Number (In Section 4, octet 11) |
Parameter | Units |
Abbrev |
0 |
Specific Humidity |
kg kg-1 |
1 |
Relative Humidity |
% |
RH |
2 |
Humidity Mixing Ratio |
kg kg-1 | MIXR |
3 |
Precipitable Water |
kg m-2 | PWAT |
4 |
Vapour Pressure |
Pa |
5 |
Saturation Deficit |
Pa |
6 |
Evaporation |
kg m-2 | EVP |
7 |
Precipitation Rate (see Note 1) | kg m-2 s-1 | PRATE |
8 |
Total Precipitation (see Note 3) | kg m-2 | APCP |
9 |
Large-Scale Precipitation (non-convective) (see Note 3) | kg m-2 | NCPCP |
10 | Convective Precipitation (see Note 3) | kg m-2 | ACPCP |
11 |
Snow Depth |
m |
12 | Snowfall Rate Water Equivalent (see Note 1) | kg m-2 s-1 | SRWEQ |
13 | Water Equivalent of Accumulated Snow Depth (see Note 3) | kg m-2 | WEASD |
14 | Convective Snow (see Note 3) | kg m-2 | SNOC |
15 | Large-Scale Snow (see Note 3) | kg m-2 | SNOL |
16 | Snow Melt (see Note 7) | kg m-2 | SNOM |
17 | Snow Age |
day |
18 |
Absolute Humidity |
kg m-3 | ABSH |
19 |
Precipitation Type |
See Table 4.201 |
20 |
Integrated Liquid Water |
kg m-2 | ILIQW |
21 |
Condensate |
kg kg-1 | TCOND |
22 |
Cloud Mixing Ratio |
kg kg-1 | CLMR |
23 |
Ice Water Mixing Ratio | kg kg-1 | ICMR |
24 |
Rain Mixing Ratio | kg kg-1 | RWMR |
25 |
Snow Mixing Ratio | kg kg-1 | SNMR |
26 |
Horizontal Moisture Convergence |
kg kg-1 s-1 | MCONV |
27 | Maximum Relative Humidity (see Note 1) | % | MAXRH |
28 | Maximum Absolute Humidity (see Note 1) | kg m-3 | MAXAH |
29 | Total Snowfall (see Note 3) | m | ASNOW |
30 | Precipitable Water Category | See Table 4.202 | PWCAT |
31 |
Hail |
m |
32 |
Graupel |
kg kg-1 | GRLE |
33 |
Categorical Rain | Code table 4.222 |
34 |
Categorical Freezing Rain | Code table 4.222 |
35 |
Categorical Ice Pellets | Code table 4.222 | CICEP |
36 |
Categorical Snow | Code table 4.222 | CSNOW |
37 |
Convective Precipitation Rate | kg m-2 s-1 | CPRAT |
38 |
Horizontal Moisture Divergence | kg kg-1 s-1 | MDIVER |
39 | Percent frozen precipitation | % | CPOFP |
40 |
Potential Evaporation | kg m-2 | PEVAP |
41 |
Potential Evaporation Rate (see Note 4) | W m-2 | PEVPR |
42 |
Snow Cover | % |
43 | Rain Fraction of Total Cloud Water | Proportion | FRAIN |
44 |
Rime Factor | Numeric | RIME |
45 |
Total Column Integrated Rain | kg m-2 | TCOLR |
46 |
Total Column Integrated Snow | kg m-2 | TCOLS |
47 | Large Scale Water Precipitation (Non-Convective) (see Note 3) | kg m-2 | LSWP |
48 |
Convective Water Precipitation (see Note 3) | kg m-2 | CWP |
49 |
Total Water Precipitation (see Note 3) | kg m-2 | TWATP |
50 |
Total Snow Precipitation (see Note 3) | kg m-2 | TSNOWP |
51 |
Total Column Water (Vertically integrated total water (vapour+cloud water/ice) |
kg m-2 | TCWAT |
52 |
Total Precipitation Rate (see Note 2) | kg m-2 s-1 | TPRATE |
53 |
Total Snowfall Rate Water Equivalent (see Note 2) | kg m-2 s-1 | TSRWE |
54 |
Large Scale Precipitation Rate | kg m-2 s-1 | LSPRATE |
55 |
Convective Snowfall Rate Water Equivalent | kg m-2 s-1 | CSRWE |
56 |
Large Scale Snowfall Rate Water Equivalent | kg m-2 s-1 | LSSRWE |
57 |
Total Snowfall Rate | m s-1 | TSRATE |
58 |
Convective Snowfall Rate | m s-1 | CSRATE |
59 |
Large Scale Snowfall Rate | m s-1 | LSSRATE |
60 |
Snow Depth Water Equivalent | kg m-2 | SDWE |
61 |
Snow Density | kg m-3 | SDEN |
62 |
Snow Evaporation (see Note 8) | kg m-2 | SEVAP |
63 | Reserved | ||
64 |
Total Column Integrated Water Vapour | kg m-2 | TCIWV |
65 |
Rain Precipitation Rate | kg m-2 s-1 | RPRATE |
66 |
Snow Precipitation Rate | kg m-2 s-1 | SPRATE |
67 |
Freezing Rain Precipitation Rate | kg m-2 s-1 | FPRATE |
68 |
Ice Pellets Precipitation Rate | kg m-2 s-1 | IPRATE |
69 |
Total Column Integrate Cloud Water | kg m-2 | TCOLW |
70 |
Total Column Integrate Cloud Ice | kg m-2 | TCOLI |
71 |
Hail Mixing Ratio | kg kg-1 | HAILMXR |
72 |
Total Column Integrate Hail | kg m-2 | TCOLH |
73 |
Hail Prepitation Rate | kg m-2 s-1 | HAILPR |
74 |
Total Column Integrate Graupel | kg m-2 | TCOLG |
75 |
Graupel (Snow Pellets) Prepitation Rate | kg m-2 s-1 | GPRATE |
76 |
Convective Rain Rate | kg m-2 s-1 | CRRATE |
77 |
Large Scale Rain Rate | kg m-2 s-1 | LSRRATE |
78 |
Total Column Integrate Water (All components including precipitation) |
kg m-2 | TCOLWA |
79 |
Evaporation Rate | kg m-2 s-1 | EVARATE |
80 |
Total Condensate | kg kg-1 | TOTCON |
81 |
Total Column-Integrate Condensate | kg m-2 | TCICON |
82 |
Cloud Ice Mixing Ratio | kg kg-1 | CIMIXR |
83 |
Specific Cloud Liquid Water Content | kg kg-1 | SCLLWC |
84 |
Specific Cloud Ice Water Content | kg kg-1 | SCLIWC |
85 |
Specific Rain Water Content | kg kg-1 | SRAINW |
86 |
Specific Snow Water Content | kg kg-1 | SSNOWW |
87 | Stratiform Precipitation Rate | kg m-2 s-1 | STRPRATE |
88 | Categorical Convective Precipitation | Code table 4.222 | CATCP |
89 |
Reserved | ||
90 |
Total Kinematic Moisture Flux | kg kg-1 m s-1 | TKMFLX |
91 |
U-component (zonal) Kinematic Moisture Flux | kg kg-1 m s-1 | UKMFLX |
92 |
V-component (meridional) Kinematic Moisture Flux | kg kg-1 m s-1 | VKMFLX |
93 | Relative Humidity With Respect to Water | % | RHWATER |
94 | Relative Humidity With Respect to Ice | % | RHICE |
95 | Freezing or Frozen Precipitation Rate | kg m-2 s-1 | FZPRATE |
96 | Mass Density of Rain | kg m-3 | MASSDR |
97 | Mass Density of Snow | kg m-3 | MASSDS |
98 | Mass Density of Graupel | kg m-3 | MASSDG |
99 | Mass Density of Hail | kg m-3 | MASSDH |
100 | Specific Number Concentration of Rain | kg-1 | SPNCR |
101 | Specific Number Concentration of Snow | kg-1 | SPNCS |
102 | Specific Number Concentration of Graupel | kg-1 | SPNCG |
103 | Specific Number Concentration of Hail | kg-1 | SPNCH |
104 | Number Density of Rain | m-3 | NUMDR |
105 | Number Density of Snow | m-3 | NUMDS |
106 | Number Density of Graupel | m-3 | NUMDG |
107 | Number Density of Hail | m-3 | NUMDH |
108 | Specific Humidity Tendency due to Parameterizations | kg kg-1 s-1 | SHTPRM |
109 | Mass Density of Liquid Water Coating on Hail Expressed as Mass of Liquid Water per Unit Volume of Air | kg m-3 | MDLWHVA |
110 | Specific Mass of Liquid Water Coating on Hail Expressed as Mass of Liquid Water per Unit Mass of Moist Air | kg kg-1 | SMLWHMA |
111 | Mass Mixing Ratio of Liquid Water Coating on Hail Expressed as Mass of Liquid Water per Unit Mass of Dry Air | kg kg-1 | MMLWHDA |
112 | Mass Density of Liquid Water Coating on Graupel Expressed as Mass of Liquid Water per Unit Volume of Air | kg m-3 | MDLWGVA |
113 | Specific Mass of Liquid Water Coating on Graupel Expressed as Mass of Liquid Water per Unit Mass of Moist Air | kg kg-1 | SMLWGMA |
114 | Mass Mixing Ratio of Liquid Water Coating on Graupel Expressed as Mass of Liquid Water per Unit Mass of Dry Air | kg kg-1 | MMLWGDA |
115 | Mass Density of Liquid Water Coating on Snow Expressed as Mass of Liquid Water per Unit Volume of Air | kg m-3 | MDLWSVA |
116 | Specific Mass of Liquid Water Coating on Snow Expressed as Mass of Liquid Water per Unit Mass of Moist Air | kg kg-1 | SMLWSMA |
117 | Mass Mixing Ratio of Liquid Water Coating on Snow Expressed as Mass of Liquid Water per Unit Mass of Dry Air | kg kg-1 | MMLWSDA |
118 | Unbalanced Component of Specific Humidity | kg kg-1 | UNCSH |
119 | Unbalanced Component of Specific Cloud Liquid Water content | kg kg-1 | UCSCLW |
120 | Unbalanced Component of Specific Cloud Ice Water content | kg kg-1 | UCSCIW |
121 | Fraction of Snow Cover | Proportion | FSNOWC |
122 | Precipitation intensity index | See Table 4.247 | PIIDX |
123 | Dominant precipitation type | See Table 4.201 | DPTYPE |
124 | Presence of showers | See Table 4.222 | PSHOW |
125 | Presence of blowing snow | See Table 4.222 | PBSNOW |
126 | Presence of blizzard | See Table 4.222 | PBLIZZ |
127 | Ice pellets (non-water equivalent) precipitation rate | m s-1 | ICEP |
128 | Total solid precipitation rate (see Note 5) | kg m-2 s-1 | TSPRATE |
129 | Effective Radius of Cloud Water | m | EFRCWAT |
130 | Effective Radius of Rain | m | EFRRAIN |
131 | Effective Radius of Cloud Ice | m | EFRCICE |
132 | Effective Radius of Snow | m | EFRSNOW |
133 | Effective Radius of Graupel | m | EFRGRL |
134 | Effective Radius of Hail | m | EFRHAIL |
135 | Effective Radius of Subgrid Liquid Clouds | m | EFRSLC |
136 | Effective Radius of Subgrid Ice Clouds | m | EFRSICEC |
137 | Effective Aspect Ratio of Rain | EFARRAIN | |
138 | Effective Aspect Ratio of Cloud Ice | EFARCICE | |
139 | Effective Aspect Ratio of Snow | EFARSNOW | |
140 | Effective Aspect Ratio of Graupel | EFARGRL | |
141 | Effective Aspect Ratio of Hail | EFARHAIL | |
142 | Effective Aspect Ratio of Subgrid Ice Clouds | EFARSIC | |
143 | Potential evaporation rate | kg m-2 s-1 | PERATE |
144 | Specific rain water content (convective) | kg kg-1 | SRWATERC |
145 | Specific snow water content (convective) | kg kg-1 | SSNOWWC |
146 | Cloud ice precipitation rate (see Note 6) | kg m-2 s-1 | CICEPR |
147 | Character of precipitation | See Table 4.249 | CHPRECIP |
148 | Snow evaporation rate (see Note 9) | kg m-2 s-1 | SNOWERAT |
149 | Cloud water mixing ratio | kg kg-1 | CWATERMR |
150 | Column integrated eastward water vapour mass flux | kg m-1s-1 | CEWVMF |
151 | Column integrated northward water vapour mass flux | kg m-1s-1 | CNWVMF |
152 | Column integrated eastward cloud liquid water mass flux | kg m-1s-1 | CECLWMF |
153 | Column integrated northward cloud liquid water mass flux | kg m-1s-1 | CNCLWMF |
154 | Column integrated eastward cloud ice mass flux | kg m-1s-1 | CECIMF |
155 | Column integrated northward cloud ice mass flux | kg m-1s-1 | CNCIMF |
156 | Column integrated eastward rain mass flux | kg m-1s-1 | CERMF |
157 | Column integrated northward rain mass flux | kg m-1s-1 | CNRMF |
158 | Column integrated eastward snow mass flux | kg m-1s-1 | CEFMF |
159 | Column integrated northward snow mass flux | kg m-1s-1 | CNSMF |
160 | Column integrated divergence of water vapour mass flux | kg m-1s-1 | CDWFMF |
161 | Column integrated divergence of cloud liquid water mass flux | kg m-1s-1 | CDCLWMF |
162 | Column integrated divergence of cloud ice mass flux | kg m-1s-1 | CDCIMF |
163 | Column integrated divergence of rain mass flux | kg m-1s-1 | CDRMF |
164 | Column integrated divergence of snow mass flux | kg m-1s-1 | CDSMF |
165 | Column integrated divergence of total water mass flux | kg m-1s-1 | CDTWMF |
166 | Column integrated water vapour flux | kg m-1s-1 | CWVF |
167 | Total column supercooled liquid water | kg m-2 | TCSLW |
168 | Saturation specific humidity with respect to water | kg m-3 | SSPFHW |
169 | Total column integrated saturation specific humidity with respect to water | kg m-2 | TCISSPFHW |
170-191 | Reserved | ||
192-254 |
Reserved for Local Use |
192 |
Categorical Rain | Code table 4.222 | CRAIN |
193 |
Categorical Freezing Rain | Code table 4.222 | CFRZR |
194 |
Categorical Ice Pellets | Code table 4.222 | CICEP |
195 |
Categorical Snow | Code table 4.222 | CSNOW |
196 |
Convective Precipitation Rate | kg m-2 s-1 | CPRAT |
197 |
Horizontal Moisture Divergence | kg kg-1 s-1 | MDIV |
Minimum Relative Humidity | % | MINRH |
199 |
Potential Evaporation | kg m-2 | PEVAP |
200 |
Potential Evaporation Rate | W m-2 | PEVPR |
201 |
Snow Cover | % |
202 |
Rain Fraction of Total Liquid Water |
non-dim | FRAIN |
203 |
Rime Factor | non-dim | RIME |
204 |
Total Column Integrated Rain | kg m-2 | TCOLR |
205 |
Total Column Integrated Snow | kg m-2 | TCOLS |
206 |
Total Icing Potential Diagnostic | non-dim | TIPD |
207 |
Number concentration for ice particles | non-dim | NCIP |
208 |
Snow temperature | K |
209 |
Total column-integrated supercooled liquid water | kg m-2 | TCLSW |
210 |
Total column-integrated melting ice | kg m-2 | TCOLM |
211 |
Evaporation - Precipitation | cm/day | EMNP |
212 |
Sublimation (evaporation from snow) | W m-2 | SBSNO |
213 |
Deep Convective Moistening Rate | kg kg-1 s-1 | CNVMR |
214 |
Shallow Convective Moistening Rate | kg kg-1 s-1 | SHAMR |
215 |
Vertical Diffusion Moistening Rate | kg kg-1 s-1 | VDFMR |
216 |
Condensation Pressure of Parcali Lifted From Indicate Surface |
Pa | CONDP |
217 | Large scale moistening rate | kg kg-1 s-1 | LRGMR |
218 | Specific humidity at top of viscous sublayer | kg kg-1 | QZ0 |
219 | Maximum specific humidity at 2m | kg kg-1 | QMAX |
220 | Minimum specific humidity at 2m | kg kg-1 | QMIN |
221 | Liquid precipitation (Rainfall) | kg m-2 | ARAIN |
222 | Snow temperature, depth-avg | K | SNOWT |
223 | Total precipitation (nearest grid point) | kg m-2 | APCPN |
224 | Convective precipitation (nearest grid point) | kg m-2 | ACPCPN |
225 | Freezing Rain | kg m-2 | FRZR |
226 | Pblackominant Weather (see Local Use Note A) | Numeric | PWTHER |
227 | Frozen Rain | kg m-2 | FROZR |
228 | Flat Ice Accumulation (FRAM) | kg m-2 | FICEAC |
229 | Line Ice Accumulation (FRAM) | kg m-2 | LICEAC |
230 | Sleet Accumulation | kg m-2 | SLACC |
231 | Precipitation Potential Index | % | PPINDX |
232 | Probability Cloud Ice Present | % | PROBCIP |
233 | Snow Liquid ratio | kg kg-1 | SNOWLR |
234 | Precipitation Duration | hour | PCPDUR |
235 |
Cloud Liquid Mixing Ratio |
kg kg-1 | CLLMR |
236-240 | Reserved | ||
241 | Total Snow | kg m-2 | TSNOW |
242 |
Relative Humidity with Respect to Precipitable Water |
% |
245 |
Hourly Maximum of Column Vertical Integrated Graupel on Entire Atmosphere | kg m-2 | MAXVIG |
255 |
Missing |
Notes: (1) Parameter deprecated - See Regulation 92.6.2 and use another parameter instead. (2) Total precipitation/snowfall rate stands for the sum of convective and large-scale precipitation/snowfall rate. (3) Statistical process 1 (Accumulation) does not change units. It is recommended to use another parameter with "rate" in its name and accumulation in PDT. (4) The listed units for this parameter appear to be inappropriate for the potential evaporation rate. Instead, it is recommended to use parameter 143. (5) Total solid precipitation includes the sum of all types of solid water, e.g. graupel, snow and hail. (6) Assuming a cloud containing a bi-modal ice particle distribution, "cloud ice" refers to the small particle mode, whereas the large mode is usually called "snow". ("Ice pellets", in contrast, may refer to the precipitation of sleet, formed from freezing raindrops or refreezing (partially) melted snowflakes, or the precipitation of small hail.) (7) It is recommended to use Snow melt rate instead (discipline 2, category 0, number 41). (8) It is recommended to use parameter 148. (9) Snow evaporation is the accumulated amount of water that has evaporated from snow from within the snow covered area of a grid-box. |
Local Use Notes: (A) The numeric value is a reference to a weather string and key table stored in the Local Use Section (Section 2) of the same GRIB2 message. See MDL Template 2.1 page and this page for more details. |