GRIB2 - TABLE 4.2-10-0


(Oceanographic products, Waves category)

In Section 0, Octet 7 = 10
In Section 4, Octet 10 = 0

Revised 12/07/2023
Red text depicts changes made since 10/30/2023

(In Section 4, octet 11)
Parameter Units
Wave Spectra (1)
Wave Spectra (2) - WVSP2
Wave Spectra (3) - WVSP3
Significant Height of Combined Wind Waves and Swell
Direction of Wind Waves
degree true
Significant Height of Wind Waves m
Mean Period of Wind Waves s
Direction of Swell Waves degree true
Significant Height of Swell Waves m
Mean Period of Swell Waves s
Primary Wave Direction
degree true DIRPW
Primary Wave Mean Period
12 Secondary Wave Direction degree true DIRSW
Secondary Wave Mean Period s
Direction of Combined Wind Waves and Swell degree true WWSDIR
Mean Period of Combined Wind Waves and Swell s
16 Coefficient of Drag With Waves - CDWW
17 Friction Velocity m s-1 FRICVW
18 Wave Stress N m-2 WSTR
19 Normalised Waves Stress - NWSTR
20 Mean Square Slope of Waves - MSSW
21 U-component Surface Stokes Drift m s-1 USSD
22 V-component Surface Stokes Drift m s-1 VSSD
23 Period of Maximum Individual Wave Height s PMAXWH
24 Maximum Individual Wave Height m MAXWH
25 Inverse Mean Wave Frequency s IMWF
26 Inverse Mean Frequency of The Wind Waves s IMFWW
27 Inverse Mean Frequency of The Total Swell s IMFTSW
28 Mean Zero-Crossing Wave Period s MZWPER
29 Mean Zero-Crossing Period of The Wind Waves s MZPWW
30 Mean Zero-Crossing Period of The Total Swell s MZPTSW
31 Wave Directional Width - WDIRW
32 Directional Width of The Wind Waves - DIRWWW
33 Directional Width of The Total Swell - DIRWTS
34 Peak Wave Period s PWPER
35 Peak Period of The Wind Waves s PPERWW
36 Peak Period of The Total Swell s PPERTS
37 Altimeter Wave Height m ALTWH
38 Altimeter Corrected Wave Height m ALCWH
39 Altimeter Range Relative Correction - ALRRC
40 10 Metre Neutral Wind Speed Over Waves m s-1 MNWSOW
41 10 Metre Wind Direction Over Waves degree true MWDIRW
42 Wave Engery Spectrum m-2 s rad-1 WESP
43 Kurtosis of The Sea Surface Elevation Due to Waves - KSSEW
44 Benjamin-Feir Index - BENINX
45 Spectral Peakedness Factor s-1 SPFTR
46 Peak wave direction ° PWAVEDIR
47 Significant wave height of first swell partition m SWHFSWEL
48 Significant wave height of second swell partition m SWHSSWEL
49 Significant wave height of third swell partition m SWHTSWEL
50 Mean wave period of first swell partition s MWPFSWEL
51 Mean wave period of second swell partition s MWPSSWEL
52 Mean wave period of third swell partition s MWPTSWEL
53 Mean wave direction of first swell partition ° MWDFSWEL
54 Mean wave direction of second swell partition ° MWDSSWEL
55 Mean wave direction of third swell partition ° MWDTSWEL
56 Wave directional width of first swell partition - WDWFSWEL
57 Wave directional width of second swell partition - WDWSSWEL
58 Wave directional width of third swell partition - WDWTSWEL
59 Wave frequency width of first swell partition - WFWFSWEL
60 Wave frequency width of second swell partition - WFWSSWEL
61 Wave frequency width of third swell partition - WFWTSWEL
62 Wave frequency width - WAVEFREW
63 Frequency width of wind waves - FREWWW
64 Frequency width of total swell - FREWTSW
65 Peak Wave Period of First Swell Partition s PWPFSPAR
66 Peak Wave Period of Second Swell Partition s PWPSSPAR
67 Peak Wave Period of Third Swell Partition s PWPTSPAR
68 Peak Wave Direction of First Swell Partition degree true PWDFSPAR
69 Peak Wave Direction of Second Swell Partition degree true PWDSSPAR
70 Peak Wave Direction of Third Swell Partition degree true PWDTSPAR
71 Peak Direction of Wind Waves degree true PDWWAVE
72 Peak Direction of Total Swell degree true PDTSWELL
73 Whitecap Fraction fraction WCAPFRAC
74 Mean Direction of Total Swell degree MDTSWEL
75 Mean Direction of Wind Waves degree MDWWAVE
76 Charnock (see Note 2) Numeric CHNCK
77 Wave Spectral Skewness Numeric WAVESPSK
78 Wave Energy Flux Magnitude W m-1 WAVEFMAG
79 Wave Energy Flux Mean Direction degree true WAVEFDIR
80 Raio of Wave Angular and Frequency width Numeric RWAVEAFW
81 Free Convective Velocity over the Oceans m s-1 FCVOCEAN
82 Air Density over the Oceans kg m-3 AIRDENOC
83 Normalized Energy Flux into Waves (see Note 3) Numeric NEFW
84 Normalized Stress into Ocean (see Note 3) Numeric NSOCEAN
85 Normalized Energy Flux into Ocean (see Note 3) Numeric NEFOCEAN
86 Surface Elevation Variance due to Waves (over all frequencies and directions) m2 s rad-1 SEVWAVE
87 Wave Induced Mean Se Level Correction m WAVEMSLC
88 Spectral Width Index Numeric SPECWI
89 Number of Events in Freak Wave Statistics Numeric EFWS
90 U-Component of Surface Momentum Flux into Ocean N m-2 USMFO
91 U-Component of Surface Momentum Flux into Ocean N m-2 VSMFO
92 Wave Turbulent Energy Flux into Ocean W m-2 WAVETEFO
93 Envelop maximum individual wave height m EMIWAVE
94 Time domain maximum individual crest height m TDMCREST
95 Time domain maximum individual wave height m TDMWAVE
96 Space time maximum individual crest height m STMCREST
97 Space time maximum individual wave height m STMWAVE
98 Goda peakedness factor Numeric GODAPEAK
99-191 Reserved

Reserved for Local Use

192 Wave Steepness proportion WSTP
193 Wave Length


*  Further information concerning the wave parameters can be found in the Guide to Wave Analysis and Forecasting (WMO-No. 702).

(2)  The Charnock parameter accounts for increased aerodynamic roughness as wave heights grow due to increasing surface stress. It depends on the wind speed, wave age and other aspects of the sea state and is used to calculate how much the waves slow down the wind.

(3)  Parameters are normalised by being divided by the product of air density and the square of the friction velocity.

