Number (In Section 4, octet 11) |
Parameter | Units |
Abbrev |
0 | Mass Density (Concentration) | kg m-3 | MASSDEN |
1 | Column-Integrated Mass Density (See Note 1) | kg m-2 | COLMD |
2 | Mass Mixing Ratio (Mass Fraction in Air) | kg kg-1 | MASSMR |
3 | Atmosphere Emission Mass Flux | kg m-2s-1 | AEMFLX |
4 | Atmosphere Net Production Mass Flux | kg m-2s-1 | ANPMFLX |
5 | Atmosphere Net Production And Emision Mass Flux |
kg m-2s-1 | ANPEMFLX |
6 | Surface Dry Deposition Mass Flux | kg m-2s-1 | SDDMFLX |
7 | Surface Wet Deposition Mass Flux | kg m-2s-1 | SWDMFLX |
8 | Atmosphere Re-Emission Mass Flux | kg m-2s-1 | AREMFLX |
9 | Wet Deposition by Large-Scale Precipitation Mass Flux | kg m-2s-1 | WLSMFLX |
10 | Wet Deposition by Convective Precipitation Mass Flux | kg m-2s-1 | WDCPMFLX |
11 | Sedimentation Mass Flux | kg m-2s-1 | SEDMFLX |
12 | Dry Deposition Mass Flux | kg m-2s-1 | DDMFLX |
13 | Transfer From Hydrophobic to Hydrophilic |
kg kg-1s-1 | TRANHH |
14 | Transfer From SO2 (Sulphur Dioxide) to SO4 (Sulphate) | kg kg-1s-1 | TRSDS |
15 | Dry deposition velocity | m s-1 | DDVEL |
16 | Mass mixing ratio with respect to dry air | kg kg-1 | MSSRDRYA |
17 | Mass mixing ratio with respect to wet air | kg kg-1 | MSSRWETA |
18 | Potential of hydrogen (pH) | pH | POTHPH |
19-49 | Reserved | ||
50 | Amount in Atmosphere | mol | AIA |
51 | Concentration In Air | mol m-3 | CONAIR |
52 | Volume Mixing Ratio (Fraction in Air) | mol mol-1 | VMXR |
53 | Chemical Gross Production Rate of Concentration | mol m-3s-1 | CGPRC |
54 | Chemical Gross Destruction Rate of Concentration | mol m-3s-1 | CGDRC |
55 | Surface Flux | mol m-2s-1 | SFLUX |
56 | Changes Of Amount in Atmosphere (See Note 1) | mol s-1 | COAIA |
57 | Total Yearly Average Burden of The Atmosphere> | mol | TYABA |
58 | Total Yearly Average Atmospheric Loss (See Note 1) | mol s-1 | TYAAL |
59 | Aerosol Number Concentration (See Note 2) | m-3 | ANCON |
60 |
Aerosol Specific Number Concentration (See Note 2) | kg-1 | ASNCON |
61 | Maximum of Mass Density (See Note 1) | kg m-3 | MXMASSD |
62 | Height of Mass Density | m | HGTMD |
63 | Column-Averaged Mass Density in Layer | kg m-3 | CAVEMDL |
64 | Mole fraction with respect to dry air | mol mol-1 | MOLRDRYA |
65 | Mole fraction with respect to wet air | mol mol-1 | MOLRWETA |
66 | Column-integrated in-cloud scavenging rate by precipitation | kg m-2 s-1 | CINCLDSP |
67 | Column-integrated below-cloud scavenging rate by precipitation | kg m-2 s-1 | CBLCLDSP |
68 | Column-integrated release rate from evaporating precipitation | kg m-2 s-1 | CIRELREP |
69 | Column-integrated in-cloud scavenging rate by large-scale precipitation | kg m-2 s-1 | CINCSLSP |
70 | Column-integrated below-cloud scavenging rate by large-scale precipitation | kg m-2 s-1 | CBECSLSP |
71 | Column-integrated release rate from evaporating large-scale precipitation | kg m-2 s-1 | CRERELSP |
72 | Column-integrated in-cloud scavenging rate by convective precipitation | kg m-2 s-1 | CINCSRCP |
73 | Column-integrated below-cloud scavenging rate by convective precipitation | kg m-2 s-1 | CBLCSRCP |
74 | Column-integrated release rate from evaporating convective precipitation | kg m-2 s-1 | CIRERECP |
75 | Wildfire flux | kg m-2 s-1 | WFIREFLX |
76 | Emission Rate | kg kg-1 s-1 | EMISFLX |
77 | Surface Emission flux | kg m-2 s-1 | SFCEFLX |
78 | Column integrated eastward mass flux | kg m-2 s-1 | CEMF |
79 | Column integrated northward mass flux | kg m-2 s-1 | CNMF |
80 | Column integrated divergence of mass flux | kg m-2 s-1 | CDIVMF |
81 | Column integrated net source (see Note 3) | kg m-2 s-1 | CNETS |
82-99 | Reserved | ||
100 | Surface Area Density (Aerosol) | m-1 | SADEN |
101 | Vertical Visual Range | m | ATMTK |
102 | Aerosol Optical Thickness | Numeric | AOTK |
103 | Single Scattering Albedo | Numeric | SSALBK |
104 | Asymmetry Factor |
Numeric | ASYSFK |
105 | Aerosol Extinction Coefficient |
m-1 | AECOEF |
106 | Aerosol Absorption Coefficient |
m-1 | AACOEF |
107 | Aerosol Lidar Backscatter from Satellite |
m-1sr-1 | ALBSAT |
108 | Aerosol Lidar Backscatter from the Ground | m-1sr-1 | ALBGRD |
109 | Aerosol Lidar Extinction from Satellite | m-1 | ALESAT |
110 | Aerosol Lidar Extinction from the Ground |
m-1 | ALEGRD |
111 | Angstrom Exponent | Numeric | ANGSTEXP |
112 | Scattering Aerosol Optical Thickness | Numeric | SCTAOTK |
113-191 | Reserved | ||
192-254 |
Reserved for Local Use |
255 |
Missing |
(1) First fixed surface and Second fixed surface of Code Table 4.5 (Fixed surface types and units)
to define the vertical extent, i.e. First Fixed Surface can be set to 1 (Ground or Water surface)
and second Fixed Surface set to 7 (Tropopause) for a restriction to the troposphere. |