GRIB2 - TABLE 4.2-0-20


(Meteorological products, Atmospheric Chemical Constituents category)

In Section 0, Octet 7 = 0
In Section 4, Octet 10 = 20

Revised 11/02/2023
Red text depicts changes made since 11/02/2023

(In Section 4, octet 11)
Parameter Units
0 Mass Density (Concentration) kg m-3 MASSDEN
1 Column-Integrated Mass Density (See Note 1) kg m-2 COLMD
2 Mass Mixing Ratio (Mass Fraction in Air) kg kg-1 MASSMR
3 Atmosphere Emission Mass Flux kg m-2s-1 AEMFLX
4 Atmosphere Net Production Mass Flux kg m-2s-1 ANPMFLX
5 Atmosphere Net Production And Emision Mass Flux
kg m-2s-1 ANPEMFLX
6 Surface Dry Deposition Mass Flux kg m-2s-1 SDDMFLX
7 Surface Wet Deposition Mass Flux kg m-2s-1 SWDMFLX
8 Atmosphere Re-Emission Mass Flux kg m-2s-1 AREMFLX
9 Wet Deposition by Large-Scale Precipitation Mass Flux kg m-2s-1 WLSMFLX
10 Wet Deposition by Convective Precipitation Mass Flux kg m-2s-1 WDCPMFLX
11 Sedimentation Mass Flux kg m-2s-1 SEDMFLX
12 Dry Deposition Mass Flux kg m-2s-1 DDMFLX
13 Transfer From Hydrophobic to Hydrophilic
kg kg-1s-1 TRANHH
14 Transfer From SO2 (Sulphur Dioxide) to SO4 (Sulphate) kg kg-1s-1 TRSDS
15 Dry deposition velocity m s-1 DDVEL
16 Mass mixing ratio with respect to dry air kg kg-1 MSSRDRYA
17 Mass mixing ratio with respect to wet air kg kg-1 MSSRWETA
18 Potential of hydrogen (pH) pH POTHPH

50 Amount in Atmosphere mol AIA
51 Concentration In Air mol m-3 CONAIR
52 Volume Mixing Ratio (Fraction in Air) mol mol-1 VMXR
53 Chemical Gross Production Rate of Concentration mol m-3s-1 CGPRC
54 Chemical Gross Destruction Rate of Concentration mol m-3s-1 CGDRC
55 Surface Flux mol m-2s-1 SFLUX
56 Changes Of Amount in Atmosphere (See Note 1) mol s-1 COAIA
57 Total Yearly Average Burden of The Atmosphere> mol TYABA
58 Total Yearly Average Atmospheric Loss (See Note 1) mol s-1 TYAAL
59 Aerosol Number Concentration (See Note 2) m-3 ANCON
Aerosol Specific Number Concentration (See Note 2) kg-1 ASNCON
61 Maximum of Mass Density (See Note 1) kg m-3 MXMASSD
62 Height of Mass Density m HGTMD
63 Column-Averaged Mass Density in Layer kg m-3 CAVEMDL
64 Mole fraction with respect to dry air mol mol-1 MOLRDRYA
65 Mole fraction with respect to wet air mol mol-1 MOLRWETA
66 Column-integrated in-cloud scavenging rate by precipitation kg m-2 s-1 CINCLDSP
67 Column-integrated below-cloud scavenging rate by precipitation kg m-2 s-1 CBLCLDSP
68 Column-integrated release rate from evaporating precipitation kg m-2 s-1 CIRELREP
69 Column-integrated in-cloud scavenging rate by large-scale precipitation kg m-2 s-1 CINCSLSP
70 Column-integrated below-cloud scavenging rate by large-scale precipitation kg m-2 s-1 CBECSLSP
71 Column-integrated release rate from evaporating large-scale precipitation kg m-2 s-1 CRERELSP
72 Column-integrated in-cloud scavenging rate by convective precipitation kg m-2 s-1 CINCSRCP
73 Column-integrated below-cloud scavenging rate by convective precipitation kg m-2 s-1 CBLCSRCP
74 Column-integrated release rate from evaporating convective precipitation kg m-2 s-1 CIRERECP
75 Wildfire flux kg m-2 s-1 WFIREFLX
76 Emission Rate kg kg-1 s-1 EMISFLX
77 Surface Emission flux kg m-2 s-1 SFCEFLX
78 Column integrated eastward mass flux kg m-2 s-1 CEMF
79 Column integrated northward mass flux kg m-2 s-1 CNMF
80 Column integrated divergence of mass flux kg m-2 s-1 CDIVMF
81 Column integrated net source (see Note 3) kg m-2 s-1 CNETS

100 Surface Area Density (Aerosol) m-1 SADEN
101 Vertical Visual Range m ATMTK
102 Aerosol Optical Thickness Numeric AOTK
103 Single Scattering Albedo Numeric SSALBK
104 Asymmetry Factor
Numeric ASYSFK
105 Aerosol Extinction Coefficient
106 Aerosol Absorption Coefficient
107 Aerosol Lidar Backscatter from Satellite
m-1sr-1 ALBSAT
108 Aerosol Lidar Backscatter from the Ground m-1sr-1 ALBGRD
109 Aerosol Lidar Extinction from Satellite m-1 ALESAT
110 Aerosol Lidar Extinction from the Ground
111 Angstrom Exponent Numeric ANGSTEXP
112 Scattering Aerosol Optical Thickness Numeric SCTAOTK

Reserved for Local Use



(1) First fixed surface and Second fixed surface of Code Table 4.5 (Fixed surface types and units) to define the vertical extent, i.e. First Fixed Surface can be set to 1 (Ground or Water surface) and second Fixed Surface set to 7 (Tropopause) for a restriction to the troposphere.

(2) The term "Number Density" is used as well for "Number Concentration" (code Number 59); Conversion factor between "Number Density" (59) and "Specific Number Concentration" (60) is "Mass Density" [kg m-3]

(3) The net source is the sum of all the atmospheric (chemical) processes creating and destroying chemical constituents or aerosols in the column.

(4) It is recommended to use Snow melt rate instead (discipline 2, category 0, number 41).
