Individual Ensemble Forecast, control and perturbed, at a
horizontal level or in a horizontal layer, in a continuous or
non-continuous interval for simulated (synthetic) satellite data

Revised 09/29/2017
Red text depicts changes made since 07/27/2016

Octet No. Contents
Parameter category (see Code Table 4.1)
Parameter number (see Code Table 4.2)
Type of generating process (see Code Table 4.3)
Background generating process identifier (defined by originating centres)
Analysis or forecast generating process identified
Hours of observational data cut-off after reference time (see Note 2)
Minutes of observational data cut-off after reference time (see Note 2)
Indicator of unit of time range (see Code Table 4.4)
Forecast time in units defined by octet 18
Number of contributing spectral bands (NB)
24 - Repeat the following 11 octets for each contributing band (nb = 1,NB), if NB >0
(24+11(nb-1))—(25+11(nb-1)) Satellite series of band nb (BUFR Code Table 0 02 020)
(26+11(nb-1))—(27+11(nb-1)) Satellite number of band nb (BUFR Code Table 0 01 007)
(28+11(nb-1))—(29+11(nb-1)) Instrument types of band nb (see Note 5 below)
(30 +11(nb-1)) Scale factor of central wave number of band nb
(31+11(nb-1))—(34+11(nb-1)) Scaled value of central wave number of band nb (units: m-1)
(24+11NB) Type of ensemble forecast (see Code Table 4.6)
(25+11NB) Perturbation number
(26+11NB) Number of forecast in ensemble
(27+11NB)—(28+11NB) Year of end of overall time interval
(29+11NB) Month of end of overall time interval
(30+11NB) Day of end of overall time interval
(31+11NB) Hour of end of overall time interval
(32+11NB) Minute of end of overall time interval
(33+11NB) Second of end of overall time interval
(34+11NB) n - number of time range specifications describing
the time interval used to calculate the statistically processed field
(35+11NB)—(38+11NB) Total number of data values missing in statistical process

(39+11NB) - Repeat the following 12 octets for each time range specification (i=1,n)
Octet No. Contents
(39+11NB+12(i-1)) Statistical process used to calculate the processed field
from the field at each time increment during the time range (see Code Table 4.10)
(40+11NB+12(i-1)) Type of time increment between succssive fields used in the statistical
processing (see Code Table 4.11)
(41+11NB+12(i-1)) Indicator unit of time for time range over which statisticall processing is done (see Code Table 4.4)
(42+11NB+12(i-1))—(45+11NB+12(i-1)) Length of the time range over which statisticall processing
is done, in unit defined by the previous octet
(46+11NB+12(i-1)) Indicator unit of time for the increment between the successive fields
used (see Code Table 4.4)
(47+11NB+12(i-1))—(50+11NB+12(i-1)) Time increment between successive field,
in units defined by the previous octet (see Notes 3 and 4)

Note :
1.   Hours greater than 65534 will be coded as 65534
2.   The reference time in section 1 and the forecast time together define the beginning of the overall time interval.
3.   An increment of zero means that the statistical proceeing is the result of a continuous (or near continuous) process, not the processing of a number of discrete samples. Example of such continuous processes are the temperatures measured by analogue maximum and minimum thermometers or thermographs and the rainfall measured by a rain gauge.
4.   The reference and forecast times are successively set to their initial values plus or minus the increment, as defined by the type of time increment (one of octets 51, 62, 73, ...). For all but the innermost (last) time range, the next inner range is then processed using these reference and forecast times as the inital reference and forecast time.
5.   Instrument types code, a 16-bit value, stores the BUFR table 0 02 019 value,
a 10-bit value, in the lowest ten bits. The upper three bits (bits 1-3) contain the
polarization information, if known. The intervening three bits (4-6) are unused and
set to 0. Bits 1-3 will have one of the following values:
 8192*0 = 000 = unknown or missing
 8192*1 = 001 = unpolarized
 8192*2 = 010 = horizontal linear polarization
 8192*3 = 011 = vertical linear polarization
 8192*4 = 100 = right circular polarization
 8192*5 = 101 = left circular polarization
