Number (In Section 4, octet 11) |
Parameter | Units |
Abbrev |
0 | Fire Outlook | See Table 4.224 |
1 | Fire Outlook Due to Dry Thunderstorm | See Table 4.224 |
2 |
Haines Index |
Numeric | HINDEX |
3 | Fire Burned Area | % | FBAREA |
4 | Fosberg Index (see Note 1) | Numeric | FOSINDX |
5 | Fire Weath Index (Canadian Forest Service) | Numeric | FWINX |
6 | Fine Fuel Moisture Code (Canadian Forest Service) | Numeric | FFMCODE |
7 | Duff Moisture Code (Canadian Forest Service) | Numeric | DUFMCODE |
8 | Drought Code (Canadian Forest Service) | Numeric | DRTCODE |
9 | Initial Fire Spread Index (Canadian Forest Service) | Numeric | INFSINX |
10 | Fire Build Up Index (Canadian Forest Service) | Numeric | FBUPINX |
11 | Fire Daily Severity Rating (Canadian Forest Service) | Numeric | FDSRTE |
12 | Keetch-Byram Drought Index | Numeric | KRIDX |
13 | Drought Factor (as defined by the Australian forest service) | Numeric | DRFACT |
14 | Rate of Spread (as defined by the Australian forest service) | m s-1 | RATESPRD |
15 | Fire Danger index (as defined by the Australian forest service) | Numeric | FIREDIDX |
16 | Spread component (as defined by the US Forest Service National Fire Danger Rating System) | Numeric | SPRDCOMP |
17 | Burning Index (as defined by the Australian forest service) | Numeric | BURNIDX |
18 | Ignition Component (as defined by the Australian forest service) | % | IGNCOMP |
19 | Energy Release Component (as defined by the Australian forest service) | J m-2 | ENRELCOM |
20 | Burning Area | % | BURNAREA |
21 | Burnable Area | % | BURNABAREA |
22 | Unburnable Area | % | UNBURNAREA |
23 | Fuel Load | kg m-2 | FUELLOAD |
24 | Combustion Completeness | % | COMBCO |
25 | Fuel Moisture Content | kg kg-1 | FUELMC |
26 | Wildfire Potential (as defined by NOAA Global Systems Laboratory) | Numeric | WFIREPOT |
27 | Live leaf fuel load | kg m-2 | LLFL |
28 | Live wood fuel load | kg m-2 | LWFL |
29 | Dead leaf fuel load | kg m-2 | DLFL |
30 | Dead wood fuel load | kg m-2 | DWFL |
31 | Live fuel moisture content | kg kg-1 | LFMC |
32 | Fine dead leaf moisture content | kg kg-1 | FDLMC |
33 | Dense dead leaf moisture content | kg kg-1 | DDLMC |
34 | Fine dead wood moisture content | kg kg-1 | FDWMC |
35 | Dense dead wood moisture content | kg kg-1 | DDWMC |
36 | Fire radiative power | W | FRADPOW |
37-191 | Reserved | ||
192-254 |
for Local Use |
255 |
Missing |
Notes: (1) The Fosberg index denotes the potential influence of weather on a wild and fire. It takes into account the combined effects of temperature, wind speed, relative humidity and precipitation. Higher values indicate a higher potential impact. |