GRIB2 - TABLE 4.2-0-21


(Meteorological products, Thermodynamic Properties category)

In Section 0, Octet 7 = 0
In Section 4, Octet 10 = 21

Revised 12/07/2023
Red text depicts changes made since 10/30/2023

(In Section 4, octet 11)
Parameter Units
0 Column Integrated Potential + Internal Energy J m-2 POTINTENG
1 Column Integrated Kinetic Energy J m-2 KINENG
2 Column Integrated Total Energy,(see Note 1) J m-2 TOTENG
3 Column Integrated Enthalpy J m-2 ENTHALPY
4 Column Integrated Water Enthalpy (see Note 2) J m-2 WATENTHALPY
5 Column Integrated Eastward Enthalpy Flux W m-1 EASTENTFLUX
6 Column Integrated Northward Enthalpy Flux W m-1 NRTHENTFLUX
7 Column integrated eastward potential energy flux W m-1 EASTPOTFLUX
8 Column integrated northward potential energy flux W m-1 NRTHPOTFLUX
9 Column integrated eastward kinetic energy flux W m-1 EASTKINFLUX
10 Column integrated northward kinetic energy flux W m-1 NRTHKINFLUX
11 Column integrated eastward total energy flux W m-1 EASTTOTFLUX
12 Column integrated northward total energy flux (see Note 1) W m-1 NRTHTOTFLUX
13 Divergence of column integrated enthalpy flux see (Note 1) W m-1 DIVENTFLUX
14 Divergence of column integrated potential energy flux W m-1 DIVPOTFLUX
15 Divergence of column integrated water potential energy flux (see Note 3) W m-1 DIVWPOTFLUX
16 Divergence of column integrated kinetic energy flux W m-1 DIVKENGFLUX
17 Divergence of column integrated total energy flux (see Note 1) W m-1 DIVTOTFLUX
18 Divergence of column integrated water enthalpy flux (see Note 2) W m-1 DIVWENTFLUX
19 Column integrated heat flux W m-1 EASTHFLUX
20 Column integrated northward heat flux W m-1 NRTHHFLUX
21 Column integrated potential+internal+latent energy J m-2 PILENERGY
22 Eady growth rate day-1 EADYGR

Reserved for Local Use



(1) Total (atmospheric) energy is the sum of internal energy, potential energy, kinetic energy and latent heat. Same applies to energy fluxes.

(2) The water enthalpy (flux) is the enthalpy (flux) associated with the temperature of the water mass.

(3) The water potential energy flux is the flux of potential energy associated with the water mass.
