#PBS -N seaice_filter_%CYC% #PBS -j oe #PBS -S /bin/bash #PBS -q %QUEUE% #PBS -A %PROJ%-%PROJENVIR% #PBS -l walltime=00:30:00 #PBS -l place=vscatter,select=1:ncpus=1:mem=3GB #PBS -l debug=true export model=seaice_analysis %include %include set -x export cyc=%CYC% module load intel/$intel_ver module load craype/$craype_ver module load libjpeg/$libjpeg_ver module load grib_util/${grib_util_ver} module list ${HOMEseaice_analysis}/jobs/JSEAICE_FILTER %include %manual ###################################################################### #PURPOSE: To execute the job that creates Ice Concentration Fields for the # Arctic Ocean and Antarctic Continent and adjoining water bodies. # # 04/06/2009: Job only requires 1000 to run at the normal time. # Bumped consumable memory to 1500 for cases where the job is being # run at a later time - more data is processed and more memory is required. ###################################################################### ###################################################################### # Job specific troubleshooting instructions: # see generic troubleshoot manual page # ###################################################################### # include manual page below %end