Number (In Section 4, octet 11) |
Parameter | Units |
Abbrev |
0 |
Wind Direction (from which blowing) |
° | WDIR |
1 |
Wind Speed |
m s-1 |
2 |
U-Component of Wind |
m s-1 | UGRD |
3 |
V-Component of Wind | m s-1 | VGRD |
4 |
Stream Function |
m2 s-1 | STRM |
5 |
Velocity Potential |
m2 s-1 | VPOT |
6 |
Montgomery Stream Function | m2 s-2 | MNTSF |
7 |
Sigma Coordinate Vertical Velocity |
s-1 | SGCVV |
8 |
Vertical Velocity (Pressure) |
Pa s-1 | VVEL |
9 |
Vertical Velocity (Geometric) | m s-1 | DZDT |
10 |
Absolute Vorticity |
s-1 | ABSV |
11 |
Absolute Divergence |
s-1 | ABSD |
12 |
Relative Vorticity |
s-1 | RELV |
13 |
Relative Divergence |
s-1 | RELD |
14 |
Potential Vorticity |
K m2 kg-1 s-1 | PVORT |
15 |
Vertical U-Component Shear |
s-1 | VUCSH |
16 |
Vertical V-Component Shear |
s-1 | VVCSH |
17 |
Momentum Flux, U-Component | N m-2 | UFLX |
18 |
Momentum Flux, V-Component | N m-2 | VFLX |
19 |
Wind Mixing Energy |
J |
20 |
Boundary Layer Dissipation |
W m-2 | BLYDP |
21 |
Maximum Wind Speed (see Note 1) | m s-1 | MAXGUST |
22 |
Wind Speed (Gust) |
m s-1 | GUST |
23 |
U-Component of Wind (Gust) | m s-1 | UGUST |
24 |
V-Component of Wind (Gust) | m s-1 | VGUST |
25 |
Vertical Speed Shear | s-1 | VWSH |
26 |
Horizontal Momentum Flux | N m-2 | MFLX |
27 |
U-Component Storm Motion | m s-1 | USTM |
28 |
V-Component Storm Motion | m s-1 | VSTM |
29 |
Drag Coefficient | Numeric | CD |
30 |
Frictional Velocity | m s-1 | FRICV |
31 |
Turbulent Diffusion Coefficient for Momentum | m2 s-1 | TDCMOM |
32 |
Eta Coordinate Vertical Velocity | s-1 | ETACVV |
33 |
Wind Fetch | m | WINDF |
34 |
Normal Wind Component (see Note 2) | m s-1 | NWIND |
35 |
Tangential Wind Component (see Note 2) | m s-1 | TWIND |
36 |
Amplitude Function for Rossby Wave Envelope for Meridional Wind (see Note 3) | m s-1 | AFRWE |
37 |
Northward Turbulent Surface Stress (see Note 4) | N m-2 s | NTSS |
38 |
Eastward Turbulent Surface Stress (see Note 4) | N m-2 s | ETSS |
39 | Eastward Wind Tendency Due to Parameterizations | m s-2 | EWTPARM |
40 | Northward Wind Tendency Due to Parameterizations | m s-2 | NWTPARM |
41 | U-Component of Geostrophic Wind | m s-1 | UGWIND |
42 | V-Component of Geostrophic Wind | m s-1 | VGWIND |
43 | Geostrophic Wind Direction | ° | GEOWD |
44 | Geostrophic Wind Speed | m s-1 | GEOWS |
45 | Unbalanced Component of Divergence | s-1 | UNDIV |
46 | Vorticity Advection | s-2 | VORTADV |
47 | Surface roughness for heat,(see Note 5) | m | SFRHEAT |
48 | Surface roughness for moisture,(see Note 6) | m | SFRMOIST |
49 | Wind stress | N m-2 | WINDSTR |
50 | Eastward wind stress | N m-2 | EWINDSTR |
51 | Northward wind stress | N m-2 | NWINDSTR |
52 | u-component of wind stress | N m-2 | UWINDSTR |
53 | v-component of wind stress | N m-2 | VWINDSTR |
54 | Natural logarithm of surface roughness length for heat | m | NLSRLH |
55 | Natural logarithm of surface roughness length for moisture | m | NLSRLM |
56 | u-component of neutral wind | m s-1 | UNWIND |
57 | v-component of neutral wind | m s-1 | VNWIND |
58 | Magnitude of turbulent surface stress | N m-2 | TSFCSTR |
59 | Vertical divergence | s-1 | VDIV |
60 | Drag thermal coefficient | Numeric | DTC |
61 | Drag evaporation coefficient | Numeric | DEC |
62 | Eastward turbulent surface stress | N m-2 | EASTTSS |
63 | Northward turbulent surface stress | N m-2 | NRTHTSS |
64 | Eastward turbulent surface stress due to orographic form drag | N m-2 | EASTTSSOD |
65 | Northward turbulent surface stress due to orographic form drag | N m-2 | NRTHTSSOD |
66 | Eastward turbulent surface stress due to surface roughness | N m-2 | EASTTSSSR |
67 | Northward turbulent surface stress due to surface roughness | N m-2 | NRTHTSSSR |
68-191 |
Reserved | ||
192-254 |
for Local Use |
192 |
Vertical Speed Shear | s-1 | VWSH |
193 |
Horizontal Momentum Flux | N m-2 | MFLX |
194 |
U-Component Storm Motion | m s-1 | USTM |
195 |
V-Component Storm Motion | m s-1 | VSTM |
196 |
Drag Coefficient | non-dim | CD |
197 |
Frictional Velocity | m s-1 | FRICV |
198 |
Latitude of U Wind Component of Velocity | deg | LAUV |
199 |
Longitude of U Wind Component of Velocity | deg | LOUV |
200 |
Latitude of V Wind Component of Velocity | deg | LAVV |
201 |
Longitude of V Wind Component of Velocity | deg | LOVV |
202 |
Latitude of Presure Point | deg | LAPP |
203 |
Longitude of Presure Point | deg | LOPP |
204 |
Vertical Eddy Diffusivity Heat exchange | m2 s-1 | VEDH |
205 |
Covariance between Meridional and Zonal Components of the wind. |
m2 s-2 | COVMZ |
206 |
Covariance between Temperature and Zonal Components of the wind. |
K*m s-1 | COVTZ |
207 |
Covariance between Temperature and Meridional Components of the wind. |
K*m s-1 | COVTM |
208 |
Vertical Diffusion Zonal Acceleration |
m s-2 | VDFUA |
209 |
Vertical Diffusion Meridional Acceleration |
m s-2 | VDFVA |
210 |
Gravity wave drag zonal acceleration |
m s-2 |
211 |
Gravity wave drag meridional acceleration |
m s-2 |
212 |
Convective zonal momentum mixing acceleration |
m s-2 |
213 |
Convective meridional momentum mixing acceleration |
m s-2 |
214 |
Tendency of vertical velocity | m s-2 |
215 |
Omega (Dp/Dt) divide by density | K |
216 |
Convective Gravity wave drag zonal acceleration |
m s-2 |
217 |
Convective Gravity wave drag meridional acceleration |
m s-2 |
218 |
Velocity Point Model Surface | LMV | |
219 |
Potential Vorticity (Mass-Weighted) | 1/s/m | PVMWW |
220 |
Hourly Maximum of Upward Vertical Velocity | m s-1 |
221 |
Hourly Maximum of Downward Vertical Velocity | m s-1 |
222 |
U Component of Hourly Maximum 10m Wind Speed | m s-1 |
223 |
V Component of Hourly Maximum 10m Wind Speed | m s-1 |
224 |
Ventilation Rate | m2 s-1 |
225 | Transport Wind Speed | m s-1 | TRWSPD |
226 | Transport Wind Direction | Deg | TRWDIR |
227 | Earliest Reasonable Arrival Time (10% exceedance) | s | TOA10 |
228 | Most Likely Arrival Time (50% exceedance) | s | TOA50 |
229 | Most Likely Departure Time (50% exceedance) | s | TOD50 |
230 | Latest Reasonable Departure Time (90% exceedance) | s | TOD90 |
231 | Tropical Wind Direction | ° | TPWDIR |
232 | Tropical Wind Speed | m s-1 | TPWSPD |
233 | Inflow Based (ESFC) to 50% EL Shear Magnitude | kt | ESHR |
234 | U Component Inflow Based to 50% EL Shear Vector | kt | UESH |
235 | V Component Inflow Based to 50% EL Shear Vector | kt | VESH |
236 | U Component Bunkers Effective Right Motion | kt | UEID |
237 | V Component Bunkers Effective Right Motion | kt | VEID |
255 |
Missing |
Notes: (1) Parameter deprecated - See Regulation 92.6.2 and use another parameter instead. (2) In relation to local coordinate axes at a cell edge. (3)This parameter is described in more detail by (a) Lee, S. and I.M. Held, 1993: Baroclinic wave packets in models and observations. J. Atmos. Sci., 50:1413-1428, (b) Chang, E.K.M., 1993: Downstream development of baroclinic waves as inferred from regression analysis. J. Atmos. Sci., 50:2038-2053, (c) Archambault, H.M., D. Keyser and L.F. Bosart, 2010: Relationships between large-scale regime transitions and major cool-season precipitation events in the northeastern United States. Mon Wea. Review, 138:3454-3473, and(d) Zimin, A.V., I. Szunyogh, B.R. Hung and E. Orr, 2006: Extracting envelopes of non-zonally propagating Rossby wave packets. Mon. Wea. Review, 134:1329-1333. (4) Statistical process 1 (Accumulation) does not change units. (5) Surface roughness for heat is a measure of the surface resistance to heat transfer. (6) Surface roughness for moisture is a measure of the surface resistance to moisture transfer. |