operations about the NESDIS DDS server.
H2OEU (METEOSAT/EUMETSAT water vapor imager derived cloud motion)
(See INFEU): [future type]
H2OJA (GMS-MTSAT/JMA water vapor imager derived cloud motion)
(See INFJA): [used by GBL analysis]
INFIN (INSAT-KALPANA/India infrared derived cloud motion): [poor quality]
Flow path: GTS data from INSAT => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
If flagged for deficiency, check bulletins ^TW.... D in FADD where .... stands for four variable characters.
LGYCLD (NASA Langley pixel-level GOES cloud data): [used by RapidRefresh analysis]
Flow path: NASA Langley Research Center's (primary) or (backup) server -- ftp => CCS
These data flow directly from NASA to the CCS; NESDIS is not involved. Filenames match the pattern
^G1[13]V3.0.RR*.. Contact PMB Dataflow for any persistent deficiency.
LTNGLR (LLDN long-range lightning data from Vaisala via NOAAPORT): [used by RapidRefresh analysis]
LTNGSR (NLDN short-range lightning data from Vaisala via NOAAPORT): [used by RapidRefresh analysis]
Flow path: GTS data => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
If flagged for deficiency, check bulletins ^SF(US|PA)41 KWBC in FADD.
LTNGLR data have been unavailable since 9/08/2011. These experimental data will eventually be replaced
with a higher-quality operational product.
MLS (Aura Microwave Limb Sounder [MLS] ozone data): [future type]
Flow path: NASA Goddard LANCE-MLS machine ( -- ftp => CCS
Most deficiencies with these data are short-lived and the result of timing issues. However, if any deficiency persists for more than one
model cycle, check with NASA GSFC Distributed Active Archive Center (POC: James Johnson,
telephone 301-614-5121).
OMI (Aura Ozone Monitoring Instrument [OMI] data): [used by GBL analysis]
Flow path: NASA Goddard LANCE-MODIS machine ( => NESDIS/OSDPB => NESDIS EOSP1 server -- ftp => CCS
Most deficiencies with these data are short-lived and the result of timing issues. However, if any deficiency
persists for more than one model cycle, check with ESPC Operations.
PRFLRJ (Japanese Meteo Agency profiler winds): [future type]
Flow path: GTS data from JMA => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
If flagged for deficiency, check bulletins ^IUPC0[1-3] RJTD in FADD.
SEVCSR (METEOSAT Second Generation SEVIRI processed clear sky radiances): [used by GBL analysis]
Flow path: GTS data from EUMETSAT => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
For any persistent deficiency, check bulletins ^IUR[ADEHIL].. EUMG in FADD.
SSMISU (DMSP/SSM/IS 1C radiance data from Unified Pre-Processor): [future type]
Flow path: FNMOC => shared processing (SPP) => NESDIS DDS server -- ftp => CCS
If flagged for deficiency, check with ESPC Operations for any network problem. Then query FNMOC about any problems at their end.
TESAC (TESAC data): [dumped in GFS and GDAS; used indirectly in oceanographic models]
Flow path: GTS data => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
If deficient, check bulletins (^SO[FVW])|(^SOXX)|(^SXV.50) in FADD,
but recommend checking first SOVD83 KWNB. These include reports mostly from buoys and C-MAN
stations, but also some from Argo (floating) profilers. For any suspected shortage specifically of Argo Profiler data, the bulletins
to check in order would be SOVX10 KARS, SOVX02 EGRR, SOFX01 RJTD.
POCs on how these are used are Vera Gerald and Diane Stokes.
TRKOB (TRACKOB data): [dumped in GFS and GDAS; used indirectly in oceanographic models]
Flow path: GTS data => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
If deficient, check bulletins (^SO[FVW])|(^SOXX)|(^SXV.50) in FADD.
The following should not be listed on any model data dump reports as they are not dumped into any
production model network. However, they are dumped into non-production jobs and are used indirectly in oceanographic models.
Vera Gerald and Diane Stokes should be able to provide details on how exactly they are used.
AMSREM (AQUA AMSR-E ocean surface swath products from NCDC/MISST):
Flow path: MISST's server -- ftp => CCS
These data flow directly from MISST to the CCS; NESDIS is not involved.
Filenames match the pattern *-AMSRE-REMSS-L2P-amsr_l2b_rt_v05_r*.dat-po*
Contact PMB Dataflow for any persistent deficiency.
AMSREM data have been unavailable since 10/04/2011 due to instrument failure. In all likelihood the instrument is dead,
but this has not been made official.
CAJSWW (CNES/AVISO JASON-1 IGDR altimeter wind/wave):
Flow path: GTS data => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
If deficient, check bulletins ^ISZ[A-DI-L]01 LFPW in FADD.
CNJSAL (CNES/NESDIS JASON-2 OGDR altimeter SSHA wind/wave high-resolution global):
Flow path: NESDIS DDS server -- ftp => CCS
ENVSAL (NAVOCEANO ALPS ENVISAT altimeter SSHA high-resolution global):
ENVSWW (NAVOCEANO ENVISAT altimeter wind/wave fast delivery):
NJS2WW (NAVOCEANO JASON-2 altimeter wind/wave fast delivery):
NJSN2I (NAVOCEANO ALPS JASON-2 IGDR altimeter SSHA high-resolution global):
NJSN2O (NAVOCEANO ALPS JASON-2 OGDR altimeter SSHA high-resolution global):
NJSNAL (NAVOCEANO ALPS JASON-1 altimeter SSHA high-resolution global):
NJSNWW (NAVOCEANO JASON-1 altimeter wind/wave fast delivery):
Flow path: Navy via DMZNAS => CCS
RIVER (USGS river/stream data):
Flow path: USGS Water Resources website => CCS
SSTNS (POES/NESDIS sea surface temps and AVHRR brightness temps/albedo):
Flow path: NESDIS/OSDPB => NESDIS DDS server -- ftp => CCS
NESDIS processes their SST intervals into MCSST temporary file binary format, combines all retrievals from all satellites for six hours, and then stages the data for NCEP on their DDS server.
If deficient, query ESPC Operations.
SSTNSG (GOES/NESDIS sea surface temperatures):
Flow path: NESDIS/OSDPB => NESDIS SATEPSDIST1E server -- ftp => CCS
If deficient, query ESPC Operations.
SSTNSP (POES/NESDIS physical sea surface temperature retrievals):
Generated by NCEP codes, reading SSTNS.
If deficient, contact Bert Katz.
SSTNVP (POES/NAVOCEANO physical retrieval sea surface temp retrievals):
Generated by NCEP codes, reading SSTNVH.
If deficient, contact Bert Katz.
SSTNVH (POES/NAVOCEANO hi-res sea surface temps and AVHRR brightness temps/albedo):
Flow path: NAVOCEANO => NESDIS DDS server -- ftp => CCS
NAVOCEANO processes their SST retrievals on Initial Data Storage Files (IDSF's) in Data Exchange Format (DEF).
These are then passed to NESDIS who converts the retrievals to MCSST temporary file binary format, combines all retrievals from all satellites for six hours, and then stages the data for NCEP on their DDS server.
If deficient, query ESPC Operations.
The following should not be listed on any model data dump reports as they are not dumped into any
production model network. None are presently used in any model analyses.
1BHRS2 (POES/NESDIS HIRS-2 1b radiances): [discontinued 9/25/2006]
1BMSU (POES/NESDIS MSU 1b radiances): [discontinued 9/25/2006]
3P9US (GOES/NESDIS 3.9 micron channel derived cloud motion): [future type]
AIRS (AQUA-AIRS AIRS/AMSU-A/HSB 1B processed radiances-center FOV): [discontinued 8/13/2007]
AIRSWM (AQUA-AIRS AIRS/AMSU-A/HSB 1B processed radiances-warmest FOV): [discontinued 8/13/2007]
AMSREP (AQUA-AMSR-E ocean surface products /Level 2/): [future type]
AMSREP data have been unavailable since 10/04/2011 due to instrument failure. In all likelihood the instrument is dead,
but this has not been made official.
AMUATA (POES NOAA AMSU-A NESDIS antenna temperatures):
Flow path: NESDIS/OSDPB => NESDIS DDS server -- ftp => CCS
Most deficiencies with these are short-lived and the result of timing issues; however, if any deficiency
persists for more than one model cycle, then query ESPC Operations about the NESDIS DDS server.
ANOWB1 (AIRNOW ozone data - delayed 1-hour backward average): [used for verification]
ANOWB8 (AIRNOW ozone data - delayed 8-hour backward average): [used for verification]
Flow path: GTS data => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
If ANOWB1 deficient, check bulletin ^IUXN10 KWBC in FADD.
If ANOWB8 deficient, check bulletin ^IUXN70 KWBC in FADD.
ANOWFA (AIRNOW ozone data - delayed 1- and 8-hour forward average): [discontinued 4/2005]
ANOWPM (AIRNOW particulate data - delayed 1-hour backward average, daily ingest): [used for verification]
ANOWP1 (AIRNOW particulate data - delayed 1-hour backward average, hourly ingest): [used for verification]
Flow path: GTS data => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
If deficient, check bulletin ^IUXV02 KWBC in FADD.
ANOWRT (AIRNOW ozone data - real time 1-hour backward average): [used for verification]
Flow path: GTS data => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
If deficient, check bulletin ^IUXV01 KWBC in FADD.
AODMOD (MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) data): [used for verification]
Flow path: NASA Goddard LANCE-MODIS machine ( => NESDIS R10 Gateway data server
(IP -- ftp => CCS
If deficient, query ESPC Operations and specify Aqua-AMSR-E.
AXBT (Airborne eXpendable BathyThermograph [AXBT] data): [future type]
AVCLAM (morning satellite, currently NOAA17 or METOP2, AVHRR GAC NCEP-processed cloud or land radiances):
AVCLPM (afternoon satellite, currently NOAA18 or NOAA19, AVHRR GAC NCEP-processed cloud or land radiances):
Flow path: NESDIS/OSDPB => NESDIS DDS server -- ftp => CCS
If deficient, query ESPC Operations.
BDYHL2 (NEXRAD calculated boundary layer height from Level 2 decoder):
Flow path: GTS data from U.S. NEXRAD sites => NWSTG -- ldm => CCS
If deficient, check CCS file paths
L2BZ|P2/([A-Z][A-Z][A-Z][A-Z])/([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-1][0-9][0-3][0-9])([0-2][0-9][0-5][0-9][0-5][0-9]) or
L2BZ|P2/KNEX/(YYYYMMDD)(HHMMSS) where KNEX is the 4-letter NEXRAD ID and (YYYYMMDD)(HHMMSS) is the conventionally coded
(date)(time) in year, month, day, hour, minute, second.
BUOYSH (Buoys (moored or drifting) decoded from SHEF format):
CMANSH (CMAN stations decoded from SHEF format):
COOPAL (Coop All NWS COOPerative Obs decoded from SHEF):
Flow path: GTS data => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
If deficient, check bulletins (^ASUS)|(^SR(HW|PU|AK5|US27|US32))|(^S[RX]US[57]) in FADD.
COOPMD (Coop/MADIS New England Pilot Project (NEPP) & Historical Climatology Network-Modernization (HCN-M) NOAA COOPerative Observers):
Flow path: NOAA/ESRL/GSD-MADIS -- ldm => CCS
If deficient, first contact a Dataflow specialist for any DBNet problem. If none, then contact
ESRL/GSD where the primary POCs are Leon Benjamin
and Greg Pratt.
CRIS (NPP Cross-track infrared Sounder (CrIS) radiances): [future type]
ENVAVI (AVISO SSALTO/DUACS ENVISAT NRT altimeter SLA high-resolution global): [future type]
Flow path: AVISO's server -- ftp => CCS
These data flow directly from AVISO to the CCS; NESDIS is not involved.
Filenames match the pattern nrt_global_enn_sla_vfec*
Contact PMB Dataflow for any persistent deficiency.
ERSAL (ERS/radar altimeter data): [discontinued 7/2011]
ERSHAL (NLSA ERS-2 altimeter SSHA high-resolution regional): [discontinued 12/2003]
ERSAR (ERS/SAR): [discontinued 7/2011]
ERSWN (ERS/scatterometer winds): [discontinued 7/2011]
FAMDAR (Automated French ASDAR/ACARS data from BUFR):
Flow path: GTS data from France => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
These data are received from France and are the French counterparts of the ACARS data
described above. If flagged for deficiency, check bulletin headers IUAX41 LFPW in FADD.
GEOST (GOES/NESDIS 5x5 FOV soundings/radiances): [discontinued 12/09/2008]
GFOFWW (NAVOCEANO GEOSAT Follow-On altimeter wind/wave fast delivery): [discontinued 9/2008]
GFOHAL (NLSA GEOSAT Follow-On altimeter SSHA high-resolution regional): [discontinued 12/2003]
H2OIN (INSAT-KALPANA/India water vapor derived cloud motion)(see INFIN): [future type]
H2IJAN (GMS/NESDIS water vapor imager derived cloud motion): [discontinued 1/2003]
H2SUS (GOES/NESDIS water vapor sounder derived cloud motion)(see H2IUS):
HYDDEN (Hydro/MADIS Denver Urban Drainage & Flood Control):
HYDOTH (Hydro/MADIS many providers, not separated out):
Flow path: NOAA/ESRL/GSD-MADIS -- ldm => CCS
If deficient, first contact a Dataflow specialist for any DBNet problem. If none, then contact
ESRL/GSD where the primary POCs are Leon Benjamin
and Greg Pratt.
INFAV (AVHRR (NOAA/METOP series) infrared derived cloud motion):
Flow path: NESDIS/OSDPB => NESDIS SATEPSDIST1E server -- ftp => CCS
These data come from the satepsdist1e server which is monitored by ESPC Operations.
If flagged for deficiency, query the ESPC Helpdesk.
INFJAN (GMS/NESDIS infrared derived cloud motion): [discontinued 1/2003]
KAMDAR (Automated Korean ASDAR/ACARS data from BUFR):
Check bulletin headers ^IUA[A-LX]01 RKSL in FADD.
MSOCOB (NWS COoperative Observer Program): [Discontinued 10/2004]
NERSAL (NAVOCEANO ALPS ERS-2 altimeter SSHA high-resolution global): [discontinued 8/2003]
NGFNAL (NAVOCEANO GEOSAT Follow-On Navy-IGDR IGDR altimeter wind/wave): [discontinued 2/2005]
NGFOAL (NAVOCEANO ALPS GEOSTAT Follow-On altimeter SSHA high-resolution global): [discontinued 9/2008]
NTPXAL (NAVOCEANO ALPS TOPEX altimeter SSHA high-resolution global): [discontinued 8/2002]
NXRDW2 (NEXRAD Vertical Azimuth Display (VAD) winds from Level 2 decoder): [future type]
Flow path: GTS data from U.S. NEXRAD sites => NWSTG -- ldm => CCS
If deficient, check CCS file paths
L2BZ|P2/([A-Z][A-Z][A-Z][A-Z])/([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-1][0-9][0-3][0-9])([0-2][0-9][0-5][0-9][0-5][0-9]) or
L2BZ|P2/KNEX/(YYYYMMDD)(HHMMSS) where KNEX is the 4-letter NEXRAD ID and (YYYYMMDD)(HHMMSS) is the conventionally coded
(date)(time) in year, month, day, hour, minute, second.
OSBUV (POES/NESDIS solar backscatter UV radiances, version 6): [discontinued 2/04/2008]
OZONHI (Ozone soundings, high-resolution, decoded from ASCII format): [future type]
OZONLO (Ozone soundings, low-resolution, decoded from BUFR): [future type]
PRFLRE (European profiler winds):
Flow path: GTS data from Europe => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
If deficient, check bulletins (^IUPD(1[0-3]|2[12])EDZW)|(^IUP[AD]4[1-46] EGRR)|(^IUPD2[02] EHDB)|(^IUPD41 LSSW)|(^IU(FR[45][34]|PN(40|51)) LFPW)
in FADD.
PRFLRH (Hong Kong profiler winds):
Flow path: GTS data from Hong Kong => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
If deficient, check bulletin ^IUPC01 VHHH in FADD.
PRFLRM (Profiler spectral moments, NOAA Profiler Network and Multi-Agency):
PRFLRS (Surface profiler Data, NOAA Profiler Network and Multi-Agency):
Flow path for NOAA Profiler Network: GTS data from NOAA/NWS/OPS12 => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
Flow path for Multi-Agency: NOAA/ESRL/GSD-MADIS -- ldm => CCS
If Profiler Network data deficient, check bulletins ^IUPT42 (PRFLRM) and ^ISAT40 (PRFLRS) in FADD.
PTRUS (GOES/NESDIS picture triplet derived cloud motion): [discontinued 9/2004]
QSCAT (QuikSCAT scatterometer wind data): [discontinued 10/2010]
RTOVS (POES/NESDIS - processed RTOVS soundings/radiances): [discontinued 7/2001]
SCD (Aviation - supplementary climatological data):
Flow path: GTS data => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
If deficient, check bulletins ^CXUS[36] in FADD.
SEVASR (METEOSAT Second Generation SEVIRI processed all sky radiances): [future type]
Flow path: GTS data from EUMETSAT => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
For any persistent deficiency, check bulletins ^IUR[ADEHIL].. EUMG in FADD.
SHEFCM (Products decoded from SHEF not in any other tank):
SHEFF (AFOS products (precip) decoded from SHEF format):
Flow path: GTS data => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
If deficient, check bulletins (^ASUS6)|(^SR(HW|PU|AK5|US32))|(^S[RX]US[57]) in FADD.
SLPBG (Sea level pressure bogus, aka PAOB): [discontinued 8/2010]
SNOW (Snow/MADIS many providers, not separated out):
Flow path: NOAA/ESRL/GSD-MADIS -- ldm => CCS
If deficient, first contact a Dataflow specialist for any DBNet problem. If none, then contact
ESRL/GSD where the primary POCs are Leon Benjamin
and Greg Pratt.
SSMIP (DMSP/SSM/I - FNMOC derived products): [poor quality, no longer dumped after 10/2010]
SSMIPN (DMSP/SSM/I - NCEP Neural Net-3 derived products): [poor quality, no longer dumped after 10/2010]
SSMIT (DMSP/SSM/I - brightness temperatures): [poor quality, no longer dumped after 10/2010]
Flow path: FNMOC => shared processing (SPP) => NESDIS DDS server -- ftp
=> CCS (ssmipn passed through NeuralNet-3 Algorithm to generate products from ssmit)
If flagged for deficiency, check with ESPC for any network problem. Then check if TOC
is receiving these data. Then query FNMOC about any problems at their end.
The DMSP F-13 satellite recorder failed on 11/19/2009 leaving only the F-15 satellite.
F-15 data are not used by NCEP because of poor quality.
SSMISP (DMSP/SSM/IS FNMOC derived products): [future type]
SSTNV (POES/NAVOCEANO low-resolution sea surface temperatures): [discontinued 9/2001]
TIDGCM (Tide gauge reports decoded from C-MAN format):
Flow path: GTS data from many sites worldwide such as WAL => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
These data arrive at the decoders commingled with LCMAN data. See LCMAN for troubleshooting guidance.
These data are not currently dumped.
TIDGSH (Tide gauge reports decoded from SHEF format):
Flow path: GTS data => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
If deficient, check bulletins (^ASUS6)|(^SR(HW|PU|AK5|US27|US32))|(^S[RX]US[57]) in FADD.
TLDPLR (P-3 aircraft Tail Doppler Radar [TDR] radial winds): [future type]
Flow path: GTS data => NWSTG -- TNC => CCS
For any persistent deficiency, check bulletin ^URNT16 KWBC in FADD.
TOPHAL (NLSA TOPEX altimeter SSHA high-resolution regional): [discontinued 12/2003]
TOPLAL (NLSA TOPEX altimeter SSHA low-resolution global): [discontinued 12/2003]
TOVS (POES/NESDIS - processed TOVS soundings/radiances): [discontinued 10/1998]
TRPSTM (Tropical storms):
VISIN (INSAT-KALPANA/India visible derived cloud motion)(see INFIN): [future type]
VISUW (GOES/UW-CIMSS visible derived cloud motion): [discontinued 9/2000]
WDSATS (WindSAT scatterometer winds from NESDIS): [future type]
Flow path: FNMOC => shared processing (SPP) => NESDIS DDS server -- ftp => CCS
If deficient for at least two model cycles, query ESPC Operations.
Page last modified: Thursday, 07-Nov-2024 05:32:20 UTC