GRIB2 - TABLE 4.2-2-4


(Land Surface products, Fire Weather category)

In Section 0, Octet 7 = 2
In Section 4, Octet 10 = 4

Revised 10/30/2023
Red text depicts changes made since 11/08/2022

(In Section 4, octet 11)
Parameter Units
0 Fire Outlook See Table 4.224
1 Fire Outlook Due to Dry Thunderstorm See Table 4.224
Haines Index
Numeric HINDEX
3 Fire Burned Area % FBAREA
4 Fosberg Index (see Note 1) Numeric FOSINDX
5 Fire Weath Index (Canadian Forest Service) Numeric FWINX
6 Fine Fuel Moisture Code (Canadian Forest Service) Numeric FFMCODE
7 Duff Moisture Code (Canadian Forest Service) Numeric DUFMCODE
8 Drought Code (Canadian Forest Service) Numeric DRTCODE
9 Initial Fire Spread Index (Canadian Forest Service) Numeric INFSINX
10 Fire Build Up Index (Canadian Forest Service) Numeric FBUPINX
11 Fire Daily Severity Rating (Canadian Forest Service) Numeric FDSRTE
12 Keetch-Byram Drought Index Numeric KRIDX
13 Drought Factor (as defined by the Australian forest service) Numeric DRFACT
14 Rate of Spread (as defined by the Australian forest service) m s-1 RATESPRD
15 Fire Danger index (as defined by the Australian forest service) Numeric FIREDIDX
16 Spread component (as defined by the US Forest Service National Fire Danger Rating System) Numeric SPRDCOMP
17 Burning Index (as defined by the Australian forest service) Numeric BURNIDX
18 Ignition Component (as defined by the Australian forest service) % IGNCOMP
19 Energy Release Component (as defined by the Australian forest service) J m-2 ENRELCOM
20 Burning Area % BURNAREA
21 Burnable Area % BURNABAREA
22 Unburnable Area % UNBURNAREA
23 Fuel Load kg m-2 FUELLOAD
24 Combustion Completeness % COMBCO
25 Fuel Moisture Content kg kg-1 FUELMC
26 Wildfire Potential (as defined by NOAA Global Systems Laboratory) Numeric WFIREPOT
27 Live leaf fuel load kg m-2 LLFL
28 Live wood fuel load kg m-2 LWFL
29 Dead leaf fuel load kg m-2 DLFL
30 Dead wood fuel load kg m-2 DWFL
31 Live fuel moisture content kg kg-1 LFMC
32 Fine dead leaf moisture content kg kg-1 FDLMC
33 Dense dead leaf moisture content kg kg-1 DDLMC
34 Fine dead wood moisture content kg kg-1 FDWMC
35 Dense dead wood moisture content kg kg-1 DDWMC
36 Fire radiative power W FRADPOW
37-191 Reserved

Reserved for Local Use


(1) The Fosberg index denotes the potential influence of weather on a wild and fire. It takes into account the combined effects of temperature, wind speed, relative humidity and precipitation. Higher values indicate a higher potential impact.
