#!/usr/bin/perl -w # 2012 Public Domain Wesley Ebisuzaki # # makes a GrADS control file for grib2 files # # requires wgrib2 and Perl5 # # usage: alt_g2ctl [options] [grib file] [optional index file] >[control file] # # note: this script does not make the index file .. you have to run gribmap # # Analyses: (using initial time) # # $ alt_g2ctl -0 example.grib >example.ctl # $ alt_gmp -i example.ctl # # Forecasts: (using verifiation time) # # $ alt_g2ctl example.grib >example.ctl # $ alt_gmp -i example.ctl # # bugs: # many # # requires newer wgrib2 # # documentation: http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/wesley/alt_g2ctl_gmp.html # # # added output for rotated LatLon grids # Helmut P. Frank, Helmut.Frank@dwd.de # Fri Sep 14 13:54:00 GMT 2001 # -ts, -lc options: Ag Stephens, BADC 3/2003 # # requires grads 2.0a3+ - thinned grid update # $version="0.9.98"; use POSIX; use Math::Trig qw(deg2rad rad2deg); # ***** if wgrib2 is not on path, add it here $wgrib2='/hwrf/save/Samuel.Trahan/H216/exec/hwrf_wgrib2'; # local defn of developement version $wgrib2_flags='-npts -set_ext_name 1 -end_FT -ext_name -lev'; $wgrib2_inv=".invd01"; $file=""; $index=""; $pdef=""; $calendar=""; $timestep=""; # $nearest_neighbor=""; $kludge=""; $template=""; $pdef_nearest=1; $raw="no"; $profile="mb"; $profile_sort='reverse'; $update='0'; $big='0'; $nthreads=1; # set pdef_offset = 0 for old code, 1 for new code $pdef_offset=0; for ($i = 0; $i <= $#ARGV; $i++) { $_ = $ARGV[$i]; SWITCH: { /^-verf$/ && do { last SWITCH; }; /^-0$/ && do { $wgrib2_flags = '-npts -set_ext_name 1 -T -ext_name -lev'; $wgrib2_inv = ".invd03"; last SWITCH }; /^-0t$/ && do { $wgrib2_flags = '-npts -set_ext_name 1 -T -ext_name -ftime -lev'; $wgrib2_inv = ".invd02"; last SWITCH }; /^-b$/ && do { $wgrib2_flags = '-npts -set_ext_name 1 -start_FT -ext_name -lev'; $wgrib2_inv = ".invd04"; last SWITCH }; /^-bt$/ && do { $wgrib2_flags = '-npts -set_ext_name 1 -start_FT -ext_name -lev'; $wgrib2_inv = ".invd05"; last SWITCH }; /^-e$/ && do { $wgrib2_flags='-npts -set_ext_name 1 -end_FT -ext_name -lev'; $wgrib2_inv=".invd01"; last SWITCH }; /^-et$/ && do { $wgrib2_flags='-npts -set_ext_name 1 -end_FT -ext_name -ftime -lev'; $wgrib2_inv=".invd01"; last SWITCH }; /^-update$/ && do { $update="1"; last SWITCH }; /^-(prs|mb)$/ && do { $profile = "mb"; $profile_sort='reverse'; last SWITCH }; /^-no_profile/ && do { $profile = ""; $profile_sort=''; last SWITCH }; /^-iso$/ && do { $profile = "iso"; $profile_sort='' ; last SWITCH }; /^-bsl$/ && do { $profile = "bsl"; $profile_sort='reverse' ; last SWITCH }; /^-dsl$/ && do { $profile = "dsl"; $profile_sort='reverse' ; last SWITCH }; /^-sig$/ && do { $profile = "sig"; $profile_sort='' ; last SWITCH }; /^-365$/ && do { $calendar="365"; last SWITCH; }; /^-ts(\d+\w+)/ && do { $timestep=$1; last SWITCH; }; /^-kludge/ && do { $kludge="on"; last SWITCH; }; /^-sub/ && do { push @from, $ARGV[$i+1]; push @to, $ARGV[$i+2]; $i+=2; last SWITCH; }; /^-del/ && do { push @from, $ARGV[$i+1]; push @to,""; $i+=1; last SWITCH; }; /^-raw/ && do { $raw="yes" ; last SWITCH }; /^-pdef_linear/ && do { $pdef_nearest=0 ; last SWITCH }; /^-nthreads/ && do { $nthreads=$ARGV[++$i]; ; last SWITCH }; # /^-big/ && do { $big='1'; ; last SWITCH }; /^-/ && do { print STDERR "unknown option: $_\n"; exit 8; }; if ($file eq "") { $file = $_; } elsif ($index eq "") { $index = $_; } else { $pdef = $_; } } } # print STDERR "file=$file index=$index\n"; if ($file eq "") { if ($#ARGV >= 0) { print STDERR "*** missing grib file ***\n\n\n"; } print STDERR "$0 $version wesley ebisuzaki\n"; print STDERR " makes a Grads alt control file for grib2 files\n"; print STDERR " usage: $0 [options] [grib_file] [optional index file] [optional pdef file] >[ctl file]\n"; print STDERR " -0 .. use analysis time\n"; print STDERR " -0t .. use analysis time + fhour\n"; print STDERR " -b .. use use start of ave/acc period or fcst time\n"; print STDERR " -bt .. use use start of ave/acc period or fcst time + fhour\n"; print STDERR " -e .. use use end of ave/acc period or fcst time (default\n"; print STDERR " -bt .. use use end of ave/acc period or fcst time + fhour\n"; # print STDERR " -big .. for files > 2GB (only works on 64-bit machines/codes\n"; print STDERR " -update .. alt_gmp will be in fast update mode\n"; print STDERR " -nthreads N .. number of threads used by alt_gmp (default=1)\n"; print STDERR " -sub \"A\" \"B\" .. substiute variables names, A -> B, use regular expressions\n"; print STDERR " .. any number of -sub options can be used\n"; print STDERR " -prs .. pressure (mb) vertical coordinates (default)\n"; print STDERR " -iso .. pot temp (K) vertical coordinates\n"; print STDERR " -dsl .. below sea level (m) vertical coordinates\n"; print STDERR " -bsl .. below sea level (m) vertical coordinates (obsolete)\n"; print STDERR " -sig .. sigma (0..1) vertical coordinates\n"; print STDERR " -no_profile .. no vertical coordinates\n"; print STDERR " -365 .. 365 day calendar\n"; print STDERR " -ts[timestep] .. set timestep for individual time files (e.g. -ts6hr)\n"; print STDERR " -lc .. set lowercase option for parameter names\n"; print STDERR " -pdef_linear .. linear interpolation for thinned grids\n"; print STDERR " -raw .. raw grid\n"; print STDERR "\n"; print STDERR "Note 1: the index file will be generated by the gribmap program, default: grib_file.idx\n"; print STDERR "Note 2: the pdef file is only generated for thinned lat-lon grids, default: grib_file.pdef\n"; print STDERR "Note 3: template options supported: %y4 %y2 %m2 %d2 %h2 %n2 %f2 %f3\n"; exit 8; } $_ = $file; if (/%y4/ || /%y2/ || /%m2/ || /%d2/ || /%h2/ || /%n2/ || /%f2/ || /%f3/ ) { $template='on'; } # if (-d "c:\\") { if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { $ListA="$ENV{TEMP}\\h$$.tmp"; $TmpFile="NUL"; #unlink $ListA; $sys="win"; } else { $TmpFile="/dev/null"; $j=0; while (-f "/tmp/g.$$.$j.tmp") { $j++; } $ListA="/tmp/g.$$.$j.tmp"; $sys="unix"; } # ctlfilename = name used by control file (different for template option( # file = file name (of first matching file) $ctlfilename=$file; # inventory of All records if ($template eq "on") { $gfile=$file; if ($sys eq 'win') { $gfile =~ s=\\=/=g; } $gfile =~ s/%y4/\\d{4}/g; $gfile =~ s/%y2/\\d{2}/g; $gfile =~ s/%m2/\\d{2}/g; $gfile =~ s/%d2/\\d{2}/g; $gfile =~ s/%h2/\\d{2}/g; $gfile =~ s/%n2/\\d{1,2}/g; $gfile =~ s/%f2/\\d{2,3}/g; $gfile =~ s/%f3/\\d{3}/g; $dir=$gfile; $dir =~ s=(/*)[^/]*$=$1=; $gfile =~ s/^$dir//; $head=$gfile; $head =~ s=\\d\{.*==; $tail=$gfile; $tail =~ s=.*\\d\{.*\}==; if ($tail eq $head) { $tail=''; } if ($dir eq "") { opendir(DIR,'.') or die "Could not open current working directory!"; } else { opendir(DIR,$dir) or die "Could not open dir: $dir"; } @allfiles = grep /^$gfile$/, readdir DIR; closedir DIR; if ($#allfiles <= -1 ) { print STDERR "\nError: could not find any files in directory: $dir\n"; exit 8; } # allfiles has the name of all the files # need to find times: t0, t1, .. t-last for ($i = 0; $i <= $#allfiles; $i++) { $_ = $allfiles[$i]; $_ =~ s/$head//; $_ =~ s/$tail//; # now $_ has the date code / forecast hour if ($i == 0) { $min_tval = $_; $min_t2val = $_; $max_tval = $_; } elsif ($min_tval eq $min_t2val && $min_tval eq $max_tval) { if ($_ > $min_tval) { $min_t2val = $_; $max_tval = $_; } else { $min_tval = $_; } } else { if ($_ > $max_tval) { $max_tval = $_; } elsif ($_ < $min_tval) { $min_t2val = $min_tval; $min_tval = $_; } elsif ($_ < $min_t2val && $_ > $min_tval) { $min_t2val = $_; } } } $file="$dir$head$min_tval$tail"; if ($sys eq 'win') { $file =~ s=/=\\=g; } # # make inventory of first two files and last file # need to get dt and last date system "$wgrib2 -lev0 $wgrib2_flags \"${dir}$head$min_tval$tail\" >$ListA"; if ($#allfiles >= 1) { system "$wgrib2 -lev0 $wgrib2_flags \"$dir$head$min_t2val$tail\" >>$ListA"; } if ($#allfiles >= 2) { system "$wgrib2 -lev0 $wgrib2_flags \"$dir$head$max_tval$tail\" >>$ListA"; } } else { system "$wgrib2 -lev0 $wgrib2_flags \"$file\" >$ListA"; } warn "$wgrib2 -lev0 $wgrib2_flags"; warn "$ListA"; if ( ! -s $ListA ) { print STDERR "Big problem:\n"; print STDERR " either $file is missing or not a grib file\n"; print STDERR " or wgrib2 is not on your path or wgrib2 is too old\n"; print STDERR " or can not write to $ListA (full disk or permissions).\n"; #unlink $ListA; exit 8; } # make table of dates and variables scan_ListA(); #unlink $ListA; @sdates=sort keys(%dates); # number of time 1 or greater $ntime=$#sdates + 1; $time=$sdates[0]; $year = substr($time,0,4); $mo = substr($time,4,2); $day = substr($time,6,2); $hour = substr($time,8,2); $minute = substr($time,10,2); if ($mo < 0 || $mo > 12) { print "illegal date code $time\n"; exit 8; } $month=substr("janfebmaraprmayjunjulaugsepoctnovdec",$mo*3-3,3); if ($ntime > 1) { $year1 = substr($sdates[1],0,4); $mo1 = substr($sdates[1],4,2); $day1 = substr($sdates[1],6,2); $hour1 = substr($sdates[1],8,2); $minute1 = substr($sdates[1],10,2); $year_last = substr($sdates[$#sdates],0,4); $mo_last = substr($sdates[$#sdates],4,2); $day_last = substr($sdates[$#sdates],6,2); $hour_last = substr($sdates[$#sdates],8,2); $minute_last = substr($sdates[$#sdates],10,2); } # ---------------intro------------------------------------ if ("$index" eq "") {$index="$file.idx";} if ("$pdef" eq "") { $pdef = "$file.pdef";} if ($sys eq "unix") { $caret1 = (substr($file,0,1) eq "/") ? "" : '^'; $caret2 = (substr($index,0,1) eq "/") ? "" : '^'; $caret3 = (substr($pdef,0,1) eq "/") ? "" : '^'; } else { $caret1 = (substr($file,1,1) eq ":") ? "" : '^'; $caret2 = (substr($index,1,1) eq ":") ? "" : '^'; $caret3 = (substr($pdef,1,1) eq ":") ? "" : '^'; } print "dset $caret1$ctlfilename\nindex $caret2$index\n"; print "undef 9.999E+20\ntitle $file\n* produced by alt_g2ctl v$version, use alt_gmp to make idx file\n"; print "* command line options: @ARGV\n"; print "* alt_gmp options: update=$update\n"; print "* alt_gmp options: nthreads=$nthreads\n"; print "* alt_gmp options: big=$big\n"; print "* wgrib2 inventory flags: $wgrib2_flags\n"; print "* wgrib2 inv suffix: $wgrib2_inv\n"; # ------------------- grid ----------------------- $griddef = `$wgrib2 "$file" -one_line -d 1 -nxny -grid -vector_dir`; $_=$griddef; $_ = $griddef; $_ =~ s/^[^(]*//; $_ =~ s/:.*//; /\((\S*) x -*(\d*)\)/; $nx=$1; $ny=$2; $_=$griddef; $t = substr($griddef,0,240); print "* griddef=$t\n"; print "dtype grib2\n"; if ($template eq "on") { print "options template\n"; } if ($raw eq 'yes') { print "xdef $nx linear 0 0.1\n"; print "ydef $ny linear 0 0.1\n"; } elsif (/: Gaussian grid:/) { / lon (\S*) to (\S*)/; $lon0=$1; $lon1=$2; if ($lon1 <= $lon0) { $lon1 += 360.0; } $dlon = ($lon1 - $lon0) / ($nx - 1); / lat (\S*) to (\S*)/; if ($1 < $2) { $lat0=$1; $lat1=$2; } else { $lat0=$2; $lat1=$1; } /number of latitudes between pole-equator=(\S*)/; $nGauLats=2*$1; print "* ny=$ny nlat=$nGauLats lat0=$lat0 lat1=$lat1\n"; print "xdef $nx linear $lon0 $dlon\n"; print "ydef $ny levels\n"; &print_range_gau_lats; } elsif (/ thinned global Gaussian grid:/) { / input (\S*)/; $scan = $1; if ($scan ne 'WE:NS' && $scan ne 'WE:SN') { print "\n* **** unsupported scan mode $scan\n"; } /#grid points by latitude: (.*)/; $list = $1; /#points=(\d*)/; $npnts=$1; $i = 1; $nx = 0; foreach $t (split(' ',$list)) { $t =~ s/:.*//; $nlon[$i++] = $t; if ($nx < $t) { $nx = $t; } } $dx = 360.0 / $nx; $t = 0; printf "xdef $nx linear 0 $dx\n"; print "ydef $ny levels\n"; &print_gau_lats; # now to create the pdef file open (PDEF, ">$pdef") or die "Could not open pdef file for write: $pdef"; binmode PDEF; $regional_thinned_grid=0; if ($pdef_nearest == 0) { pdef_linear(); } else { pdef_near(); } close(PDEF); } elsif (/ thinned (global|regional) lat-lon grid:/) { / lat *(\S*) to (\S*) by (\S*) /; $lat0 = $1; $lat1 = $2; $dy = $3; / lon (\S*) to (\S*) with variable spacing/; $lon0=$1; $lon1=$2; /\(-1 x (\d*)\)/; $ny = $1; / #points=(\d*) /; $npnts = $1; / input (\S*)/; $scan = $1; if ($scan ne 'WE:NS' && $scan ne 'WE:SN') { print "\n* **** unsupported scan mode $scan\n"; } if ($lat0 > $lat1) { $yrev = 1; print "ydef $ny linear $lat1 ", abs($dy), "\n" } else { $yrev = 0; print "ydef $ny linear $lat0 ", abs($dy), "\n" } $t=$_; $_ =~ s/^.*points by latitude: //; $_ =~ s/:.*//; $list=$_; $i = 1; foreach $t (split(' ',$list)) { $nlon[$i++] = $t; } if ($lon1 <= $lon0) { $lon1 += 360.0; } # # check if global # $nx = $nlon[$ny]; $dx = ($lon1 - $lon0) / ($nx - 1); $dx=$dx*$nx; $regional_thinned_grid = 1; if (abs($dx-360.0) < 0.01) {$regional_thinned_grid=0; } # # figure out dx and nx for the projection grid # $nx=$nlon[1]; if ($nx < $nlon[$ny]) { $nx = $nlon[$ny]; } $dx = ($lon1 - $lon0) / ($nx - 1); print "xdef $nx linear $lon0 $dx\n"; open (PDEF, ">$pdef") or die "Could not open pdef file for write: $pdef"; binmode PDEF; $regional_thinned_grid=1; if ($pdef_nearest == 0) { pdef_linear(); } else { pdef_near(); } close(PDEF); } elsif (/: lat-lon grid:/) { / lat (\S*) to (\S*) by (\S*)/; $lat0=$1; $lat1=$2; $dlat=$3; / lon (\S*) to (\S*) by (\S*)/; $lon0=$1; # $lon1=$2; $dlon=$3; if ($lat0 > $lat1) { print "ydef $ny linear $lat1 ", abs($dlat), "\n" } else { print "ydef $ny linear $lat0 ", abs($dlat), "\n" } if ($lon0 + ($nx-1) * $dlon > 360.0) { $lon0 -= 360.0; } print "xdef $nx linear $lon0 $dlon\n"; } elsif (/ Mercator grid: /) { # beta: mercator # scan modes .. assumes west to east /lat *(\S*) to (\S*) /; $lat1 = $1; $lat2 = $2; /lon (\S*) to (\S*) /; $lon1 = $1; $lon2 = $2; /grid: \((\d*) x (\d*)\) /; $nx = $1; $ny = $2; $dlon = $lon2 - $lon1; if ($dlon <= 0) { $dlon = $dlon + 360; } $dlon = $dlon / ($nx - 1); if ($lon1 + ($nx-1) * $dlon > 360.0) { $lon1 -= 360.0 } print "xdef $nx linear $lon1 $dlon\n"; if ($lat1 > $lat2) { # print "options yrev\n"; $t = $lat2; $lat2 = $lat1; $lat1 = $t; } print "ydef $ny levels\n"; $i = 0; $n1 = log(tan((45+$lat1/2)*3.1415927/180)); $n2 = log(tan((45+$lat2/2)*3.1415927/180)); $dy = ($n2 - $n1) / ($ny - 1); while ($i < $ny) { $nn = $n1 + $dy * $i; $lat = (atan(exp($nn))*180/3.1415927-45)*2; printf ("%9.4f ", $lat); $i++; if ($i % 7 == 0) { print "\n"; } } if ($i % 7 != 0) { print "\n"; } } elsif (/ Lambert Conformal: /) { / Lat1 (\S*) Lon1 (\S*) LoV (\S*) LatD \S* Latin1 (\S*) Latin2 (\S*) /; $lat1 = $1; $lon1 = $2; $lov = $3; $latin1 = $4; $latin2 = $5; /Pole \((\S*) x (\S*)\) Dx (\S*) m Dy (\S*) m /; $nx = $1; $ny = $2; $dx = $3; $dy = $4; $t='lcc'; if (/:winds\(grid\)/) { $t='lccr' ; } if ($dx == 0 || $dy == 0) { print STDERR "Problem: DX or DY is missing! Cannot make a control file\n"; exit; } &domain; # make sure than lon1 is within 180 degrees of lov # lov, lon1 should be between 0 and 360 if ($lon1 < $lov - 180.0) { $lon1 += 360.0; } if ($lon1 > $lov + 180.0) { $lon1 -= 360.0; } # make sure that lov is within 180 degrees of west # lov is between 0 and 360 and west is between -180 and 180 if ($lov < ($west+$east)/2 - 180.0) { $lov += 360.0 ; $lon1 += 360.0; }; if ($lov > ($west+$east)/2 + 180.0) { $lov -= 360.0 ; $lon1 -= 360.0; }; print "pdef $nx $ny $t $lat1 $lon1 1 1 $latin1 $latin2 $lov $dx $dy\n"; # if ($lon1 - $west >= 360.0) { # $lon1 -= 360.0; # $lov -= 360.0; # } # if ($lov < $lon1 - 180.0) { $lov += 360.0; } # if ($lov > $lon1 + 180.0) { $lov -= 360.0; } # print "pdef $nx $ny $t $lat1 $lon1 1 1 $latin1 $latin2 $lov $dx $dy\n"; $dx = $dx / (110000.0 * cos($lat1*3.141592654/180.0)); $dy = $dy / 110000.0; $tmp = int(($east - $west) / $dx + 1); if (($west == -180) && ($east == 180)) { $tmp -= 1; } print "xdef $tmp linear $west $dx\n"; $tmp = int(($north - $south) / $dy + 1); print "ydef $tmp linear $south $dy\n"; } elsif (/ polar stereographic grid: /) { / (\S*) pole lat1 (\S*) lon1 (\S*) latD (\S*) lonV (\S*) dx (\S*) m dy (\S*) m/; $pole = $1; $lat1 = $2; $lon1 = $3; $orient = $5; $dx = $6; $dy = $7; / \((\S*) x (\S*)\) input (\S*) /; $nx=$1; $ny=$2; $scan=64; # $scan=-1; # if ($3 eq 'WE:NS') { $scan = 0; } # if ($3 eq 'WE:SN') { $scan = 64; } # if ($scan == -1) { printf STDERR "HELP polar stereographic code needs to be extended!!\n"; } # probably only works for scan=64 $dpr=3.14159265358979/180.0; $rearth=6.3712e6; $h=1; $proj="nps"; if ($pole eq "South") { $h=-1; $orient -= 180.0; $proj="sps"; } $hi=1; $hj=-1; if (($scan/128 % 2) == 1) { $hi=-1; } if (($scan/64 % 2) == 1) { $hj=1; } if ($dx == 0 || $dy == 0) { print STDERR "Problem: DX or DY is missing! Cannot make a control file\n"; exit; } $dxs=$dx*$hi; $dys=$dy*$hj; $de=(1+sin(60*$dpr))*$rearth; $dr=$de*cos($lat1*$dpr)/(1+$h*sin($lat1*$dpr)); $xp=1-$h*sin(($lon1-$orient)*$dpr)*$dr/$dxs; $yp=1+cos(($lon1-$orient)*$dpr)*$dr/$dys; $dx=$h*$dx/1000; printf "pdef $nx $ny $proj $xp $yp $orient $dx\n"; &domain; $dx = 1000.0 * abs($dx); $nx = int(2 * $rearth * 3.14 * ($east-$west)/360.0 / $dx + 1); $dx = ($east-$west) /($nx-1); # make dx a faction of 360 so grads can id as a global field $nx = int(360.0 / $dx) + 1.0; $dx = 360.0 / $nx; $nx = int( ($east-$west)/$dx ) + 1; $dy = abs($dy); $ny = int($rearth * 3.14 * ($north-$south)/180.0 / $dy + 1); $dy = ($north-$south)/($ny-1); $tmp = int(($east - $west) / $dx + 1); if (($west == -180) && ($east == 180)) { $tmp -= 1; } print "xdef $tmp linear $west $dx\n"; $tmp = int(($north - $south) / $dy + 1); print "ydef $tmp linear $south $dy\n"; # $dx = 1000.0 * abs($dx); # $nx = int($rearth * 3.14 / $dx + 1); # $dx = 360/$nx; # printf "xdef $nx linear 0 $dx\n"; # if ($proj eq 'sps') { # $ny=int(($north+90)/$dx)+1; # printf "ydef $ny linear -90 $dx\n", # } # else { # $ny=int((90-$south)/$dx)+1; # $l=90-($ny-1)*$dx; # printf "ydef $ny linear $l $dx\n", # } } elsif ( / thinned gaussian:/) { / lat *(\S*) to (\S*)/; $lat0 = $1; $lat1 = $2; / long (\S*) to (\S*), (\S*) grid pts \(-1 x (\S*)\) /; $lon0=$1; $lon1=$2; $nxny = $3; $ny = $4; print "ydef $ny levels\n"; $yrev = 0; if ($lat0 > $lat1) { $yrev = 1; } $eps = 3e-14; $m=int(($ny+1)/2); $i=1; while ($i <= $m) { $z=cos(3.141592654*($i-0.25)/($ny+0.5)); do { $p1 = 1; $p2 = 0; $j = 1; while ($j <= $ny) { $p3 = $p2; $p2 = $p1; $p1=((2*$j-1)*$z*$p2-($j-1)*$p3)/$j; $j++; } $pp = $ny*($z*$p1-$p2)/($z*$z-1); $z1 = $z; $z = $z1 - $p1/$pp; } until abs($z-$z1) < $eps; $x[$i] = -atan2($z,sqrt(1-$z*$z))*180/3.141592654; $x[$ny+1-$i] = -$x[$i]; $i++; } $i = 1; while ($i < $ny) { printf " %7.3f", $x[$i]; if (($i % 10) == 0) { print "\n"; } $i++; } printf " %7.3f\n", $x[$ny]; $t=$_; s/\n//g; / bdsgrid \S* (.*) min/; $list=$1; $i = 1; $nx = 0; foreach $t (split(' ',$list)) { $nlon[$i++] = $t; if ($nx < $t) { $nx = $t; } } if ($lon1 <= $lon0) { $lon1 += 360.0; } $dx = ($lon1 - $lon0) / ($nx - 1); print "xdef $nx linear $lon0 $dx\n"; # now to create the pdef file open (PDEF, ">$pdef") or die "Could not open pdef file for write: $pdef"; binmode PDEF; print "pdef $nxny 1 file 1 stream binary $caret3$pdef\n"; if ($yrev == 0) { $offset = 0; for ($j = 1; $j <= $ny; $j++) { for ($i = 0; $i < $nx; $i++) { $x = $i / ($nx - 1.0) * ($nlon[$j] - 1); $x = floor($x + 0.5) + $offset + $pdef_offset; print PDEF pack("L", $x); } $offset += $nlon[$j]; } } else { $offset = $nxny; for ($j = $ny; $j >= 1; $j--) { $offset -= $nlon[$j]; for ($i = 0; $i < $nx; $i++) { $x = $i / ($nx - 1.0) * ($nlon[$j] - 1); $x = floor($x + 0.5) + $offset + $pdef_offset; print PDEF pack("L", $x); } } } # print weights $x = pack("f", 1.0); for ($i = 0; $i < $nx*$ny; $i++) { print PDEF $x; } # print wind rotation $x = pack("L", -999); for ($i = 0; $i < $nx*$ny; $i++) { print PDEF $x; } close(PDEF); } # rotated LatLon grid elsif (/ rotated lat-lon grid/) { / lat (\S*) to (\S*) by (\S*)/; $lat0 = $1; $lat1 = $2; $dlat = $3; / lon (\S*) to (\S*) by (\S*)/; $lon0 = $1; $lon1 = $2; $dlon = $3; if ($lon0 > 180.0) { $lon0 -= 360.0; } /rotated lat-lon grid:\((\S*) x (\S*)\)/; $nx = $1; $ny = $2; / south pole lat=(\S*) lon=(\S*) angle of rot=(\S*):/; $lat_sp = $1; $lon_sp = $2; $rot_angle = $3; print "* Rotated xxxxLatLon grid: South pole lat $lat_sp lon $lon_sp", " rot angle $rot_angle\n"; if ($dlon < $dlat) { $dlat = $dlon ;} $dlon = $dlat; # $dlon = ($lon1-$lon0)/($nx-1); # $dlat = ($lat1-$lat0)/($ny-1); $t0 = $lon_sp+180.0; if ($t0 > 360.0) { $t0 -= 360.0; } $t1 = -$lat_sp; $pdef='rotll'; if (/:winds\(grid\)/) { $pdef='rotllr'; } print "pdef $nx $ny $pdef $t0 $t1 $dlon $dlat $lon0 $lat0\n"; ($swlat, $swlon) = rr2ll($lat_sp,$lon_sp,$rot_angle,$lat1,$lon0); if ($lat0 > $lat1) { ($swlat, $swlon) = rr2ll($lat_sp,$lon_sp,$rot_angle,$lat1,$lon0); ($nwlat, $nwlon) = rr2ll($lat_sp,$lon_sp,$rot_angle,$lat0,$lon0); ($nelat, $nelon) = rr2ll($lat_sp,$lon_sp,$rot_angle,$lat0,$lon1); ($selat, $selon) = rr2ll($lat_sp,$lon_sp,$rot_angle,$lat1,$lon1); $northlat=($nwlat>$nelat)?$nwlat:$nelat; $southlat=($swlat<$selat)?$swlat:$selat; $goodny=($northlat-$southlat)/$dlat; $nlat=$northlat-fmod($northlat,abs($dlat)); print "options yrev\n"; print "ydef $goodny linear $nlat ", abs($dlat), "\n" } else { ($swlat, $swlon) = rr2ll($lat_sp,$lon_sp,$rot_angle,$lat0,$lon0); ($nwlat, $nwlon) = rr2ll($lat_sp,$lon_sp,$rot_angle,$lat1,$lon0); ($nelat, $nelon) = rr2ll($lat_sp,$lon_sp,$rot_angle,$lat1,$lon1); ($selat, $selon) = rr2ll($lat_sp,$lon_sp,$rot_angle,$lat0,$lon1); $northlat=($nwlat>$nelat)?$nwlat:$nelat; $southlat=($swlat<$selat)?$swlat:$selat; $goodny=floor(($northlat-$southlat)/$dlat)+1; $slat=$southlat-fmod($southlat,abs($dlat)); print "ydef $goodny linear $slat ", abs($dlat), "\n" } $eastlon=($nelon>$selon)?$nelon:$selon; $westlon=($swlon<$nwlon)?$swlon:$nwlon; $goodnx=floor(($eastlon-$westlon)/$dlon)+1; $wlon=$westlon-fmod($westlon,abs($dlon)); print "xdef $goodnx linear $wlon $dlon\n"; } elsif (/: Irregular Grid:/) { /: Irregular Grid:\((\S*) x/; $nx = $1; print "xdef $nx linear 0 1\n"; print "ydef 1 linear 0 1\n"; } elsif (/:grid_template=204:/) { print "pdef 1200 1684 bilin sequential binary-big pdef_ncep_12.atl\n"; print "xdef 1300 linear -105.04 0.1325\n"; print "ydef 1500 linear -25.2 0.0678\n"; } else { print STDERR "*** script needs to be modified ***\n"; print STDERR "*** unknown grid ***\n"; exit 8; } # make the tdef statement &tdef; # ------------------var-------------------------------------; # Find the vertical profile foreach $var (keys(%levels)) { $var_old=$var; $vert_lev = ''; if ($profile eq 'mb') { # $var =~ s/:([\d.e+-]*) mb$/prs/ && do { $vert_lev = $1 ; $var_id = $var; $var_id =~ s/prs$/:%s mb/; }; # $var =~ s/:([0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?) mb$/prs/ && do { $vert_lev = $1 ; $var_id = $var; $var_id =~ s/prs$/:%s mb/; }; $var =~ s/:([0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?) mb$/:prs/ && do { $vert_lev = $1 ; $var_id = $var; $var_id =~ s/:prs$/:%s mb/; }; } if ($profile eq 'iso') { $var =~ s/:([0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?) K isentropic level$/:iso/ && do { $vert_lev = $1 ; $var_id = $var; $var_id =~ s/:iso$/:%s K isentropic level/; }; } if ($profile eq 'bsl') { $var =~ s/:([0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?) m below sea level$/:bsl/ && do { $vert_lev = $1 ; $var_id = $var; $var_id =~ s/:bsl$/:%s m below sea level/; }; } if ($profile eq 'dsl') { $var =~ s/:([0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?) m below sea level$/:dsl/ && do { $vert_lev = $1 ; $var_id = $var; $var_id =~ s/:dsl$/:%s m below sea level/; }; } if ($profile eq 'sig') { $var =~ s/:([0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?) sigma level$/:sig/ && do { $vert_lev = $1 ; $var_id = $var; $var_id =~ s/:sig$/:%s sigma level/; }; } if ($vert_lev ne '') { $levels{$var_old} = $var; if (defined($prof_lev{$var})) { $prof_lev{$var} = $prof_lev{$var} . ' ' . $vert_lev; } else { $prof_lev{$var} = $vert_lev; $prof_id{$var} = $var_id; } } } # find variable with most levels # sort the levels $nmax = 1; $max_levels='1'; foreach $var (keys(%prof_lev)) { if ($profile_sort eq 'reverse') { $levels = join ' ', sort {$b <=> $a} split(/ /,$prof_lev{$var}); } else { $levels = join ' ', sort {$a <=> $b} split(/ /,$prof_lev{$var}); } $prof_lev{$var} = $levels; $n=($levels =~ s/ //g)+1; if ($n <= 3) { $prof_lev{$var} = ''; } else { if ($n > $nmax) { $max_levels = $prof_lev{$var}; $nmax = $n;} } } print "zdef $nmax levels $max_levels\n"; $max_levels = ' ' . $max_levels . ' '; # to use a profile, the levels must be a subset of the max_levels # generate ctl lines for profiles $iout=0; foreach $var (keys(%prof_lev)) { if ($prof_lev{$var} ne '') { $levels = $prof_lev{$var}; if ($max_levels =~ /$levels/) { $_ = $'; # WNE??? 9/2013 $n=$nmax - (s/ //g) + 1; $name = $var; shorten_name(); $out[$iout++] = "$name $n 0 \"$prof_id{$var}\" * profile $prof_id{$var}\n"; } else { $prof_lev{$var} = ''; } } } # generate the ctl line for single levels foreach $var (sort keys(%levels)) { $lev = $levels{$var}; $multi_level = 0; if ($lev ne '0') { if ($prof_lev{$lev} ne '') { $multi_level = 1; } } if ($multi_level == 0) { $name = $var; $name =~ s/:[^:]*$/:$lev0{$var}/; shorten_name(); $out[$iout++] = "$name 0 0 \"$var\" * $var\n"; } } print "vars $iout\n"; foreach $line (sort @out) { print $line; } print "endvars\n"; exit 0; #------------------ jday -------------------- # jday(year,mo,day) return the julian day relative to jan 0 # mo=1..12 # sub jday { local($n); local($nleap); local($year1); $n=substr(" 000 031 059 090 120 151 181 212 243 273 304 334",($_[1]-1)*4,4); $n = $n + $_[2]; $year1 = $_[0] - 1905; if ($calendar eq '365') { $n += $year1 * 365; } else { if ($_[1] > 2 && $_[0] % 4 == 0) { if ($_[0] % 400 == 0 || $_[0] % 100 != 0) { $n++; } } $nleap = int($year1 / 4); $n = $n + $nleap + $year1 * 365; } $n; } #------------------ write tdef statement ------------------ # still not great but better than before sub tdef { local($tmp); local($n); $n=$ntime; if ($timestep) { $dt=$timestep } else { if ($ntime == 1) { if ($timestep) { $dt=$timestep } else { $dt="1mo"; } } elsif ( ($minute != $minute1) || ($hour != $hour1)) { $tmp= (&jday($year1,$mo1,$day1) - &jday($year,$mo,$day)) * 24 * 60 + ($hour1 - $hour)*60 + $minute1 - $minute; if (($tmp % 60) == 0) { $tmp = $tmp / 60; $dt="${tmp}hr"; $n = (&jday($year_last,$mo_last,$day_last) - &jday($year,$mo,$day)) * 24 + $hour_last - $hour; $n = int($n / $tmp) + 1; } else { $dt="${tmp}mn"; $n= (&jday($year_last,$mo_last,$day_last) - &jday($year,$mo,$day)) * 24 * 60 + ($hour_last - $hour)*60 + ($minute_last - $minute); $n = int($n / $tmp) + 1; } } elsif ($day != $day1) { $tmp = &jday($year1,$mo1,$day1) - &jday($year,$mo,$day); $dt="${tmp}dy"; $n=int((&jday($year_last,$mo_last,$day_last) - &jday($year,$mo,$day))/$tmp)+1; } elsif ($mo != $mo1) { # assume that dt < 12 months $tmp = $year1*12+$mo1 - $year*12-$mo; $dt="${tmp}mo"; $n = int(($year_last*12+$mo_last - $year*12 - $mo) / $tmp) + 1; } else { $tmp = $year1 - $year; $dt="${tmp}yr"; $n = int(($year_last - $year) / $tmp) + 1; } } if ($calendar eq "365") { print "options 365_day_calendar\n"; } if ($minute == 0) { print "tdef $n linear ${hour}Z$day$month$year $dt\n"; } else { print "tdef $n linear ${hour}:${minute}Z$day$month$year $dt\n"; } } #----------------- find size of domain for regular grids sub domain { $_ = `$wgrib2 -d 1 "$file" -domain`; /:N=(\S*) S=(\S*) W=(\S*) E=(\S*)/; $north=$1; $south=$2; $west=$3; $east=$4; } #----------------- print Gaussian latitudes from lat1..lat2 sub print_range_gau_lats { local($i); local($eps); local($m); local($z); local($i); local($j); local($p1); local($p2); local($p3); local($z1); local($x); $eps = 3e-14; $m=int(($nGauLats+1)/2); $i=1; while ($i <= $m) { $z=cos(3.141592654*($i-0.25)/($nGauLats+0.5)); do { $p1 = 1; $p2 = 0; $j = 1; while ($j <= $nGauLats) { $p3 = $p2; $p2 = $p1; $p1=((2*$j-1)*$z*$p2-($j-1)*$p3)/$j; $j++; } $pp = $nGauLats*($z*$p1-$p2)/($z*$z-1); $z1 = $z; $z = $z1 - $p1/$pp; } until abs($z-$z1) < $eps; $x[$i] = -atan2($z,sqrt(1-$z*$z))*180/3.141592654; $x[$nGauLats+1-$i] = -$x[$i]; $i++; } $i = $j = 1; while ($i <= $nGauLats) { if ($x[$i] > $lat0 - 0.002 && $x[$i] < $lat1 + 0.002) { printf " %7.3f", $x[$i]; if (($j % 14) == 0) { print "\n"; } $j++; } $i++; } if ((($j-1) % 14) != 0) { print "\n"; } } #----------------- print Gaussian latitudes sub print_gau_lats { local($i); local($eps); local($m); local($z); local($i); local($j); local($p1); local($p2); local($p3); local($z1); local($x); $eps = 3e-14; $m=int(($ny+1)/2); $i=1; while ($i <= $m) { $z=cos(3.141592654*($i-0.25)/($ny+0.5)); do { $p1 = 1; $p2 = 0; $j = 1; while ($j <= $ny) { $p3 = $p2; $p2 = $p1; $p1=((2*$j-1)*$z*$p2-($j-1)*$p3)/$j; $j++; } $pp = $ny*($z*$p1-$p2)/($z*$z-1); $z1 = $z; $z = $z1 - $p1/$pp; } until abs($z-$z1) < $eps; $x[$i] = -atan2($z,sqrt(1-$z*$z))*180/3.141592654; $x[$ny+1-$i] = -$x[$i]; $i++; } $i = 1; while ($i < $ny) { printf " %7.3f", $x[$i]; if (($i % 14) == 0) { print "\n"; } $i++; } printf " %7.3f\n", $x[$ny]; } sub gau_pdf_near { # # writes pdef file for thinned gaussian grid # # nx, ny = dimension of output grid # print "pdef $npnts 1 general 1 stream binary $caret3$pdef\n"; if ($scan eq 'WE:NS') { $offset = $npnts; for ($j = $ny; $j >= 1; $j--) { $offset -= $nlon[$j]; for ($i = 0; $i < $nx; $i++) { $x = $i / ($nx - $t) * ($nlon[$j] - $t); $x = floor($x + 0.5); if ($x >= $nlon[$j]) { $x -= $nlon[$j] }; $x += $offset + $pdef_offset; print PDEF pack("L", $x); } } } else { $offset = 0; for ($j = 1; $j <= $ny; $j++) { for ($i = 0; $i < $nx; $i++) { $x = $i / ($nx - $t) * ($nlon[$j] - $t); $x = floor($x + 0.5); if ($x >= $nlon[$j]) { $x -= $nlon[$j]; } $x += $offset + $pdef_offset; print PDEF pack("L", $x); } $offset += $nlon[$j]; } } # print weights $x = pack("f", 1.0); for ($i = 0; $i < $nx*$ny; $i++) { print PDEF $x; } # print wind rotation $x = pack("L", -999); for ($i = 0; $i < $nx*$ny; $i++) { print PDEF $x; } } sub gau_pdf_linear { # # not working # linear interpolation along latitude my @n1 = (); # left locations my @n2 = (); # right locations my @w1 = (); # left weights my @w2 = (); # right weights print "pdef $npnts 1 general 2 stream binary $caret3$pdef\n"; $offset = 0; for ($j = 1; $j <= $ny; $j++) { for ($i = 0; $i < $nx; $i++) { $x = $i / ($nx - $t) * ($nlon[$j] - $t); # grid points and weights $nl = floor($x); $wl = 1 - ($x - $nl); $nr = $nl + 1; $wr = $x - $nl; if ($nl >= $nlon[$j]) { $nl -= $nlon[$j]; } if ($nr >= $nlon[$j]) { $nr -= $nlon[$j]; } $nr += $offset + $pdef_offset; $nl += $offset + $pdef_offset; push @n1, $nl; push @w1, $wl; push @n2, $nr; push @w2, $wr; } $offset += $nlon[$j]; } # write locations and weights to PDEF file $rem =($nx*$ny) % 4; for ($i = 0; $i < $rem; $i++) { print PDEF pack("L", $n1[$i]); } for ($i = $rem; $i < $nx*$ny; $i += 4) { print PDEF pack("LLLL", $n1[$i], $n1[$i+1], $n1[$i+2], $n1[$i+3]); } for ($i = 0; $i < $rem; $i++) { print PDEF pack("f", $w1[$i]); } for ($i = $rem; $i < $nx*$ny; $i += 4) { print PDEF pack("ffff", $w1[$i], $w1[$i+1], $w1[$i+2], $w1[$i+3]); } for ($i = 0; $i < $rem; $i++) { print PDEF pack("L", $n2[$i]); } for ($i = $rem; $i < $nx*$ny; $i += 4) { print PDEF pack("LLLL", $n2[$i], $n2[$i+1], $n2[$i+2], $n2[$i+3]); } for ($i = 0; $i < $rem; $i++) { print PDEF pack("f", $w2[$i]); } for ($i = $rem; $i < $nx*$ny; $i += 4) { print PDEF pack("ffff", $w2[$i], $w2[$i+1], $w2[$i+2], $w2[$i+3]); } # wind rotation $x = pack("L", -999); for ($i = 0; $i < $rem; $i++) { print PDEF $x; } for ($i = $rem; $i < $nx*$ny; $i += 4) { print PDEF $x,$x,$x,$x; } } sub rr2ll{ my $polelat=shift; my $polelon=shift; my $rotation=shift; my $rlat=shift; my $rlon=shift; my $a = deg2rad(90.0+$polelat); my $b = deg2rad($polelon); my $r = deg2rad($rotation); my $pr = deg2rad($rlat); my $gr = -deg2rad($rlon); my $pm = asin(cos($pr)*cos($gr)); my $gm = atan2(cos($pr)*sin($gr),-sin($pr)); my $lat = rad2deg(asin(sin($a)*sin($pm)-cos($a)*cos($pm)*cos($gm-$r))); my $lon = -rad2deg((-$b+atan2(cos($pm)*sin($gm-$r), sin($a)*cos($pm)*cos($gm-$r)+cos($a)*sin($pm)))); return ($lat, $lon); } # # reads inventory # picks out variables and levels # sub scan_ListA { my ($ens, $rec_no, $rec_loc, $npts, $time, $var, $lev00); open (FileDate, "<$ListA") or die "Could not open wgrib2 inventory: $ListA"; while () { chomp; ($rec_no,$rec_loc,$lev00, $npts, $time, $var) = split(/:/,$_,6); $npts =~ s/npts=//; $time =~ s/.*=//; $dates{$time} = 0; $levels{$var} = 0; $lev0{$var} = $lev00; } close (FileDate); } sub gdate{ my ($year, $mo, $day, $hour, $month, $minute); $_ = $_[0]; $year = substr($_,0,4); $mo = substr($_,4,2); $day = substr($_,6,2); $hour = substr($_,8,2); $minute = substr($_,10,2); if ($mo < 0 || $mo > 12) { print "illegal date code $time\n"; exit 8; } $month=substr("janfebmaraprmayjunjulaugsepoctnovdec",$mo*3-3,3); if ($minute != 0) { return " ${hour}:${minute}Z$day$month$year"; } return " ${hour}Z$day$month$year"; } sub pdef_near { # now to create the pdef file # regional means grid points are on left and right boundaries # # $regional_thinned_grid = 1 # print "pdef $npnts 1 file 1 stream binary $caret3$pdef\n"; $t=0; if ($regional_thinned_grid == 1) { $t = 1; } if ($scan eq 'WE:SN') { $offset = 0; for ($j = 1; $j <= $ny; $j++) { for ($i = 0; $i < $nx; $i++) { $x = $i / ($nx - $t) * ($nlon[$j] - $t); $x = floor($x + 0.5); if ($x >= $nlon[$j]) { $x -= $nlon[$j]; } $x += $offset + $pdef_offset; print PDEF pack("L", $x); } $offset += $nlon[$j]; } } else { $offset = $npnts; for ($j = $ny; $j >= 1; $j--) { $offset -= $nlon[$j]; for ($i = 0; $i < $nx; $i++) { $x = $i / ($nx - $t) * ($nlon[$j] - $t); $x = floor($x + 0.5); if ($x >= $nlon[$j]) { $x -= $nlon[$j] }; $x += $offset + $pdef_offset; print PDEF pack("L", $x); } } } # print weights $x = pack("f", 1.0); for ($i = 0; $i < $nx*$ny; $i++) { print PDEF $x; } # print wind rotation $x = pack("L", -999); for ($i = 0; $i < $nx*$ny; $i++) { print PDEF $x; } } sub pdef_linear { # linear interpolation along latitude my @n1 = (); # left locations my @n2 = (); # right locations my @w1 = (); # left weights my @w2 = (); # right weights print "pdef $npnts 1 file 2 stream binary $caret3$pdef\n"; $t=0; if ($regional_thinned_grid == 1) { $t = 1; } if ($scan eq 'WE:SN') { $offset = 0; for ($j = 1; $j <= $ny; $j++) { for ($i = 0; $i < $nx; $i++) { $x = $i / ($nx - $t) * ($nlon[$j] - $t); # grid points and weights $nl = floor($x); $wl = 1 - ($x - $nl); $nr = $nl + 1; $wr = $x - $nl; if ($nl >= $nlon[$j]) { $nl -= $nlon[$j]; } if ($nr >= $nlon[$j]) { $nr -= $nlon[$j]; } $nr += $offset + $pdef_offset; $nl += $offset + $pdef_offset; push @n1, $nl; push @w1, $wl; push @n2, $nr; push @w2, $wr; } $offset += $nlon[$j]; } } else { $offset = $npnts; for ($j = $ny; $j >= 1; $j--) { $offset -= $nlon[$j]; for ($i = 0; $i < $nx; $i++) { $x = $i / ($nx - $t) * ($nlon[$j] - $t); # grid points and weights $nl = floor($x); $wl = 1.0 - ($x - $nl); $nr = $nl + 1; $wr = 1.0 - $wl; if ($nl >= $nlon[$j]) { $nl -= $nlon[$j]; } if ($nr >= $nlon[$j]) { $nr -= $nlon[$j]; } $nr+= $offset + $pdef_offset; $nl+= $offset + $pdef_offset; push @n1, $nl; push @w1, $wl; push @n2, $nr; push @w2, $wr; } } } # write locations and weights to PDEF file $rem =($nx*$ny) % 4; for ($i = 0; $i < $rem; $i++) { print PDEF pack("L", $n1[$i]); } for ($i = $rem; $i < $nx*$ny; $i += 4) { print PDEF pack("LLLL", $n1[$i], $n1[$i+1], $n1[$i+2], $n1[$i+3]); } for ($i = 0; $i < $rem; $i++) { print PDEF pack("f", $w1[$i]); } for ($i = $rem; $i < $nx*$ny; $i += 4) { print PDEF pack("ffff", $w1[$i], $w1[$i+1], $w1[$i+2], $w1[$i+3]); } for ($i = 0; $i < $rem; $i++) { print PDEF pack("L", $n2[$i]); } for ($i = $rem; $i < $nx*$ny; $i += 4) { print PDEF pack("LLLL", $n2[$i], $n2[$i+1], $n2[$i+2], $n2[$i+3]); } for ($i = 0; $i < $rem; $i++) { print PDEF pack("f", $w2[$i]); } for ($i = $rem; $i < $nx*$ny; $i += 4) { print PDEF pack("ffff", $w2[$i], $w2[$i+1], $w2[$i+2], $w2[$i+3]); } # wind rotation $x = pack("L", -999); for ($i = 0; $i < $rem; $i++) { print PDEF $x; } for ($i = $rem; $i < $nx*$ny; $i += 4) { print PDEF $x,$x,$x,$x; } } # this routine makes shorter names sub shorten_name { $_ = $name; if(/^BRTEMP/) { s/^BRTEMP.//g; s/[^0-9A-Za-z.]//g; s/(\d+)(?:\.\d+)?(GHz|um)/$1$2/g; s/pol.//g; s/DMSP/F/g; s/GOES(\d+)IMAGER/GOES$1_/g; s/METEOSAT(\d+)SEVIRI/SEVIRI$1_/g; s/(\d+)um/$1u/g; s/(\d+)GHz/$1G/g; s/.*VHRR/INSAT3D_/g; s/.*AHI/H8AHI_/g; } s/,missing=\d*([.:])/$1/; s/\.std_dev([.:])/sDEV$1/; s/\.ENS=\+(\d*)([.:])/ENS$1$2/; s/\.ENS=-(\d*)([.:])/ENSm$1$2/; s/\.Confidence_Indicator/qc/; s/\.spatial_max/spmax/; s/\.spatial_ave/spave/; s/\.spatial_min/spmin/; s/\.(\d*)[%]_level/$1PC/; tr/ :-//d; tr/\./d/; if (/^\d/) { $_ = "no" . $_; } $name = $_; return; # old code for ($i = 0; $i <= $#from; $i++) { s/$from[$i]/$to[$i]/; } $name = $_; }