Number (In Section 4, octet 11) |
Parameter | Units |
Abbrev |
0 | Column Integrated Potential + Internal Energy | J m-2 | POTINTENG |
1 | Column Integrated Kinetic Energy | J m-2 | KINENG |
2 | Column Integrated Total Energy,(see Note 1) | J m-2 | TOTENG |
3 | Column Integrated Enthalpy | J m-2 | ENTHALPY |
4 | Column Integrated Water Enthalpy (see Note 2) | J m-2 | WATENTHALPY |
5 | Column Integrated Eastward Enthalpy Flux | W m-1 | EASTENTFLUX |
6 | Column Integrated Northward Enthalpy Flux | W m-1 | NRTHENTFLUX |
7 | Column integrated eastward potential energy flux | W m-1 | EASTPOTFLUX |
8 | Column integrated northward potential energy flux | W m-1 | NRTHPOTFLUX |
9 | Column integrated eastward kinetic energy flux | W m-1 | EASTKINFLUX |
10 | Column integrated northward kinetic energy flux | W m-1 | NRTHKINFLUX |
11 | Column integrated eastward total energy flux | W m-1 | EASTTOTFLUX |
12 | Column integrated northward total energy flux (see Note 1) | W m-1 | NRTHTOTFLUX |
13 | Divergence of column integrated enthalpy flux see (Note 1) | W m-1 | DIVENTFLUX |
14 | Divergence of column integrated potential energy flux | W m-1 | DIVPOTFLUX |
15 | Divergence of column integrated water potential energy flux (see Note 3) | W m-1 | DIVWPOTFLUX |
16 | Divergence of column integrated kinetic energy flux | W m-1 | DIVKENGFLUX |
17 | Divergence of column integrated total energy flux (see Note 1) | W m-1 | DIVTOTFLUX |
18 | Divergence of column integrated water enthalpy flux (see Note 2) | W m-1 | DIVWENTFLUX |
19 | Column integrated heat flux | W m-1 | EASTHFLUX |
20 | Column integrated northward heat flux | W m-1 | NRTHHFLUX |
21 | Column integrated potential+internal+latent energy | J m-2 | PILENERGY |
22 | Eady growth rate | day-1 | EADYGR |
23-191 | Reserved | ||
192-254 |
Reserved for Local Use |
255 |
Missing |
(1) Total (atmospheric) energy is the sum of internal energy, potential energy, kinetic energy and latent heat. Same applies to energy fluxes. |