#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Author: Kit Menlove # Edits by 2021 Aug # Purpose: If the user is in the prod group, submit and send an e-mail message # For other users, the message is merely printed to standard out. # Usage: mail.py -s subject [-c cc-addr] [-b bcc-addr] [--html] [-v] to-addr message_file # mail.py -s subject [-c cc-addr] [-b bcc-addr] [--html] [-v] [to-addr] < message_file # echo "$msg" | mail.py -s subject [-c cc-addr] [-b bcc-addr] [--html] [-v] [to-addr] # Input: message_file - a text file with the body of the message # to-addr - a comma-delimited list of recipient e-mail addresses from __future__ import print_function from os import getenv, getuid, path, environ, system import re, grp, pwd import fileinput from subprocess import check_output, call from email.utils import formatdate from sys import exit, stderr from email.mime.text import MIMEText from time import sleep, time # prod jobs go to the prod database, everything else goes to the para database envir = getenv('envir') PARATEST = getenv('PARATEST') model = getenv('model') current_user=pwd.getpwuid(getuid())[0] current_user_address=('nco.spa' if current_user in ("ops.para" "ops.prod") else current_user) + '@noaa.gov' default_recipient=(getenv('MAILTO') if getenv('MAILTO') else current_user_address) email_regex=r"[a-zA-Z][-+._%a-zA-Z0-9]*@[a-zA-Z0-9]+(?:[-.][a-zA-Z0-9]+){0,12}\.[a-zA-Z]{2,15}" def validate_email_address_list(raw_address): address = re.sub(r"\s+", '', raw_address) match_result = re.match(r"{e}(?:,{e})*$".format(e=email_regex), address) if not match_result: raise ValueError('{0} does not contain a list of valid email addresses'.format(address)) return address def send(subject, message_body, to_address=default_recipient, cc_address=None, bcc_address=None, from_name=None, is_html=False, verbose=False): # Generate the "from" address from_address = current_user_address # Prepend the environment to the subject if not "prod" if envir == 'prod' or envir == None: if PARATEST == 'YES': message_subject = ("[{0}] {1}".format("PARATEST", subject.strip())) else: message_subject = ("[{0}] {1}".format("WCOSS2", subject.strip())) else: if PARATEST == 'YES': message_subject = ("[{0}-{1}] {2}".format("PARATEST", envir, subject.strip())) else: message_subject = ("[{0}] [{1}] {2}".format("WCOSS2",envir, subject.strip())) # If certain job-information variables are set, create a string containing their values to append to the message job_info = [] ecFlow_task_path = getenv('ECF_NAME') if ecFlow_task_path: job_info.append(("ecFlow Task", ecFlow_task_path)) if getenv('ECF_RID'): try: stdout_file = check_output("qstat -fwx {0} | grep Output_Path".format(getenv('ECF_RID')), shell=True).decode().split(":")[1] except: stdout_file="Job ran locally" finally: job_info.append(("Standard Output", stdout_file)) if job_info: job_info_text = '

' if is_html else "\n{0}\n".format('-'*80) for info in job_info: if is_html: job_info_text += "".format(*info) else: job_info_text += info[0] + ": " + info[1] + "\n" if is_html: job_info_text += "
" else: job_info_text = "" # Make sure html messages are wrapped in tags # TODO: Do we need to validate or encode the message body? Make sure it isn't too long or contains characters that would mess up the query? if is_html: if re.match(r"\s*' else: message_body += job_info_text message_info = { "timestamp": formatdate(), "target_address": to_address, "carbon_copy_address": cc_address, "blind_carbon_copy_address": bcc_address, "from_name": from_name, "from_address": from_address, "reply_to": current_user_address, "message_subject": message_subject, "body": message_body, "is_html": is_html } if current_user in grp.getgrnam("ops").gr_mem: print(message_info) msg = MIMEText(message_info['body'], ('html' if message_info['is_html'] else 'plain')) msg['Date'] = message_info['timestamp'] if message_info['from_name']: msg['From'] = "{0} <{1}>".format(message_info['from_name'], message_info['from_address']) else: msg['From'] = message_info['from_address'] msg['reply_to'] = message_info['reply_to'] msg['To'] = message_info['target_address'] msg['Cc'] = message_info['carbon_copy_address'] msg['Subject'] = message_info['message_subject'] all_recipients = message_info['target_address'].split(',') if isinstance(message_info['carbon_copy_address'], str): all_recipients.extend(message_info['carbon_copy_address'].split(',')) if isinstance(message_info['blind_carbon_copy_address'], str): all_recipients.extend(message_info['blind_carbon_copy_address'].split(',')) verbose=True if msg['Cc']: errors = system('echo "%s" | mailx -s "%s" -c %s %s -r %s' %(message_info['body'],msg['Subject'],msg['Cc'],msg['To'],msg['reply_to'])) else: errors = system('echo "%s" | mailx -s "%s" %s -r %s' %(message_info['body'],msg['Subject'],msg['To'],msg['reply_to'])) if errors: print("Unable to deliver to one or more recipients:", errors, file=stderr) exit(1) else: print('The following message will NOT be sent due to insufficient permissions:') verbose=True # Print the email to stdout if verbose flag is set or the user is not in the prod group if verbose: print('-'*80) print("To: %(target_address)s" % message_info) if message_info['from_name']: print("From: \"%(from_name)s\" <%(from_address)s>" % message_info) else: print("From: %(from_address)s" % message_info) print("""Date: %(timestamp)s Subject: %(message_subject)s %(body)s --------------------------------------------------------------------------------""" % message_info) if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse def EmailType(raw_address): try: address_list = validate_email_address_list(raw_address) if not address_list: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('One or more addresses were invalid') return address_list except ValueError: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('%s is not a valid address list' % raw_address) # Parse command line arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Submit an e-mail message to the production e-mail queue to be transmitted by the jsendmail job. The message body may be piped via stdin or provided as an input file (i.e. message_file) following the recipient list.', usage='''echo "$msg" | %(prog)s -s subject [-c cc-addr] [-b bcc-addr] [--html] [-v] [to-addr] usage: %(prog)s -s subject [-c cc-addr] [-b bcc-addr] [--html] [-v] to-addr message_file usage: %(prog)s -s subject [-c cc-addr] [-b bcc-addr] [--html] [-v] [to-addr] < message_file''') # Subject is optional when $jobid variable is set if getenv('jobid'): parser.add_argument('-s', '--subject', default="Message from WCOSS2 job " + getenv('jobid'), metavar='subject', help="subject of the e-mail message") else: parser.add_argument('-s', '--subject', required=True, metavar='subject', help="subject of the e-mail message") parser.add_argument('-c', '--cc', type=EmailType, metavar='cc-addr', help='comma-delimited list of carbon copy recipient(s)') parser.add_argument('-b', '--bcc', type=EmailType, metavar='bcc-addr', help='comma-delimited list of blind carbon copy recipient(s)') parser.add_argument('-n', '--from', dest='from_name', metavar='name', help='name or title of the sender - will not change the underlying address') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='print the message header and body') # Default "to" address to user's NOAA inbox (or SPA helpdesk when user is ops.prod) parser.add_argument('address', default=default_recipient, nargs='?', type=EmailType, metavar='to-addr', help='comma-delimited e-mail address(es) of the intended recipient(s); if omitted, the message will be sent ' + 'to the recipient(s) specified in the $MAILTO variable, or the current user @noaa.gov if undefined') parser.add_argument('--html', action='store_true', help='send the message as HyperText Markup Language (HTML)') (args, message) = parser.parse_known_args() message_body = ''.join(fileinput.input(message)) send(args.subject, message_body, args.address, args.cc, args.bcc, args.from_name, args.html, args.verbose) sleep(2)