In Section 3, Octet 72
(For grid templates 0-3, 40-43 and 204)

Revised 08/17/2017

Bit No. Value Meaning
Points in the first row or column scan in the +i (+x) direction
Points in the first row or column scan in the -i (-x) direction
Points in the first row or column scan in the -j (-y) direction
Points in the first row or column scan in the +j (+y) direction
Adjacent points in the i (x) direction are consecutive
Adjacent points in the j (y) direction are consecutive
4 0 All rows scan in the same direction
1 Adjacent rows scan in the opposite direction
5 0 Points within odd rows are not offset in i(x) direction
1 Points within odd rows are offset by Di/2 in i(x) direction
6 0 Points within even rows are not offset in i(x) direction
1 Points within even rows are offset by Di/2 in i(x) direction
7 0 Points are not offset in j(y) direction
1 Points are offset by Dj/2 in j(y) direction
8 0 Rows have Ni grid points and columns have Nj grid points
1 Rows have Ni grid points if points are not offset in i direction
Rows have Ni-1 grid points if points are offset by Di/2 in i direction
Columns have Nj grid points if points are not offset in j direction
Columns have Nj-1 grid points if points are offset by Dj/2 in j direction


1.  i direction - West to east along a parallel or left to right along an x-axis.

2.  j direction - South to north along a meridian, or bottom to top along a y-axis.

3.  If bit number 4 is set, the first row scan is defined by previous flags.

4.  La1 and Lo1 define the first row, which is an odd row.

5.  Di and Dj are assumed to be positive, with the direction of i and j being given by bits 1 and 2.

6.  Bits 5 through 8 may be used to generate staggered grids, such as Arakawa grids

    (see Attachment, Volume 1.2, Part A, Att. GRIB).

7.  If any of bits 5, 6, 7 or 8 are set, Di and Dj are not optional.
