#PBS -N satingest_%task%_%TIME%_%MACHINE_SITE% #PBS -j oe #PBS -S /bin/bash #PBS -q %QUEUESERV% #PBS -A %PROJ%-%PROJENVIR% #PBS -l walltime=01:00:00 #PBS -l place=vscatter,select=1:ncpus=1:mem=%MEM%MB #PBS -l debug=true model=satingest %include %include export cyc=`date -u +%%H` export TASK=%task% #export TASK=%TASK% #export TASK=${TASK#*_} # Primary: # Backup: export PDA_SERVER=%PDA_SERVER% # Load requisite modules module load intel/${intel_ver} if [ "radsnd" = $TASK ]; then module load netcdf/${netcdf_ver} elif [ "snowore" = $TASK ]; then module load libjpeg/${libjpeg_ver} module load grib_util/${grib_util_ver} elif [ "snowday" = $TASK ]; then module load libjpeg/${libjpeg_ver} module load grib_util/${grib_util_ver} elif [ "ssmi" = $TASK ]; then module load libjpeg/${libjpeg_ver} module load grib_util/${grib_util_ver} elif [ "ozone_orbit" = $TASK ]; then module load hdf5/${hdf5_ver} fi module load bufr_tranjb/${bufr_tranjb_ver} module list ${HOMEsatingest}/jobs/JISATINGEST %include %manual ###################################################################### TASKSCRIPT DOCUMENTATION BLOCK PURPOSE: To execute the job that ingests %TASK% data from NESDIS. ###################################################################### %end