# Enables the 2014 HWRF Ensemble, which uses the 2013 HWRF domain # sizes and vertical structure and disables GSI. [dir] WORKhwrf={CDSCRUB}/{RUNhwrf}/{ENS}/{vit[YMDH]}/{vit[stormid3]} outatcf={CDNOSCRUB}/{SUBEXPT}/{ENS} outdiag={CDNOSCRUB}/diagtrak/{SUBEXPT}/{ENS} outstatus={CDNOSCRUB}/cycstatus/{SUBEXPT}/{ENS} outatcfcorrected={CDNOSCRUB}/atcf/{SUBEXPT}/{ENS} outships={CDNOSCRUB}/ships/{SUBEXPT}/{ENS} [prelaunch] ensid_overrides=yes [config] run_gsi=no run_ocean=yes use_spectral=no run_ensemble_da=no ; conflicts with forecast ensemble is_forecast_ensemble=yes archive=hpss:/NCEPDEV/emc-hwrf/1year/{ENV[USER]}/{SUBEXPT}/{ENS}/{out_prefix}.tar [ensemble] ensize=20 ; number of ensemble members (should match GEFS) # NOTE: The scripts also need ENS in the [config] section, which is # the HWRF ensemble member, and will also be the GEFS ensemble member. # This is done automatically by rocoto/run_hwrf.py. # TCVITALS PERTURBATIONS vmax_pert=3 ; m/s maximum perturbation in tcvitals tcvitals_seed=auto ; automatically decide a seed from cycle and storm # tcvitals_seed=12345 ; alternative: specify an integer seed # SST PERTURBATIONS sst_pert=no [ungrib] dataset = gefs subset_grib1 = item = gep_2a item2 = gep_2b item_E00 = gec_2a item2_E00 = gec_2b tbl = {PARMhwrf}/hwrf_Vtable_gefs2012 [wrf] metgrid_soil_levels=4 [wrf_namelist] physics.pert_sas=.true. physics.pert_pbl=.true. physics.pert_Cd=.true. physics.ens_pblamp=0.2 physics.ens_sasamp=50.0 physics.ens_Cdamp=0.2 physics.ens_random_seed={ENS}