Number (In Section 4, octet 11) |
Parameter | Units |
Abbrev |
0 |
Estimated Precipitation |
kg m-2 |
1 |
Instantaneous Rain Rate |
kg m-2 s-1 |
2 |
Cloud Top Height |
m |
3 |
Cloud Top Height Quality Indicator |
Code table 4.219 | CTOPHQI |
4 |
Estimated u-Component of Wind |
m s-1 |
5 |
Estimated v-Component of Wind |
m s-1 |
6 |
Number Of Pixels Used | Numeric | NPIXU |
7 |
Solar Zenith Angle | ° | SOLZA |
8 |
Relative Azimuth Angle | ° | RAZA |
9 |
Reflectance in 0.6 Micron Channel | % | RFL06 |
10 |
Reflectance in 0.8 Micron Channel | % | RFL08 |
11 |
Reflectance in 1.6 Micron Channel | % | RFL16 |
12 |
Reflectance in 3.9 Micron Channel | % | RFL39 |
13 |
Atmospheric Divergence | s-1 | ATMDIV |
14 |
Cloudy Brightness Temperature | K | CBTMP |
15 |
Clear Sky Brightness Temperature | K | CSBTMP |
16 |
Cloudy Radiance (with respect to wave number) | W m-1 sr-1 | CLDRAD |
17 |
Clear Sky Radiance (with respect to wave number) | W m-1 sr-1 | CSKYRAD |
18 | Reserved | ||
19 |
Wind Speed | m s-1 | WINDS |
20 |
Aerosol Optical Thickness at 0.635 µm | AOT06 |
21 |
Aerosol Optical Thickness at 0.810 µm | AOT08 |
22 |
Aerosol Optical Thickness at 1.640 µm | AOT16 |
23 |
Angstrom Coefficient | ANGCOE |
24-26 | Reserved | ||
27 | Bidirectional Reflecance Factor (See Note 1) | Numeric | BRFLF |
28 | Brightness Temperature | K | SPBRT |
29 | Scaled Radiance (See Note 2) | Numeric | SCRAD |
30 | Reflectance in 0.4 Micron Channel | % | RFL04 |
31 | Cloudy reflectance | % | CLDREF |
32 | Clear reflectance | % | CLRREF |
33-97 | Reserved | ||
98 | Correlation coefficient between MPE rain rates
for the co-located IR data and the microwave data rain rates |
Numeric | CCMPEMRR |
99 | Standard deviation between MPE rain rates
for the co-located IR data and the microwave data rain rates |
Numeric | SDMPEMRR |
100-191 | Reserved | ||
192-254 | Reserved for Local Use | ||
192 |
Scatterometer Estimated U Wind
Component |
m s-1 |
193 | Scatterometer Estimated V Wind Component | m s-1 | VSCT |
194 | Scatterometer Wind Quality | SWQI | |
255 |
Missing |
Notes: (1) The ratio of the radiant flux reflected by a surface to that reflected into the same reflected-beam geometry and wavelength range by an ideal (lossless) and diffuse (Lambertian) standard surface, irradiated under the same conditions. (2) Top of atmostphere radiance observed by a sensor, multiplied by pi divided by the in-band solar irradiance. |