## This is a UNIX conf file that contains all information relating to # the HWRF configuration. UNIX conf is used because of how easy it is # to parse (even GrADS can do it). The syntax: # # [section] # var = value # # For generation of namelists for WRF, WPS and other Fortran programs, # we use this syntax: # # [section] # namelist.nlvar = value # # to set the value of namelist &namelist's nlvar variable. Also, the # special variable "namelist" lists additional conf sections to # recurse into to get more namelist variables after the current conf # section is parsed. Any variable will only be set once: the first # time it is seen. ## Sets basic configuration options used by all components. # # This section sets basic configuration options used by all components. # Several special variables in this section are set by the HWRFConfig # object itself, which will overwrite them if they're set in this # file: # * YMDHM = analysis time (201304261830 = April 26, 2013, 18:30 UTC) # * YMDH = analysis time excluding minute (2013042618) # * YMD = analysis time, excluding hour and minute # * year, YYYY = analysis time's year (ie.: 2013) # * YY = last two digits of year # * century, CC = first two digits of year # * month, MM = analysis time's month (ie.: 04) # * day, DD = analysis time's day (ie.: 26) # * hour, cyc, HH = analysis time's hour (ie.: 18) # * minute, min = analysis time's minute (ie.: 30) # # There may be additional variables depending on what subclass (if # any) of the HWRFConfig is used. You must specify the mandatory EXPT # value, which is the name of the experiment to run. [config] EXPT=HWRF ;; Experiment name, used for finding installation locations ## Section that specifies the configuration for the forecast job. forecast_section=runwrf # SUBEXPT={EXPT} # storm={ENV[STORM]} # stnum={ENV[stormenv]} # basin1=l # stormlat=31.5 # stormlon=-73.7 # domlat=25.0 # domlon=-75.3 ## The storm label: storm1, storm2, etc. # # This string is always "storm" followed by a single-digit number. It # is used by NCO to decide where certain files and directories are # located. It also gives automation systems a way of determining # storm filenames without having to know the storm name or ID. stormlabel=storm{storm_num} # Similar to stormlabel, except it currently is not used by NCO. # Useful when running multiple storms in a workflow. global_stormlabel=storm{global_storm_num} ## Where to put the HWRF database file # # Location for the HWRF database file. Note that there must be only # one of these per workflow (storm, cycle). The HWRFConfig class will # also set the dsetfile variable if it is not already set: datastore={WORKhwrf}/hwrf_state.sqlite3 ## The main configuration file. CONFhwrf={com}/{stormlabel}.conf ENS=99 ;; The ensemble number; do not change. The laucher sets it. ensize=0 ;; Ensemble size; do not change. The parm/hwrf_ensemble_2014.conf overrides it. GFSVER=PROD2019 ;; GFS version: PROD2012 or PROD2014 ## Configure the relocation jobs [relocate] #scrub=no ; disable scrubbing of relocation directories initopt=0 ;; 0: full vortex initialization, 1: relocation only tdrconditionalvinit=no ;; if yes, relocation only when TDR data available ## Configure the merge job. [merge] # Nothing needed here yet # scrub=no ; disable scrubbing of merge directory blend_wmax=32.0 ;; the maximum wind threshold used to turn on blending [wvstatus] ## The name of the wave status file in the com directory: wvstatus={com}/{stormlabel}.wave_status ## Second wave file name that mimmics the old operational ocean status file. # # This second wave file uses a filename that cannot be predicted in # advanced. That breaks ecFlow and Rocoto. The file is still # created for backward compatibility. wvstatus2={com}/wave_status.{vit[stormname]}{vit[stnum]:02d}{vit[basin1lc]}.{cycle} ## Ocean status file specification. [ocstatus] ## The name of the ocean status file in the com directory: ocstatus={com}/{stormlabel}.ocean_status ## Operational name of the ocean status file # # Alternative name of the ocean status file, used by the downstream # GFDL hurricane model. That name is not presently used by the HWRF # Rocoto workflow because it cannot be predicted in advance. ocstatus2={com}/ocean_status.{vit[stormname]}{vit[stnum]:02d}{vit[basin1lc]}.{cycle} ## Configure file and directory paths [dir] utilexec={HOMEhwrf}/nwport/util/exec ;; utilities ported from WCOSS statusfile={WORKhwrf}/{stormlabel}.{YMDH} ;; cycle status file intercom={WORKhwrf}/intercom ;; dir for communicating data files between jobs lockdir={WORKhwrf}/lock ;; lock files for post-processing INPUThwrf=./ ; {WORKhwrf}/input ;; parent model, obs, etc. SPINUP_DATA={WORKhwrf}/OCEAN/ ;; Ocean spin-up data directory geog_data={FIXhwrf}/hwrf_wps_geo/ ;; Geographic input data PARMhycom={PARMhwrf}/hycom/ ;; hycom parameter files PARMww3={PARMhwrf}/ww3/ ;; wavewatch3 parameter files FIXgsi={PARMhwrf}/hwrf-gsi/ ;; GSI input data for everything except CRTM FIXcrtm={FIXhwrf}/hwrf-crtm-2.2.6/ ;; GSI CRTM input data FIXww3={FIXhwrf}/hwrf-ww3/ ;; wavewatch3 fix files ## Domain center location file in COM. # # This is the full path to the domain center location file, which MUST # be in com. It is used to determine whether a cycle has a com # directory: domlocfile={com}/{vit[stnum]:02d}{vit[basin1lc]}.{vit[YMDH]}.domain.center ## The name of the gsi status file in the com directory gsistatus={stormlabel}.gsi_status ## Operational name of the gsi status file gsistatus2=gsi_status.{vit[stormname]}{vit[stnum]:02d}{vit[basin1lc]}.{cycle} ## File to check in a prior cycle's com, to see if the cycle exists. # # File to use to check if a prior cycle exists for a given storm. # This only applies to the single storm HWRF. It should not use the # vit[] variable; instead, use oldvit[]. HISTCHECK={oldcom}/{oldvit[stnum]:02d}{oldvit[basin1lc]}.{oldvit[YMDH]}.domain.center ## Executable program locations [exe] satgrib2={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_satgrib2 ;; Converts hwrfsat files to grib2 hwrf_regrid_merge={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_regrid_merge ;; Replacement for copygb which performs multiple operations at once hwrf_pom_archv2data3z = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_pom_archv2data3z hwrf_pom_hycom2raw = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_pom_hycom2raw wgrib2={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_wgrib2 ;; wgrib2 GRIB2 indexing and manipulation program nco_wgrib2={utilexec}/wgrib2 ;; wgrib2 from NCO utilexec cnvgrib={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_cnvgrib ;; cnvgrib GRIB1/2 conversion program wgrib={utilexec}/wgrib ;; wgrib GRIB1 indexing and manipulation program grbindex={utilexec}/grbindex ;; GRIB1 binary index generation program grb2index={utilexec}/grb2index ;; GRIB2 binary index generation program mpiserial={EXEChwrf}/mpiserial ;; Executes serial programs via MPI # tar/htar/hsi: These three are not used in EMC-maintained production # jobs since NCO maintains ksh-based archiving jobs. When EMC runs, # we get these from the $PATH: tar=tar ;; GNU Tar htar=htar ;; HTAR tape archiving program hsi=hsi ;; hsi tape manipulation program # The rest of these are compiled by the HWRF sorc/ build system: # HYCOM executables: hwrf_get_rtofs={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_get_rtofs hwrf_rtofs_subregion={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_rtofs_subregion hwrf_isubregion2avg={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_isubregion2avg hwrf_rtofs_hat10_forecast={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_rtofs_hat10_forecast hwrf_rtofs_hep20_forecast={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_rtofs_hep20_forecast hwrf_rtofs_hin40_forecast={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_rtofs_hin40_forecast hwrf_rtofs_hsn50_forecast={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_rtofs_hsn50_forecast hwrf_rtofs_hsp60_forecast={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_rtofs_hsp60_forecast hwrf_rtofs_hwp30_forecast={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_rtofs_hwp30_forecast hwrf_rtofs_hcp70_forecast={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_rtofs_hcp70_forecast ofs_getkpds={EXEChwrf}/ofs_getkpds hwrf_gfs2ofs2={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_gfs2ofs2 hwrf_ofs_timeinterp_forcing={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ofs_timeinterp_forcing ofs_correct_forcing={EXEChwrf}/ofs_correct_forcing hwrf_archv2restart={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_archv2restart hwrf_rtofs_restart2restart={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_rtofs_restart2restart hwrf_ofs_fwind={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ofs_fwind hwrf_ofs_wind2hycom={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ofs_wind2hycom hwrf_ofs_correct_wind={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ofs_correct_wind ofs_latlon={EXEChwrf}/ofs_latlon hwrf_ofs_archv2data2d={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ofs_archv2data2d hwrf_ofs_archv2data3z={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ofs_archv2data3z # HYCOM executables needed by POM RTOFS initialization hwrf_hycom2raw={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_hycom2raw # Wavewatch3 executables: ww3_grid = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ww3_grid ww3_strt = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ww3_strt ww3_prep = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ww3_prep ww3_outf = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ww3_outf ww3_outp = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ww3_outp ww3_trck = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ww3_trck ww3_grib = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ww3_grib ww3_gspl = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ww3_gspl ww3_gint = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ww3_gint gx_outf = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_gx_outf gx_outp = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_gx_outp ww3_systrk = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ww3_systrk ww3_bound = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ww3_bound ww3_shel = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ww3_shel ww3_multi = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ww3_multi ww3_sbs1 = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ww3_sbs1 ww3_prnc = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ww3_prnc ww3_ounf = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ww3_ounf ww3_ounp = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ww3_ounp ww3_bounc = {EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ww3_bounc # POM executables: hwrf_ocean_fcst={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ocean_fcst ;; POM 3D forecast program hwrf_ocean_init={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ocean_init ;; POM 3D init program hwrf_ocean_pomprep_fb={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ocean_pomprep_fb ;; POM FB prep hwrf_ocean_pomprep_g3={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ocean_pomprep_g3 ;; POM G3 prep hwrf_ocean_pomprep_id={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ocean_pomprep_id ;; POM ID prep hwrf_ocean_pomprep_na={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ocean_pomprep_na ;; POM NA prep hwrf_ocean_pomprep_rt={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ocean_pomprep_rt ;; POM RTOFS initializtion prep program hwrf_ocean_transatl06prep={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ocean_transatl06prep ;; pom trans-atlantic prep hwrf_getsst={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_getsst ;; Obtains GFS SST for POM hwrf_sharp_mcs_rf_l2m_rmy5={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_sharp_mcs_rf_l2m_rmy5 ;; POM loop current feature initialization ## Atmosphere and utilities: gsi={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_gsi ;; GSI data assimilation enkf={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_enkf ;; EnKF data assimilation post={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_post ;; Unified Post Processor copygb={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_egrid2latlon ;; Copygb with bug fixes for E grid tave={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_tave ;; Tracker TAVE pre-processor vint={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_vint ;; Tracker VINT pre-processor gettrk={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_unified_tracker ;; GFDL Vortex Tracker hwrf_nhc_products={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_nhc_products ;; hwrf_nhc_products special product generator hwrf_prep={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_prep ;; HWRF spectral to grid transformation program real_nmm={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_real_nmm ;; WRF-NMM real case preparation program swcorner_dynamic={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_swcorner_dynamic ;; sets i and j parent start in WRF namelists wrf={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_wrf ;; WRF-NMM with HWRF mode wrfout_newtime={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_wrfout_newtime ;; Modifies WRF NetCDF file times hwrf_metgrid_levels={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_metgrid_levels ;; Get the metgrid level info from a NetCDF metgrid file hwrf_wm3c={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_wm3c ;; NCEP Coupler hwrf_geogrid={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_geogrid ;; WPS Geogrid program hwrf_ungrib={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ungrib ;; WPS Ungrib program hwrf_metgrid={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_metgrid ;; WPS metgrid program hwrf_3dvar={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_diffwrf_3dvar ;; Vortex get/paste program for NetCDF files hwrf_final_merge={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_final_merge ;; Final Merge program for hwrf multistorm hwrf_bin_io={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_bin_io ;; Vortex get/paste program for WRF binary files hwrf_merge_nest={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_merge_nest_4x_step12_3n ;; Vortex relocation merge_nest program hwrf_merge_enkf={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_merge_nest_4x_step12_enkf ;; Ensemble domain merge_enkf program hwrf_trk_guess={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_create_trak_guess ;; Vortex relocation trak_guess program hwrf_wrf_split={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_split1 ;; Vortex relocation hwrf_split program hwrf_pert_ct={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_pert_ct1 ;; Vortex relocation pert_ct program hwrf_create_nest={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_create_nest_1x_10m ;; Vortex relocation create_nest_1x_10m program hwrf_create_trak_fnl={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_create_trak_fnl ;; Vortex relocation create_trak_fnl program hwrf_merge_nest={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_merge_nest_4x_step12_3n ;; Vortex relocation hwrf_merge_nest program hwrf_anl_4x={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_anl_4x_step2 ;; Vortex relocation anl_4x program hwrf_anl_cs={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_anl_cs_10m ;; Vortex relocation anl_cs program hwrf_anl_bogus={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_anl_bogus_10m ;; Vortex relocation anl_bogus program hwrf_inter_2to1={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_inter_2to1 ;; Vortex relocation 2to1 interpolator hwrf_inter_2to6={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_inter_2to6 ;; Vortex relocation 2to6 interpolator hwrf_inter_2to2={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_inter_2to2 ;; Vortex relocation 2to2 interpolator hwrf_inter_4to2={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_inter_4to2 ;; Vortex relocation 4to2 interpolator hwrf_inter_4to6={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_inter_4to6 ;; Vortex relocation 4to6 interpolator hwrf_blend_gsi={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_blend_gsi ;; Vortex merge hwrf_blend_gsi program hwrf_readtdrstmid={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_readtdrstmid ;; TDR storm ID reader hwrf_readtdrtime={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_readtdrtime ;; TDR time reader hwrf_readtdrtrigger={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_readtdrtrigger ;; TDR trigger processor hwrf_rem_prepbufr_typ_in_circle={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_rem_prepbufr_typ_in_circle ;; hwrf.bufrprep rem_prepbufr_typ_in_circle program hwrf_change_prepbufr_qm_in_circle={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_change_prepbufr_qm_in_circle ;; hwrf.bufrprep change_prepbufr_qm_in_circle program hwrf_change_prepbufr_qm_typ={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_change_prepbufr_qm_typ ;; hwrf.bufrprep change_prepbufr_qm_typ program hwrf_ensemble={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_ensemble hwrf_enkf={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_enkf hwrf_interpolate={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_interpolate # Executable list if you do not run make install #gsi={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/GSI/run/gsi.exe #post={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/UPP/bin/unipost.exe #wgrib={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/hwrf-utilities/exec/wgrib.exe #copygb={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/UPP/bin/copygb.exe #cnvgrib={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/UPP/bin/cnvgrib.exe #tave={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/gfdl-vortextracker/trk_exec/hwrf_tave.exe #vint={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/gfdl-vortextracker/trk_exec/hwrf_vint.exe #grbindex={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/hwrf-utilities/exec/grbindex.exe #gettrk={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/gfdl-vortextracker/trk_exec/hwrf_gettrk.exe #hwrf_nhc_products={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/hwrf-utilities/exec/hwrf_nhc_products.exe #hwrf_prep={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/hwrf-utilities/exec/hwrf_prep.exe #mpiserial={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/hwrf-utilities/exec/mpiserial.exe #real_nmm={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/WRFV3/main/real_nmm.exe #swcorner_dynamic={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/hwrf-utilities/exec/hwrf_swcorner_dynamic.exe #wrf={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/WRFV3/main/wrf.exe #wrfout_newtime={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/hwrf-utilities/exec/hwrf_wrfout_newtime.exe # #hwrf_ocean_fcst={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/pomtc/ocean_exec/hwrf_ocean_fcst.exe #hwrf_ocean_init={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/pomtc/ocean_exec/hwrf_ocean_init.exe #hwrf_ocean_pomprep_fb={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/pomtc/ocean_exec/pomprep_fbtr.xc #hwrf_ocean_pomprep_g3={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/pomtc/ocean_exec/pomprep_gdm3.xc #hwrf_ocean_pomprep_id={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/pomtc/ocean_exec/pomprep_idel.xc #hwrf_ocean_pomprep_na={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/pomtc/ocean_exec/pomprep_ncda.xc #hwrf_ocean_transatl06prep={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/pomtc/ocean_exec/transatl06prep.xc #hwrf_getsst={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/pomtc/ocean_exec/gfdl_getsst.exe #hwrf_sharp_mcs_rf_l2m_rmy5={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/pomtc/ocean_exec/gfdl_sharp_mcs_rf_l2m_rmy5.exe # #hwrf_wm3c={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/ncep-coupler/cpl_exec/hwrf_wm3c.exe # #hwrf_geogrid={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/WPSV3/geogrid.exe #hwrf_ungrib={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/WPSV3/ungrib.exe #hwrf_metgrid={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/WPSV3/metgrid.exe #hwrf_3dvar={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/hwrf-utilities/exec/diffwrf_3dvar.exe #hwrf_bin_io={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/hwrf-utilities/exec/hwrf_bin_io.exe #hwrf_merge_nest={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/hwrf-utilities/exec/hwrf_merge_nest_4x_step12_3n.exe #hwrf_trk_guess={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/hwrf-utilities/exec/hwrf_create_trak_guess.exe #hwrf_wrf_split={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/hwrf-utilities/exec/hwrf_split1.exe #hwrf_pert_ct={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/hwrf-utilities/exec/hwrf_pert_ct1.exe #hwrf_create_nest={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/hwrf-utilities/exec/hwrf_create_nest_1x_10m.exe #hwrf_create_trak_fnl={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/hwrf-utilities/exec/hwrf_create_trak_fnl.exe #hwrf_anl_4x={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/hwrf-utilities/exec/hwrf_anl_4x_step2.exe #hwrf_anl_cs={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/hwrf-utilities/exec/hwrf_anl_cs_10m.exe #hwrf_anl_bogus={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/hwrf-utilities/exec/hwrf_anl_bogus_10m.exe #hwrf_inter_2to1={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/hwrf-utilities/exec/hwrf_inter_2to1.exe #hwrf_inter_2to6={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/hwrf-utilities/exec/hwrf_inter_2to6.exe #hwrf_inter_2to2={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/hwrf-utilities/exec/hwrf_inter_2to2.exe #hwrf_inter_4to2={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/hwrf-utilities/exec/hwrf_inter_4to2.exe #hwrf_inter_4to6={HOMEhwrf}/sorc/hwrf-utilities/exec/hwrf_inter_4to6.exe # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Preprocessing configuration. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Configures the wavewatch3 initialization [ww3init] scrub = no ;; scrub temporary files? catalog = {input_catalog} ;; where to get input data # Subsection for ww3 pre task usegfswind = yes ;; Time-updated GFS forcing outside HWRF domain? input_step = 21600 ;; Timestep between forcing updates gfs_dataset = gfs ;; Dataset for GFS forcing gfs_item = gfs_gribA ;; Data item for GFS forcing ww3_dataset = ww3 ;; Dataset for wave boundary condition from global wave multi_1 ww3bdy_item = ww3bdy_spec ;; Data item for wave boundary condition from global wave multi_1 ww3rst_item = ww3rst_glo_30m ;; Data item for wave initial condition from global wave multi_1 ww3_bdy = yes ;; Use wave boundary condition from NCEP global wave multi_1 ww3_rst = yes ;; Option controlling how to use initial wave condition from NCEP global wave multi_1 # yes: use initial wave condition from NCEP global wave multi_1 for cold start forecast cycles # always: use initial wave condition from NCEP global wave multi_1 for all forecast cycles grid_glo_30m_inp = {PARMww3}/ww3_grid_glo_30m.inp grid_inp = {PARMww3}/ww3_grid_{vit[basin1lc]}.inp grid_bot = {FIXww3}/ww3_grid_{vit[basin1lc]}.bot grid_msk = {FIXww3}/ww3_grid_{vit[basin1lc]}.msk grid_msk2 = {FIXww3}/ww3_grid_{vit[basin1lc]}.msk2 grid_obr = {FIXww3}/ww3_grid_{vit[basin1lc]}.obr gint_inp = {PARMww3}/ww3_gint.inp_tmpl wind_inp = {PARMww3}/ww3_prep_WNDDummy.inp prnc_inp_gfswind = {PARMww3}/ww3_prnc_gfswind.inp curr_inp = {PARMww3}/ww3_prep_CURDummy.inp strt_inp = {PARMww3}/ww3_strt.inp bound_inp = {PARMww3}/ww3_bound_{vit[basin1lc]}.inp shel_inp = {PARMww3}/ww3_shel.inp_tmpl ounf_inp = {PARMww3}/ww3_ounf.inp_tmpl ounp_spec_inp = {PARMww3}/ww3_ounp_spec.inp_tmpl outp_info_inp = {PARMww3}/ww3_outp_info.inp_tmpl outp_bull_inp = {PARMww3}/ww3_outp_bull.inp_tmpl outp_spec_inp = {PARMww3}/ww3_outp_spec.inp_tmpl grib_inp = {PARMww3}/ww3_grib.inp_tmpl buoy_inp = {PARMww3}/ww3_buoy.inp ## Configures the hwrf_expt.gfs_init [gfsinit] # Subsections to configure each subtask: geogrid=geogrid ;; section to configure hwrf.wps.Geogrid metgrid=metgrid ;; section to configure hwrf.wps.Metgrid realinit=wrfexe ;; section to configure hwrf.fcsttask.RealNMM for init-length runs realfcst=wrfexe ;; section to configure hwrf.fcsttask.RealNMM for forecast-length runs wrfanl=wrfexe ;; section to configure hwrf.fcsttask.WRFAnl or hwrf.fcsttask.WRFAnl4Trak wrfghost=wrfexe ;; section to configure hwrf.fcsttask.WRFGhost or hwrf.fcsttask.WRFGhostForPost post=nonsatpost ;; section to configure the post for finding the parent model vortex regribber=regribber ;; section to configure the regribber for finding the parent model vortex tracker=tracker ;; section to configure the tracker for finding the parent model vortex ## Configures the hwrf_expt.fgat_init. [fgat] ## Boundary conditon step: ibdystep=10800 # FGAT hours: FGATSTR=-3 ;; FGAT starting hour FGATINV=3 ;; Step in hours between the FGAT hours FGATEND=3 ;; FGAT end hour # Subsections to configure each subtask: geogrid=geogrid ;; section to configure hwrf.wps.Geogrid metgrid=metgrid ;; section to configure hwrf.wps.Metgrid realinit=wrfexe ;; section to configure hwrf.fcsttask.RealNMM for init-length runs realfcst=wrfexe ;; section to configure hwrf.fcsttask.RealNMM for forecast-length runs wrfanl=wrfexe ;; section to configure hwrf.fcsttask.WRFAnl or hwrf.fcsttask.WRFAnl4Trak wrfghost=wrfexe ;; section to configure hwrf.fcsttask.WRFGhost or hwrf.fcsttask.WRFGhostForPost post=nonsatpost ;; section to configure the post for finding the parent model vortex regribber=regribber ;; section to configure the regribber for finding the parent model vortex tracker=tracker ;; section to configure the tracker for finding the parent model vortex ungrib=fgat_ungrib ;; section to configure hwrf.wps.Ungrib prep_hybrid=fgat_prep_hybrid ;; section to configure hwrf.prep.PrepHybrid ## Configures hwrf.wps.Geogrid geographical data processor. [geogrid] redirect = yes ;; Redirect output to per-program log files? tbl = {PARMhwrf}/hwrf_GEOGRID.TBL ;; Geogrid table file (GEOGRID.TBL) namelist = wps_namelist ;; Section with the WPS namelist ## Configures hwrf.wps.Ungrib for the hwrf_expt.gfs_init (not FGAT) [ungrib] redirect = yes ;; Redirect output to per-program log files? catalog = {input_catalog} ;; Data catalog for hwrf.input to find files dataset = gfs ;; Dataset for hwrf.input to find files tbl = {PARMhwrf}/hwrf_Vtable_gfs2017 ;; The Vtable file for Geogrid item2_optional=yes ;; Is the second GRIB file type optional? item = gfs_gribA ;; item (grib file type) for the hwrf.input item2 = gfs_gribB ;; second GRIB file item for hwrf.input namelist = wps_namelist ;; Section that defines the WPS namelist ## Subset file for subsetting the GRIB1 data (not used for GRIB2) subset_grib1 = {PARMhwrf}/hwrf_global_1x1_paramlist.f00 ## Ungrib Vtable for 2011 data # # The hwrf.prelaunch will replace the tbl value automatically in the # launcher job with the tbl2011 field, if the cycle is in 2011. tbl2011 = {PARMhwrf}/hwrf_Vtable_gfs2012 ## Configures hwrf.wps.Ungrib for the FGAT case. [fgat_ungrib] item2_optional=yes ;; Is the second GRIB file type optional? item = gdas1_gribA ;; item (grib file type) for the hwrf.input ## There is no "B" file for GDAS: item2 = namelist = wps_namelist ;; Section that defines the WPS namelist @inc = ungrib ;; Include more configuration options from the ungrib section dataset = gdas1 ;; Dataset for hwrf.input to find files ## Configures the hwrf.wps.Metgrid [metgrid] redirect = yes ;; Use per-program log files tbl = {PARMhwrf}/hwrf_METGRID.TBL ;; The METGRID.TBL file namelist = wps_namelist ;; The section that defines the WPS namelist scrub = no ;; Scrub temporary files? ## Defines the WPS namelist # # This section is sent through hwrf.namelist.Conf2Namelist to generate # the WPS namelist for all WPS components. See the WPS documentation # for details on the option meanings. [wps_namelist] share.wrf_core = 'NMM', geogrid.map_proj = 'rotated_ll', geogrid.geog_data_path = "{FIXhwrf}/hwrf_wps_geo/" geogrid.opt_geogrid_tbl_path = './' geogrid.ref_x = 105.0, geogrid.ref_y = 159.0, ungrib.out_format = 'WPS', ungrib.prefix = 'FILE', metgrid.fg_name = 'FILE', metgrid.opt_metgrid_tbl_path = './' mod_levs.press_pa = 201300, 200100, 100000, 95000, 90000, 85000, 80000, 75000, 70000, 65000, 60000, 55000, 50000, 45000, 40000, 35000, 30000, 25000, 20000, 15000, 10000, 5000, 1000, 500, 200 ## Configures the prep_hybrid program for the non-FGAT case. [prep_hybrid] dataset = gfs ;; The dataset name for hwrf.input item = gfs_sf ;; The item name for hwrf.input catalog = {input_catalog} ;; The catalog name for hwrf.input.DataCatalog namelist = prep_hybrid_namelist ;; The section to use to generate the prep_hybrid namelist threads=24 ;; Number of threads for running prep_hybrid imax=1440 ;; The intermediate grid size in the longitude direction. jmax=721 ;; The intermediate grid size in the latitude direction. ## Configures the prep_hybrid program for the FGAT case. [fgat_prep_hybrid] dataset = gdas ;; The dataset name for hwrf.input item = gdas1_sf ;; The item name for hwrf.input @inc=prep_hybrid ;; Include the prep_hybrid section for more options. namelist = prep_hybrid_namelist ;; Use this section for generating the namelist ## Sent through hwrf.namelist.Conf2Namelist for generating the ## prep_hybrid namelist. See the prep_hybrid documentation for ## details. [prep_hybrid_namelist] rgrid.pola = F rgrid.alonvt = -90.0 rgrid.polei = 0.25 rgrid.polej = 360. rgrid.xmeshl = 0.25 rgrid.north = F # prmfld.ntimes = 1 ; set to 1 if it is unset here # domain.p_top_requested = 50 ; automatically set from WRF namelist # domain.ptsgm=20000 ; automatically set from WRF namelist # domain.levels=0.995,... ; automatically set from WRF namelist ## Configure the relocation. [relocation] tbl = {FIXhwrf}/hwrf_eta_micro_lookup.dat ;; eta_micro_lookup data file redirect = true ;; Redirect each program to its own log file? #scrub=no ## Configure the hwrf.bufrprep [bufrprep] # scrub=no ; disable scrubbing of bufrprep directory catalog = {input_catalog} ;; The catalog for hwrf.input.DataCatalog obstypes = hdob_obstype, tdr_new_obstype ;; Section for defining the observation types bufr_item=gfs_bufr ;; item for bufr files, for the hwrf.input to find them bufr_dataset=gfs ;; dataset for bufr files, for the hwrf.input to find them prepbufr_item=gfs_prepbufr_rst ;; item for prepbufr files, for the hwrf.input to find them ## options to preprocess prepbufr file # # 0: make no change # 1: remove some inner-core data # 2: flag/unflag mass and dropsonde u, v data # 3: unflag HS3 dropsonde data, then reflag near center to be consistent with other drops # 4: Option 3 + unflag u/v dropsonde data near center below a certain wind threshold prepbufrprep=3 ;; parameter used to preprocess prepbufr file ## parameter used to define an area where inner-core data are removed/(un)flagged # # radius of a circle centered at TC center # > 0. remove conventional data, when prepbufrprep=1 # flag dropsonde wind data, when prepbufrprep=2 # < 0. unflag dropsonde wind data, when prepbufrprep=2 # = 0. no change for dropsonde wind data, when prepbufrprep=2 RRADC=50. ## parameter used to define a square area to flag pressure data # # half side length of a squre centered at TC center # > 0. flag pressure data, when prepbufrprep=2 # <= 0. no change, when prepbufrprep=2 RBLDC=-200. #Wind speed threshold for unflagging u/v dropsonde data when prepbufrprep=4 uvunflag_vmax=32. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # GSI CONFIGURATTION # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Configures the GSI for the intermediate resolution domains [gsi_d02] # scrub=no ; disable scrubbing of gsi_d02 directory redirect=yes ;; Redirect output to per-program log files? catalog = {input_catalog} ;; section for the hwrf.input.DataCatalog use_newradbc=yes ;; Use new bias correction data for 2015 GFS and later? obstypes = hdob_obstype,sat_radiance_obstypes,sat_wnd_obstype,tdr_new_obstype ;; List of obstype sections bufr_item=gfs_bufr ;; item for bufr files, for the hwrf.input to find them bufr_dataset=gfs ;; dataset for bufr files, for the hwrf.input to find them prepbufr_item=gfs_prepbufr_rst ;; item for prepbufr files, for the hwrf.input to find them nml_file={PARMhwrf}/hwrf_gsi.nml ;; GSI namelist input file nml_section=gsi_d02_nml ;; Section used to configure the GSI namelist file diagpre={com}/{out_prefix}.gsi_d02 ;; Filename prefix for GSI output ## Configures the GSI for the innermost resolution domains [gsi_d03] # scrub=no ; disable scrubbing of gsi_d03 directory redirect=yes ;; Redirect output to per-program log files? catalog = {input_catalog} ;; section for the hwrf.input.DataCatalog use_hwrf_ensemble = yes ;; Is the ENSDA in use? sat_wnd_da = yes ;; Enable assimiation of satellite wind? sat_radiance_da = yes ;; Enable satellite radiance data assimilation? use_gfs_stratosphere = yes ;; Use blended global-regional vertical coordinate for satellite radiance DA use_newradbc = yes ;; Use new bias correction data for 2015 GFS and later? obstypes = hdob_obstype,sat_radiance_obstypes,sat_wnd_obstype,tdr_new_obstype ;; List of obstype sections bufr_item=gfs_bufr ;; item for bufr files, for the hwrf.input to find them bufr_dataset=gfs ;; dataset for bufr files, for the hwrf.input to find them prepbufr_item=gfs_prepbufr_rst ;; item for prepbufr files, for the hwrf.input to find them nml_file={PARMhwrf}/hwrf_gsi.nml ;; GSI namelist input file nml_section=gsi_d03_nml ;; Section used to configure the GSI namelist file diagpre={com}/{out_prefix}.gsi_d03 ;; Filename prefix for GSI output use_hwrf_ensemble_wmax=25.0 ;; Use HWRF ensemble for ensemble covariance, when Vmax greater the threshold ## Configures the GSI for the calculation of mean Hx [gsi_meanhx] # scrub=no ; disable scrubbing of meanhx directory redirect=yes ;; Redirect output to per-program log files? catalog = {input_catalog} ;; section for the hwrf.input.DataCatalog sat_wnd_da = yes ;; Enable assimiation of satellite wind? sat_radiance_da = no ;; Enable satellite radiance data assimilation? use_gfs_stratosphere = no ;; Use blended global-regional vertical coordinate for satellite radiance DA use_newradbc = yes ;; Use new bias correction data for 2015 GFS and later? obstypes = hdob_obstype,sat_radiance_obstypes,sat_wnd_obstype,tdr_new_obstype ;; List of obstype sections bufr_item=gfs_bufr ;; item for bufr files, for the hwrf.input to find them bufr_dataset=gfs ;; dataset for bufr files, for the hwrf.input to find them prepbufr_item=gfs_prepbufr_rst ;; item for prepbufr files, for the hwrf.input to find them nml_file={PARMhwrf}/hwrf_gsi.nml ;; GSI namelist input file nml_section=gsi_meanhx_nml ;; Section used to configure the GSI namelist file ensemble_nml_file={PARMhwrf}/hwrf_ensemble.nml ;; wrf-ensemble namelist input file ensemble_nml_section=meanhx_ensemble_nml ;; Section used to configure the hwrf_ensemble namelist file diagpre = {com}/{out_prefix}.gsi_meanhx ;; Filename prefix for GSI output ## Configures the GSI for the calculation of ensemble Hx [gsi_enshx] # scrub=no ; disable scrubbing of enshx directory redirect=yes ;; Redirect output to per-program log files? catalog = {input_catalog} ;; section for the hwrf.input.DataCatalog sat_wnd_da = yes ;; Enable assimiation of satellite wind? sat_radiance_da = no ;; Enable satellite radiance data assimilation? use_gfs_stratosphere = no ;; Use blended global-regional vertical coordinate for satellite radiance DA use_newradbc = yes ;; Use new bias correction data for 2015 GFS and later? obstypes = hdob_obstype,sat_radiance_obstypes,sat_wnd_obstype,tdr_new_obstype ;; List of obstype sections bufr_item=gfs_bufr ;; item for bufr files, for the hwrf.input to find them bufr_dataset=gfs ;; dataset for bufr files, for the hwrf.input to find them prepbufr_item=gfs_prepbufr_rst ;; item for prepbufr files, for the hwrf.input to find them nml_file={PARMhwrf}/hwrf_gsi.nml ;; GSI namelist input file nml_section=gsi_enshx_nml ;; Section used to configure the GSI namelist file diagpre = {com}/{out_prefix}.gsi_enshx ;; Filename prefix for GSI output ## Used to configure the GSI namelist for d02 [gsi_d02_nml] # Namelist settings for domain 2 (6km) GSI HZSCL=0.25,0.5,1.0 ;; background error scale factor for horizontal smoothing DELTIM=1200 ;; model timestep used for assimilation of precipitation rates twind=3.0 ;; maximum half time window (hours) for observations HYBENS_REGIONAL=T ;; logical variable, if .true., then turn on hybrid ensemble option ENSEMBLE_SIZE_REGIONAL=80 ;; ensemble size HYBENS_UV_REGIONAL=T ;; if T, then ensemble perturbation wind stored as u,v. if F, streamfunction and velocity potential BETA_S0=0.2 ;; value between 0 and 1, relative weight given to static background B HYBENS_HOR_SCALE_REGIONAL=300 ;; horizontal localization correlation length (km) HYBENS_VER_SCALE_REGIONAL=-0.5 ;; vertical localization correlation length (>0. grid units, <0. lnp) READIN_LOCALIZATION=F ;; if T, then read in localization information from external file GENERATE_ENS_REGIONAL=F ;; if T, generate ensemble perturbations internally as random samples of static B. ## integer, used to select type of ensemble to read in for regional application. # # =1: use GEFS internally interpolated to ensemble grid. # =2: ensembles are WRF NMM format # =3: ensembles are ARW netcdf format. # =4: ensembles are NEMS NMMB format. REGIONAL_ENSEMBLE_OPTION=1 PSEUDO_HYBENS=F ;; if T, use pseudo HWRF (NMM) ensemble GRID_RATIO_ENS=1 ;; ratio of ensemble grid resolution to analysis grid resolution MERGE_TWO_GRID_ENSPERTS=F ;; merge ensemble from two nests for HWRF (NMM) PWGTFLG=F ;; if T, use vertical integration function on ensemble contribution of Psfc HYBENS_ANISO_REGIONAL=F ;; if T, then use anisotropic recursive filter for localization WRITE_ENS_SPRD=F ;; if T, write out ensemble spread ## Used to configure the GSI namelist for d03 [gsi_d03_nml] # Namelist settings for domain 3 (2km) GSI HZSCL=0.2,0.4,0.8 ;; background error scale factor for horizontal smoothing DELTIM=1200 ;; model timestep used for assimilation of precipitation rates twind=3.0 ;; maximum half time window (hours) for observations HYBENS_REGIONAL=T ;; logical variable, if .true., then turn on hybrid ensemble option ENSEMBLE_SIZE_REGIONAL=80 ;; ensemble size HYBENS_UV_REGIONAL=T ;; if T, then ensemble perturbation wind stored as u,v. if F, streamfunction and velocity potential BETA_S0=0.2 ;; value between 0 and 1, relative weight given to static background B HYBENS_HOR_SCALE_REGIONAL=150 ;; horizontal localization correlation length (km) HYBENS_VER_SCALE_REGIONAL=-0.5 ;; vertical localization correlation length (>0. grid units, <0. lnp) READIN_LOCALIZATION=F ;; if T, then read in localization information from external file GENERATE_ENS_REGIONAL=F ;; if T, generate ensemble perturbations internally as random samples of static B. ## integer, used to select type of ensemble to read in for regional application. ## ## =1: use GEFS internally interpolated to ensemble grid. ## =2: ensembles are WRF NMM format ## =3: ensembles are ARW netcdf format. ## =4: ensembles are NEMS NMMB format. REGIONAL_ENSEMBLE_OPTION=1 PSEUDO_HYBENS=F ;; if T, use pseudo HWRF (NMM) ensemble GRID_RATIO_ENS=1 ;; ratio of ensemble grid resolution to analysis grid resolution MERGE_TWO_GRID_ENSPERTS=F ;; merge ensemble from two nests for HWRF (NMM) PWGTFLG=F ;; if T, use vertical integration function on ensemble contribution of Psfc HYBENS_ANISO_REGIONAL=F ;; if T, then use anisotropic recursive filter for localization WRITE_ENS_SPRD=F ;; if T, write out ensemble spread ## Used to configure the GSI namelist for meanhx [gsi_meanhx_nml] # Namelist settings for meanhx for enkf domain (6km) HZSCL=0.25,0.5,1.0 ;; background error scale factor for horizontal smoothing DELTIM=1200 ;; model timestep used for assimilation of precipitation rates twind=3.0 ;; maximum half time window (hours) for observations HYBENS_REGIONAL=F ;; logical variable, if .true., then turn on hybrid ensemble option ENSEMBLE_SIZE_REGIONAL=80 ;; ensemble size HYBENS_UV_REGIONAL=T ;; if T, then ensemble perturbation wind stored as u,v. if F, streamfunction and velocity potential BETA_S0=0.2 ;; value between 0 and 1, relative weight given to static background B HYBENS_HOR_SCALE_REGIONAL=300 ;; horizontal localization correlation length (km) HYBENS_VER_SCALE_REGIONAL=-0.5 ;; vertical localization correlation length (>0. grid units, <0. lnp) READIN_LOCALIZATION=F ;; if T, then read in localization information from external file GENERATE_ENS_REGIONAL=F ;; if T, generate ensemble perturbations internally as random samples of static B. ## integer, used to select type of ensemble to read in for regional application. # # =1: use GEFS internally interpolated to ensemble grid. # =2: ensembles are WRF NMM format # =3: ensembles are ARW netcdf format. # =4: ensembles are NEMS NMMB format. REGIONAL_ENSEMBLE_OPTION=1 PSEUDO_HYBENS=F ;; if T, use pseudo HWRF (NMM) ensemble GRID_RATIO_ENS=1 ;; ratio of ensemble grid resolution to analysis grid resolution MERGE_TWO_GRID_ENSPERTS=F ;; merge ensemble from two nests for HWRF (NMM) PWGTFLG=F ;; if T, use vertical integration function on ensemble contribution of Psfc HYBENS_ANISO_REGIONAL=F ;; if T, then use anisotropic recursive filter for localization WRITE_ENS_SPRD=F ;; if T, write out ensemble spread ## Used to configure the hwrf_ensemble namelist for meanhx [meanhx_ensemble_nml] # Nothing needed here yet ## Used to configure the GSI namelist for enshx [gsi_enshx_nml] # Namelist settings for enshx for enkf domain (6km) HZSCL=0.25,0.5,1.0 ;; background error scale factor for horizontal smoothing DELTIM=1200 ;; model timestep used for assimilation of precipitation rates twind=3.0 ;; maximum half time window (hours) for observations HYBENS_REGIONAL=F ;; logical variable, if .true., then turn on hybrid ensemble option ENSEMBLE_SIZE_REGIONAL=80 ;; ensemble size HYBENS_UV_REGIONAL=T ;; if T, then ensemble perturbation wind stored as u,v. if F, streamfunction and velocity potential BETA_S0=0.2 ;; value between 0 and 1, relative weight given to static background B HYBENS_HOR_SCALE_REGIONAL=300 ;; horizontal localization correlation length (km) HYBENS_VER_SCALE_REGIONAL=-0.5 ;; vertical localization correlation length (>0. grid units, <0. lnp) READIN_LOCALIZATION=F ;; if T, then read in localization information from external file GENERATE_ENS_REGIONAL=F ;; if T, generate ensemble perturbations internally as random samples of static B. ## integer, used to select type of ensemble to read in for regional application. # # =1: use GEFS internally interpolated to ensemble grid. # =2: ensembles are WRF NMM format # =3: ensembles are ARW netcdf format. # =4: ensembles are NEMS NMMB format. REGIONAL_ENSEMBLE_OPTION=1 PSEUDO_HYBENS=F ;; if T, use pseudo HWRF (NMM) ensemble GRID_RATIO_ENS=1 ;; ratio of ensemble grid resolution to analysis grid resolution MERGE_TWO_GRID_ENSPERTS=F ;; merge ensemble from two nests for HWRF (NMM) PWGTFLG=F ;; if T, use vertical integration function on ensemble contribution of Psfc HYBENS_ANISO_REGIONAL=F ;; if T, then use anisotropic recursive filter for localization WRITE_ENS_SPRD=F ;; if T, write out ensemble spread ## Defines the hdob obstype # # Tells where to get hdob observations, and what to name them in the # directory when running GSI. See # hwrf.gsi.GSIBase.grab_obstype_section() for details. [hdob_obstype] type=hd_ob ;; Name for this type of observation dataset=hd_obs ;; dataset name for the hwrf.input item=gdas1_bufr ;; item name for the hwrf.input # local dir name = gfs/gdas bufr_d name hdobbufr=hdob ## Defines the old TDR obstype # # Tells where to get old TDR observations, and what to name them in # the directory when running GSI. See # hwrf.gsi.GSIBase.grab_obstype_section() for details. [tdr_old_obstype] type=tdr_old ;; Name for this type of observation dataset=tdrso ;; dataset name for the hwrf.input item=tdrsonm ;; item name for the hwrf.input # local dir name = gfs/gdas bufr_d name tldplrso=tldplr ## Defines the GIV-TDR obstype # # Tells where to get GIV-TDR observations, and what to name them in # the directory when running GSI. See # hwrf.gsi.GSIBase.grab_obstype_section() for details. [g4tdr_obstype] type=g4tdr ;; Name for this type of observation dataset=g4tdrso ;; dataset name for the hwrf.input item=g4tdrsonm ;; item name for the hwrf.input # local dir name = gfs/gdas bufr_d name tldplrso=tldplr ## Defines HIWRAP obstype, exactly same as the old TDR obstype # # Tells where to get HIWRAP observations, and what to name them in # the directory when running GSI. See # hwrf.gsi.GSIBase.grab_obstype_section() for details. [hiwrap_obstype] type=hiwrap ;; Name for this type of observation dataset=hiwrapso ;; dataset name for the hwrf.input item=hiwrapsonm ;; item name for the hwrf.input # local dir name = gfs/gdas bufr_d name tldplrso=tldplr ## Defines the new TDR obstype # # Tells where to get TDR observations, and what to name them in the # directory when running GSI. See # hwrf.gsi.GSIBase.grab_obstype_section() for details. [tdr_new_obstype] type=tdr_new ;; Name for this type of observation dataset=tdr ;; dataset name for the hwrf.input item=gdas1_bufr ;; item name for the hwrf.input # local dir name = gfs/gdas bufr_d name tldplrbufr=tldplr ## Configures the hwrf.ensda.enada_pre_object_for() which decides ## whether to run the ENSDA. [ensda_pre] # Check next cycle for TDR data catalog = {input_catalog} ;; The section for configuring hwrf.input.DataCatalog dataset=tdr ;; The dataset for hwrf.input to find TDR data item=gdas1_bufr ;; The item for hwrf.input to find TDR data obstype=tldplr ;; The obstype for hwrf.input to find TDR data tdr_flag_file={com}/{stormlabel}.run_ensda ;; The path to the ENSDA flag file tdr_flag_file2={com}/run_ensda.{vit[stnum]:02d}{vit[basin1lc]}.{cycle} ;; second ENSDA flag file numofcheck=2 ;; Number of times to check for the TDR trigger file checksecinv=300 ;; Time between checks of the TDR trigger file run_ensda_wmax=17.0 ;; the maximum wind threshold used to turn on HWRF ensemble ## Defines the satellite wind obstype [sat_wnd_obstype] type=satwnd ;; Name of this group of obstypes. dataset=gfs ;; Dataset for the hwrf.input to find data item=gfs_bufr ;; Item for hwrf.input to find data satwndbufr=satwnd ;; GFS/GDAS bufr_d name for satwndbufr data ## Defines the satellite radiance obstypes # # Tells where to get satellite observations, and what to name them in # the directory when running GSI. See # hwrf.gsi.GSIBase.grab_obstype_section() for details. [sat_radiance_obstypes] type=satellite ;; Name of this group of obstypes. MUST be satellite dataset=gfs ;; Dataset for the hwrf.input to find data item=gfs_bufr ;; Item for hwrf.input to find data # local dir name = gfs/gdas bufr_d name gpsrobufr=gpsro ;; GFS/GDAS bufr_d name for gpsrobufr data gsndrbufr=goesnd ;; GFS/GDAS bufr_d name for GOES sounder radiance gsnd1bufr=goesfv ;; GFS/GDAS bufr_d name for GOES 1x1 sounder radiance hirs2bufr=1bhrs2 ;; GFS/GDAS bufr_d name for HIRS/2 radiance amsuabufr=1bamua ;; GFS/GDAS bufr_d name for AMSU/A radiance amsubbufr=1bamub ;; GFS/GDAS bufr_d name for AMSU/B radiance hirs3bufr=1bhrs3 ;; GFS/GDAS bufr_d name for HIRS/3 radiance hirs4bufr=1bhrs4 ;; GFS/GDAS bufr_d name for HIRS/4 radiance mhsbufr=1bmhs ;; GFS/GDAS bufr_d name for MHS radiance #mhsbufrears=esmhs ;; EARS/RARS MHS radiance file #mhsbufr_db=mhsdb ;; direct broadcast MHS radiance file airsbufr=airsev ;; GFS/GDAS bufr_d name for AIRS radiace seviribufr=sevcsr ;; GFS/GDAS bufr_d name for SEVIRI radiace iasibufr=mtiasi ;; GFS/GDAS bufr_d name for IASI radiace #iasibufrears=esiasi ;; EARS/RARS IASI radiace file #iasibufr_db=iasidb ;; direct broadcast IASI radiace file amsuabufrears=esamua ;; GFS/GDAS bufr_d name for EARS AMSU/A radiance #amsuabufr_db=amuadb ;; direct broadcast AMSU/A radiance file amsubbufrears=esamub ;; GFS/GDAS bufr_d name for EARS AMSU/B radiance #amsubbufr_db=amubdb ;; direct broadcast AMSU/B radiance file hirs3bufrears=eshrs3 ;; GFS/GDAS bufr_d name for EARS HIRS/3 radiance #hirs3bufr_db=hrs3db ;; direct broadcast HIRS/3 radiance file ssmitbufr=ssmit ;; GFS/GDAS bufr_d name for SSMI radiace amsrebufr=amsre ;; GFS/GDAS bufr_d name for AMSRE radiace ssmisbufr=ssmisu ;; GFS/GDAS bufr_d name for SSMIS radiace atmsbufr=atms ;; GFS/GDAS bufr_d name for ATMS radiance #atmsbufrears=atmsdb ;; Input direct broadcast ATMS radiance file #atmsbufr_db=esatms ;; EARS/RARS ATMS radiance file crisbufr=cris ;; GFS/GDAS bufr_d name for CRIS radiance #crisbufrears=escris ;; EARS/RARS CRIS radiance file #crisbufr_db=crisdb ;; direct broadcast CRIS radiance file #crisfsbufr=crisfs ;; GFS/GDAS CRIS on SNPP radiance #crisfsbufrears=escrisfs ;; GFS/GDAS EARS/RARS CRIS-FSR radiance file #crisfsbufr_db=crisfsdb ;; GFS/GDAS direct broadcast CRIS-FSR radiance file #avhambufr=avcsam ;; GFS/GDAS bufr_d name for AVHRR GAC (AM) data #avhpmbufr=avcspm ;; GFS/GDAS bufr_d name for AVHRR GAC (PM) data #ahibufr=ahi ;; GFS/GDAS bufr_d name for AHI radiace #amsr2bufr=amsr2 ;; GFS/GDAS bufr_d name for AMSR2 L1B brightness temperature saphirbufr=saphir ;; GFS/GDAS bufr_d name for SAPHIR radiance gmibufr=gmi ;; GMI L1CR brightness temperature #sbuvbufr=osbuv8 ;; NOAA POES SBUV ozone retrieval file #mlsbufr=mls ;; MLS ozone retrieval file #gomebufr=gome ;; GOME ozone retrieval file #omibufr=omi ;; OMI ozone retrieval file #ssmirrbufr=spssmip ;; SSM/I precipitation rate #tmirrbufr=sptrmm ;; TMI precipitation rate # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # EnKF configuration. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Used to configure EnKF [enkf] catalog = {input_catalog} ;; catalog for the hwrf.input.DataCatalog nml_file={PARMhwrf}/hwrf_enkf.nml ;; EnKF name list input file nml_section = enkf_nml ;; Section used to configure the EnKF namelist file ensemble_nml_file={PARMhwrf}/hwrf_ensemble.nml ;; wrf-ensemble namelist input file ensemble_nml_section=enkf_ensemble_nml ;; Section used to configure the hwrf_ensemble namelist file interpolate_nml_section=recenter_interpolate_nml ;; Section used to configure the hwrf_interpolate namelist file interpolate_nml_file={PARMhwrf}/hwrf_interpolate.nml ;; hwrf_interpolate namelist ## The name of the enkf status file in the com directory: enkfstatus={com}/{stormlabel}.enkf_status ## Second enkf file name that mimmics the old operational ocean status file. # # This second wave file uses a filename that cannot be predicted in # advanced. That breaks ecFlow and Rocoto. The file is still # created for backward compatibility. enkfstatus2={com}/enkf_status.{vit[stormname]}{vit[stnum]:02d}{vit[basin1lc]}.{cycle} diagpre={com}/{out_prefix}.enkf ;; Filename prefix for EnKF output # Used to configure EnKF namelist [enkf_nml] # Nothing needed here yet. # # Used to configure hwrf_ensemble namelist [enkf_ensemble_nml] # Nothing needed here yet. # [recenter_interpolate_nml] INTRP_FROM_FILENAME=wrfghost_d02 ;; interpolated from filename INTRP_TO_FILENAME=enkf_anl_mean ;; interpolated to filename IBLEND=1 ;; blending mode, blend around the domain boundary [enkfmerge] interpolate_nml_section=enkfmerge_interpolate_nml ;; Section used to configure the hwrf_interpolate namelist file interpolate_nml_file={PARMhwrf}/hwrf_interpolate.nml ;; hwrf_interpolate namelist # [enkfmerge_interpolate_nml] INTRP_FROM_FILENAME=hwrf_enkf_anl ;; interpolated from filename INTRP_TO_FILENAME=wrfanl_d02 ;; interpolated to filename IBLEND=2 ;; blending mode, blend around vortex # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # POST configuration. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Wavewatch3 post-processing configuration. [ww3post] ww3_grib_post=yes ;; Produce WW3 grid output in grib2 format ww3_ounf_post=yes ;; Produce WW3 grid output in netcdf format ww3_ounp_spec_post=yes ;; Produce WW3 point spectral output in netcdf format ww3_outp_bull_post=yes ;; Produce WW3 point output in bullitin format ww3_outp_spec_post=yes ;; Produce WW3 point output in spectral format ## Configure forecast output products # # Configures output of the forecast, post, tracker, and other forecast # and post-processing tasks. This configures both delivery to COM and # the direct output of the programs. See the hwrf.hwrfsystem for # details on most of these options. [forecast_products] #ww3_restart_start=6 ;; - not yet implemented #ww3_restart_end=18 ;; - not yet implemented ww3_output_step=3600 ;; Seconds between WW3 main output file times ww3_pntout_step=3600 ;; Seconds between WW3 main output file times ww3_restart_step=21600 ;; Seconds between WW3 restart file times ## WRF forecast output frequency in seconds # # Output frequency of the main WRF output stream, in integer seconds # greater than 0. Valid values are 10800, 3600 or anything that # integer divides 3600. In the special case of 10800, the output will # still be hourly from hours 0-9. Examples: # # Value | Output Hours 0-9 | Output After Hour 9 # ----- | -------------------------- | ---------------------- # 10800 | Every 3600 Seconds (1hr) | 10800 seconds (3hrs) # 3600 | Every 3600 Seconds (1hr) | 3600 seconds (1hr) # 1800 | Every 1800 Seconds (30min) | 1800 seconds (30 min) # 900 | Every 900 Seconds (15 min) | 900 seconds (15 min) wrf_output_step=10800 ## POM forecast output frequency in seconds # # Output frequency of the POM model in seconds. Must be a multiple of # 5400 (1.5 hours), and must integer divide a day (86400). Typical # values: # # + 86400 (a day) # + 21600 (every 6 hours) # + 10800 (every 3 hours) # + 5400 (every 1.5 hours) pom_output_step=21600 # Post-processing start, end and step for various components: tracker_step=1 ;; Times between tracker inputs (hours) nonsatpost_step=1 ;; Times between non-satellite post inputs (hours) satpost_step=6 ;; Times between satellite post inputs (hours) wrfcopier_start=0 ;; First time to copy WRF output to COM (hours) wrfcopier_end=9 ;; Last time to copy WRF output to COM (hours) wrfcopier_step=3 ;; Step between times WRF output is copied to COM (hours) combinetrack_fhr=12 ;; Length of the relocation-length track file # Settings for GRIB1 grid 255 for each grid: core_grid=0.02,0.02,10,10,128,501,501 ;; moving 10x10 0.02 deg grid storm_grid=0.02,0.02,25,25,128,1251,1251 ;; moving 25x25 0.02 deg grid trkd3_grid=0.02,0.02,25,25,128,1251,1251 ;; moving 25x25 0.02 deg grid for tracker trkd2_grid=0.05,0.05,20,20,128,400,400 ;; moving 20x20 0.05 deg grid for tracker trkd1_grid=0.20,0.20,20,20,128,100,100 ;; moving 20x20 0.20 deg grid for tracker synop_grid=0.125,0.125,90.,120.,128,961,721 ;; stationary 90x120 deg grid ## GRIB2 compression method # # Settings for cnvgrib to convert to GRIB2. Supported options: # + 32 --- complex packing with second-order differences # + 40 --- "lossless" jpeg 2000 # # These are sent to the -p option to cnvgrib and satgrib2. grib2_compression=32 # Output filenames: hwrftrk%com={out_prefix}.hwrftrk.f{fahr:03d}.grb ;; track input filename in COM hwrftrk%intercom={out_prefix}.hwrftrk.grbf{fahr:02d} ;; track input filename in intercom hwrftrkd02%com={out_prefix}.hwrftrkd02.f{fahr:03d}.grb ;; domain 1+2 track input filename in COM hwrftrkd02%intercom={out_prefix}.hwrftrkd02.grbf{fahr:02d} ;; domain 1+2 track input filename in intercom hwrftrkd01%com={out_prefix}.hwrftrkd02.f{fahr:03d}.grb ;; domain 1 track input filename in COM hwrftrkd01%intercom={out_prefix}.hwrftrkd02.grbf{fahr:02d} ;; domain 1 track input filename in intercom anl_outer={out_prefix}.wrfanl_d02 ;; wrfanl d02 file anl_inner={out_prefix}.wrfanl_d03 ;; wrfanl d03 file p123_core%com={out_prefix}.hwrfprs.core.0p02.f{fahr:03d}.grb2 ;; 10x10 GRIB2 non-sat p123_storm%com={out_prefix}.hwrfprs.storm.0p02.f{fahr:03d}.grb2 ;; 25x25 GRIB2 non-sat p123_synop%com={out_prefix}.hwrfprs.synoptic.0p125.f{fahr:03d}.grb2 ;; 90x110 GRIB2 non-sat p123_global%com={out_prefix}.hwrfprs.global.0p25.f{fahr:03d}.grb2 ;; global GRIB2 non-sat s123_core%com={out_prefix}.hwrfsat.core.0p02.f{fahr:03d}.grb2 ;; 10x10 GRIB2 sat s123_storm%com={out_prefix}.hwrfsat.storm.0p02.f{fahr:03d}.grb2 ;; 25x25 GRIB2 sat s123_synop%com={out_prefix}.hwrfsat.synoptic.0p125.f{fahr:03d}.grb2 ;; 90x110 GRIB2 sat s123_global%com={out_prefix}.hwrfsat.global.0p25.f{fahr:03d}.grb2 ;; global GRIB2 sat ## Configures the GSI post processor (hwrf.gsipost) output products [gsi_products] # Settings for GRIB1 grid 255 for each grid: d3_grid=0.02,0.02,12.,12.,128,600,600 ;; Domain 3 grid d2_grid=0.06,0.06,30.,30.,128,500,500 ;; Domain 2 grid ## GRIB2 compression method # # Settings for cnvgrib to convert to GRIB2. Supported options: # + 32 --- complex packing with second-order differences # + 40 --- "lossless" jpeg 2000 # # These are sent to the -p option to cnvgrib and satgrib2. grib2_compression=32 ; complex packing with second-order differences # Delivery settings: hwrforg_n%com={out_prefix}.hwrforg_n.grb2f00 ;; Inner domain original data in com hwrforg_i%com={out_prefix}.hwrforg_i.grb2f00 ;; Intermediate domain original data in com hwrfges_n%com={out_prefix}.hwrfges_n.grb2f00 ;; Inner domain first guess data in com hwrfges_i%com={out_prefix}.hwrfges_i.grb2f00 ;; Intermediate domain first guess data in com hwrfanl_n%com={out_prefix}.hwrfanl_n.grb2f00 ;; Inner domain analysis data in com hwrfanl_i%com={out_prefix}.hwrfanl_i.grb2f00 ;; Intermediate domain analysis data in com ## Configures the WRF copier (hwrf.copywrf) [copywrf] # Nothing needed here now ## Configures the non-satellite post-processor run on the forecast [nonsatpost] ## Post control file for auxhist2 files (hours 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8) auxhist2_control={PARMhwrf}/post/hwrf_cntrl.tracker ## Post control file for all other files control={PARMhwrf}/post/hwrf_cntrl.nonsat ## Configures the GSI post-processor run of the hwrf.post [gsipost] ## Post control file control={PARMhwrf}/post/hwrf_cntrl.nonsat needcrtm=no ;; no=do not link CRTM fix files ## Configure the hwrf.gribtask run by the GSI post [gsigribber] # Configure the regribber/gribtask for the GSI. Should be identical # to the [regribber]. @inc=regribber ## Configures the satellite post-processor run on the forecast [satpost] control={PARMhwrf}/post/hwrf_cntrl.sat{basin1} ;; Post control file ## Configures the hwrf.gribtask [regribber] griblockdir={lockdir}/griblocks ;; Regribber lock directory hgt_levs={PARMhwrf}/hwrf_hgt_levs.txt ;; Tracker height level list file tmp_levs={PARMhwrf}/hwrf_tmp_levs.txt ;; Tracker temperature level list file ## Configures the main forecast job tracker [tracker] namelist=trackernml ;; name of the section that generates the tracker namelist ## Configures the tracker run on only domain 1 & 2 [trackerd02] namelist=trackernml,nothermo ;; name of the sections for generating the tracker namelist ## Configures the tracker run on only domain 1 [trackerd01] namelist=trackernml,nothermo ;; name of the sections for generating the tracker namelist ## Tracker namelist overrides to disable thermodynamic parameters. # # Sent to hwrf.namelist.Conf2Namelist when generating the tracker # namelist for the experimental domain 1 and domain 1/2 trackers. # This section disables the tracker thermodynamic parameters, which # are too slow for the larger domain size. [nothermo] # tracker namelist overrides to disable thermodynamics parameters: phaseinfo.phaseflag='n' structinfo.structflag='n' structinfo.ikeflag='n' ## Default tracker namelist settings. # # Sent into hwrf.namelist.Conf2Namelist to generate the tracker # namelist. See the GFDL Vortex Tracker documentation for details. # # @note The domain 1 and domain 1/2 trackers also send nothermo to # disable the thermodynamic parameters. [trackernml] # tracker namelist settings: datein.inp%model=17 fnameinfo.gmodname="hwrf" fnameinfo.rundescr="25x25" atcfinfo.atcfnum=81 atcfinfo.atcfname='HWRF' trackerinfo.trkrinfo%mslpthresh=0.0015 trackerinfo.trkrinfo%v850thresh=1.5000 trackerinfo.trkrinfo%contint=100.0 phaseinfo.wcore_depth=1.0 phaseinfo.phasescheme='both' waitinfo.wait_max_wait=3600 ## Configuration for hwrf_nhc_products program, which produces the # swath, the HTCF, the AFOS, and various other NHC products. [nhc_products] TierI_model=HWRF ;; model name in Tier I file TierI_submodel=PYHW ;; submodel name in Tier I file TierI_realtime=no ;; realtime/non-realtime for Tier I purposes grads_byteswap=yes ;; should the grads ctl file say the swath is byteswapped? swathres=0.05 ;; resolution of storm swath in degrees swathpad=0.3 ;; padding in degrees around storm swath # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # POM configuration. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Configures the MPIPOMTC ocean model [pom] catalog = {input_catalog} ;; catalog for the hwrf.input.DataCatalog sfc_dataset=gfs ;; Dataset for hwrf.input to find GFS surface data sanl_item=gfs_sanl ;; Item for hwrf.input to find GFS sanl files sfcanl_item=gfs_sfcanl ;; Item for hwrf.input to find GFS sfcanl files gribA_item=gfs_gribA ;; Item for hwrf.input to find grib2 format GFS file containing initial SST gribA_hires_item=gfs_gribA_highres ;; Item for hwrf.input to find hires_grib2 format GFS file containing initial SST ## Get SST from GFS GRIB2, Spectral, or NEMSIO format output files gfssst_type=2 ;; 1=grib2, 2=nemsio, 3=spectral loop_dataset=loopdata ;; Loop current dataset for hwrf.input loop_item=gfdl_loop ;; Item for finding GFDL loop current files wc_ring_item=gfdl_wc_ring ;; Item for finding GFDL loop wc_ring files ini_data=gdem ;; NCODA (ncoda), GDEM(gdem), GDEM3(gdem3, AL only), LEVIT(levit, AL only), RTOF(rtof) based initialization rt00zonly=0 ;; If ini_data=rtof, then this switch is to contol whether or not to use 00Z RTOFS data only: yes (1), no (0) assi_sst=1 ;; Assimilate SST (1), Do not assimilate SST(0) oned_pom=0 ;; 1D pom (1), 3D pom(0) geovflag=1 ;; Initial geostrophic velocity (1), No calculation of initial geostrophic velocity (0) i270flag=1 ;; Change isplit to 45 (1) ; change isplit to 50 (2) ; else keep isplit set to 48 fplnflag=0 ;; Use fplane (1), otherwise (0) cntrhval=22.4 ;; The latitude at which f-plane grid calculated if fplnflag is yes ph2xflag=0 ;; Stop after phase1 (1), run phase 2 extended to ${ph2xdays} (x), else keep days set to 3.0 for phase 2 ph2xdays=8.0 ;; No of days when ph2xflag is x pwavflag=0 ;; Wave-induced mixing(1), otherwise(0) poutflag=0 ;; Change prtd1 to ${prtd1val} (1), else keep prtd1 set to 1.0 prtd1val=1.0 ;; Alternative value for prtd1, used only when poutflag is 1 swchflag=0 ;; Change prtd2 to ${prtd2val} and swtch to ${swtchval} (1), else keep prtd2 set to 1.0 and swtch set to 9999. swtchval=8.0 ;; Alternative value for swtch, used only when swchflag is 1 prtd2val=0.01 ;; Alternative value for prtd2, used only when swchflag is 1 kppflag=0 ;; Options to control vertical mixing schemes: a. POM default M-Y scheme (kppflag=0) kpp_ric=0.36 ;; b. Standard KPP scheme (kppflag=1,kpp_lt_log=.false.,kpp_ric=0.36) kpp_lt_log=.false. ;; c. KPP scheme with explicit Langmuir mixing (kppflag=1,kpp_lt_log=.true.,kpp_ric=0.235) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # HYCOM configuration. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## hycom_init job configuration: [hycominit] catalog={input_catalog} RTOFS_HIST=/dev/null ;; RTOFS .a and .b file locations of historical RTOFS RTOFS_FCST=/dev/null ;; RTOFS .a and .b file locations of real-time RTOFS RTOFS_TAR=/dev/null ;; RTOFS .a.tgz and .b file locations RTOFS_STAGE={WORKhwrf}/hycominit/RTOFSDIR ;; RTOFS staging/linking area scrub=no ;; Override global scrubbing option for hycom init bools=hycombools ;; Section with YES/NO variables for shell programs strings=hycomstrings ;; Section with string variables for shell programs ## hycom forecast program for the coupled forecast job forecast_exe={EXEChwrf}/hwrf_{RUNmodIDout}_forecast ## Output restart files; should contain RUNmodIDout and ab vars restart_outR={com}/{out_prefix}.{RUNmodIDout}.spin_restart.{ab} ## Output restart R files; should contain RUNmodIDout and ab vars restart_out={com}/{out_prefix}.{RUNmodIDout}.restart.{ab} ## Output spin files; should contain RUNmodIDout and ab vars spin_archv={com}/{out_prefix}.spin_archv.{ab} ## Enable river adjustment in HYCOM initialization? adjust_river=0 ## Enable temperature adjustment in HYCOM initialization? adjust_temp=0 ## Interval in hours between forcing in the 126hr forecast mode forecast_forcing_interval=3 ## Adjust wind near hurricane in HYCOM initialization? parameterized_winds=0 ## Number of hycom processors hycom_procs=90 atmos1_dataset=gdas1 ;; Dataset for global atmospheric surface data before time 0 atmos1_flux=gdas1_sfluxgrb ;; Item for atmospheric flux data before time 0 atmos1_grid=gdas1_gribA ;; Item for atmospheric air data before time 0 atmos2_dataset=gfs ;; Dataset for global atmospheric surface data after time 0 atmos2_flux=gfs_sfluxgrb ;; Item for atmospheric flux data after time 0 - using pgrb2 from 2017 (hsk) atmos2_grid=gfs_gribA ;; Item for atmospheric air data after time 0 ocean_dataset=rtofs ;; Dataset for global ocean archv data ocean_fcst=rtofs_fcst ;; Item for ocean data after analysis time ocean_past=rtofs_past ;; Item for ocean data before the analysis time ocean_now=rtofs_now ;; Item for ocean data at the analysis time ocean_rst=rtofs_rst ;; Item for ocean restart files ocean_dataset_stage=rtofsstage ;; Dataset for global ocean archv data (staged) ocean_fcst_name=rtofs_fcst_name ;; Item for ocean data after analysis time ocean_past_name=rtofs_past_name ;; Item for ocean data before the analysis time ocean_now_name=rtofs_now_name ;; Item for ocean data at the analysis time ocean_rst_name=rtofs_rst_name ;; Item for ocean restart files ## Configuration for the ocean_post job [hycompost] bools=hycombools ;; Section with YES/NO variables for shell programs strings=hycomstrings ;; Section with string variables for shell programs ## This section contains YES/NO variables and values which will be set ## as environment variables in the shell programs. # # The hycombools section is filled with ENV_VAR=value entries. Each # ENV_VAR will be set to the boolean version of the value. Values are # converted to Python booleans and then to the strings YES or NO. All # environment variables must be valid shell and Python variable names. [hycombools] RUN_OCEAN={run_ocean} RUN_WAVE={run_wave} ## This section contains variables and string values which will be set ## as environment variables in the shell programs. # # The hycomstrings section is filled with ENV_VAR=value entries. The # ENV_VAR will be set to the value, unmodified. All environment # variables must be valid shell and Python variable names. The # strings must be single line strings (no end-of-line characters) that # are expressable in both shell and Python. # # @note The special RTOFSDIR variable is set independently based on # the hwrf.hycom.HYCOMInit.find_rtofs_data() function. [hycomstrings] NPROCS_o=90 out_prefix={config/out_prefix} out_prefix_nodate={config/out_prefix_nodate} FORECAST_DIR={dir/WORKhwrf}/runwrf OCEAN_MODEL={ocean_model} WAVE_MODEL={wave_model} YMDH={config/YMDH} stormlabel={config/stormlabel} STORM={vit[stormname]} STID={vit[stormid3]} basin2={vit[pubbasin2]} USHhwrf={dir/USHhwrf} FIXhwrf={dir/FIXhwrf} EXEChwrf={dir/EXEChwrf} COMhwrf={config/com} WORKhwrf={dir/WORKhwrf} CASE_ROOT={config/case_root} # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # WRF configuration. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # This configuration file does not set start/end times, I/O # configuration, locations or task geometry. All of that is set in # the Python code. However, everything else is set here. In each # section, the special variable "namelist" tells the parser to recurse # into a list of conf sections to get more namelist variables. # Sections later in the list will be parsed first. Any variable will # only be set once: the first time it is seen. ## Set a few variables that the Python code must be aware of to # communicate correctly between HWRF components. These will also be # used to calculate or set the appropriate WPS and WRF namelist values: [wrf] dt = 30 ;; Timestep (seconds, a rational number) bdystep = 21600 ;; Boundary input timestep (integer) ibdystep = 21600 ;; Boundary input timestep initialization (integer) ptsgm = 15000 ;; Pressure-sigma transition level (real >0) ptop = 1000 ;; Model top pressure (real >0) prep_hybrid=.true. ;; Should prep_hybrid be used? (Fortran logical) #---metgrid_soil_levels=2 ## The default WRF io_form, which can be overridden. # # This is the default IO form for most files, and is copied to the WRF # namelist automatically. # @note The auxinput1/2 streams are set in [wrf_namelist] io_form=11 namelist = wrf_namelist ;; Set the WRF namelist values that are NOT per domain: ## This section is read by all scripts that run the wrf or nmm_real. [wrfexe] # Fix file locations: fix.eta_lookup={FIXhwrf}/hwrf_eta_micro_lookup.dat ;; eta_micro_lookup.dat file location fix.track={FIXhwrf}/hwrf_track ;; "track" file location fix.wrf_other={FIXhwrf}/hwrf-wrf/* ;; glob for finding other WRF fix files cpl_nml=cpl_nml ;; coupler namelist file dt_c=360 ;; coupler timestep in seconds sleeptime=30 ;; sleep time between checks of child process ## This section is used to run the one minute wrfanl simulation to # provide inputs to the six hour forecast ensemble. Its main purpose # is to disable I/O servers. [enswrfexe] @inc=wrfexe nio_groups=1 ;; Number of WRF I/O server groups per domain in init jobs nio_tasks_per_group=0,0,0 ;; Number of I/O servers per group in init jobs poll_servers=yes ;; Turn on server polling in init jobs if quilt servers are used (They are not.) nproc_x=-1 ;; Init job WRF processor count in X direction (-1 = automatic) nproc_y=-1 ;; Init job WRF processor count in Y direction (-1 = automatic) ## This section is read by the script that runs the WRF forecast job at 2km. # It is not used by other executions of wrf. See runwrf3km in hwrf_3km.conf for the 3km # configuration. [runwrf] sleeptime=60 ;; sleep time between checks of child processes @inc=wrfexe wm3c_ranks=4 ;; Number of coupler ranks ww3_ranks=120 ;; number of wavewatch3 ranks ocean_ranks=9 ;; number of POM ranks (must be 9) coupled_log={WORKhwrf}/cpl.out ;; coupled forecast stdout location ## Configures the coupler namelist # # Read by hwrf.namelist.Conf2Namelist to generate the coupler # namelist. See the NCEP Coupler documentation for details. [cpl_nml] CPL_SETTINGS.restart=F CPL_SETTINGS.cstepmax={cstepmax} CPL_SETTINGS.dt_c={dt_c} CPL_SETTINGS.INTP_INI_STUCK_OK=T CPL_SETTINGS.VerbLev=1 CPL_SETTINGS.ia2o=1 CPL_SETTINGS.io2a=1 CPL_SETTINGS.ia2w=1 CPL_SETTINGS.iw2a=0 CPL_SETTINGS.io2w=0 CPL_SETTINGS.iw2o=0 ## This section sets WRF namelist variables that are NOT on a # per-domain basis. # # Sent to hwrf.namelist.Conf2Namelist to generate the WRF namelist # settings for options that are NOT set on a per-domain basis. See # the WRF documentation for details. # # @note Any settings specific to timesteps or output files are # generally ignored, and should be set in [forecast_products] or the # hwrf_expt module instead. [wrf_namelist] # Force NetCDF for geogrid and metgrid because PNetCDF is not supported time_control.io_form_auxinput1=2 time_control.io_form_auxinput2=2 time_control.debug_level = 1 #domains.halo_debug = 3 physics.var_ric = 1.0 physics.coef_ric_l = 0.16 physics.coef_ric_s = 0.25 physics.co2tf = 1 physics.num_soil_layers = 4 dynamics.euler_adv = .False. bdy_control.spec_bdy_width = 1 bdy_control.specified = .true. domains.feedback = 1 domains.num_moves = -99 physics.pert_sas=.false. physics.pert_pbl=.false. physics.pert_Cd=.false. physics.ens_pblamp=0.2 physics.ens_sasamp=50.0 physics.ens_Cdamp=0.2 physics.ens_random_seed={ENS} domains.eta_levels= 1.000000, 0.997622, 0.995078, 0.992240, 0.989036, 0.985440, 0.981451, 0.977061, 0.972249, 0.966994, 0.961280, 0.955106, 0.948462, 0.941306, 0.933562, 0.925134, 0.915937, 0.905890, 0.894913, 0.882926, 0.869842, 0.855646, 0.840183, 0.823383, 0.805217, 0.785767, 0.765100, 0.743200, 0.720133, 0.695967, 0.670867, 0.645033, 0.618700, 0.592067, 0.565333, 0.538733, 0.512500, 0.486800, 0.461767, 0.437533, 0.414200, 0.391767, 0.370233, 0.349600, 0.329867, 0.310967, 0.292867, 0.275533, 0.258933, 0.243000, 0.227700, 0.213000, 0.198867, 0.185300, 0.172267, 0.159733, 0.147633, 0.135967, 0.124767, 0.114033, 0.103733, 0.093867, 0.084400, 0.075333, 0.066600, 0.058267, 0.050333, 0.042833, 0.035733, 0.029000, 0.022600, 0.016500, 0.010733, 0.005267, 0.000000, logging.compute_tasks_silent = .true. logging.io_servers_silent = .true. logging.stderr_logging = 0 auxhist1_outname="wrfdiag_d" auxhist2_outname="wrfout_d_" auxhist3_outname="wrfout_d_" physics.tg_option=1 physics.icloud=3 physics.cldovrlp=2 dynamics.terrain_smoothing = 2 time_control.tg_reset_stream=1 # Disable upscale feedback smoother, which is totally unused in HWRF # anyway. This removes an expensive halo: domains.smooth_option=0 # Disable I/O server polling since it isn't supported for quilt_pnc # yet. This is not needed; quilt_pnc automatically disables polling # anyway, but this removes a warning message that is confusing people: namelist_quilt%poll_servers = .false. ## Configure the outermost WRF domain # # Mother Of All Domains (MOAD) in WRF terminology is the fixed, # outermost domain in the simulation. For all HWRF simulations (anl, # ghost, forecast, ensda, etc.) the MOAD is the same, and this section # sets all settings for that domain. The hwrf.wrf.WRFNamelist class # copies the MOAD settings to the child domain unless the child # overrides them (with a few exceptions like parent_grid_ratio), so # these sections affect all domains in all WRF simulations. [moad] nx = 288 ;; Domain X (rotated East) extent ny = 576 ;; Domain Y (rotated North) extent parent_grid_ratio = 1 ;; Must be 1 (ratio of self to self) dx = 0.135 ;; X resolution, must be a multiple of 0.09 and same as dy dy = 0.135 ;; Y resolution, must be a multiple of 0.09 and same as dx start = moad ;; Domain start location. Must be moad namelist = moad_namelist ;; Namelist for setting per-domain options for this domain. ## Configure the intermediate forecast and analysis domains in WRF. [storm1outer] nx = 265 ;; Domain X (rotated East) extent ny = 532 ;; Domain Y (rotated North) extent parent_grid_ratio = 3 ;; Parent-nest resolution ratio. Must be 3 ## Domain initial location decision method # # How to decide the domain initial location: # - auto --- use hwrf_swcorner_dynamic. Only immediate children of the MOAD can do this. # - centered --- center on the parent domain # - fixed --- specify a location using istart= and jstart= options # If auto or centered are selected, the istart and jstart options are ignored. start = auto namelist = namelist_outer ;; Namelist for setting per-domain options for this domain. ## Configure the innermost analysis domains in WRF. [storm1inner] nx = 235 ;; Domain X (rotated East) extent ny = 472 ;; Domain Y (rotated North) extent parent_grid_ratio = 3 ;; Parent-nest resolution ratio. Must be 3 ## Domain initial location decision method # # How to decide the domain initial location: # - auto --- use hwrf_swcorner_dynamic. Only immediate children of the MOAD can do this. # - centered --- center on the parent domain # - fixed --- specify a location using istart= and jstart= options # If auto or centered are selected, the istart and jstart options are ignored. start = centered istart = 27 ;; Ignored. jstart = 58 ;; Ignored. namelist = namelist_inner ;; Namelist for setting per-domain options for this domain. ## Configure the innermost ghost domains in WRF used for FGAT. [storm1ghost] nx = 500 ;; Domain X (rotated East) extent ny = 1000 ;; Domain Y (rotated North) extent ## Domain initial location decision method # # How to decide the domain initial location: # - auto --- use hwrf_swcorner_dynamic. Only immediate children of the MOAD can do this. # - centered --- center on the parent domain # - fixed --- specify a location using istart= and jstart= options # If auto or centered are selected, the istart and jstart options are ignored. start = centered parent_grid_ratio = 3 ;; Parent-nest resolution ratio. Must be 3 istart = 28 ;; Ignored. jstart = 54 ;; Ignored ## List of sections for setting per-domain options for this domain. namelist = namelist_inner,namelist_ghost ## Configure the intermediate ghost domains in WRF used for FGAT. [storm1ghost_parent] nx = 316 ;; Domain X (rotated East) extent ny = 630 ;; Domain Y (rotated North) extent parent_grid_ratio = 3 ;; Parent-nest resolution ratio. Must be 3 ## Domain initial location decision method # # How to decide the domain initial location: # - auto --- use hwrf_swcorner_dynamic. Only immediate children of the MOAD can do this. # - centered --- center on the parent domain # - fixed --- specify a location using istart= and jstart= options # If auto or centered are selected, the istart and jstart options are ignored. start = auto istart = 38 ;; Ignored. jstart = 81 ;; Ignored. ## List of sections for setting per-domain options for this domain. namelist = namelist_outer,namelist_ghost ## Configure the innermost ghost domains in WRF used for non-FGAT. [storm1ghost_big] nx = 529 ;; Domain X (rotated East) extent ny = 998 ;; Domain Y (rotated North) extent ## Domain initial location decision method # # How to decide the domain initial location: # - auto --- use hwrf_swcorner_dynamic. Only immediate children of the MOAD can do this. # - centered --- center on the parent domain # - fixed --- specify a location using istart= and jstart= options # If auto or centered are selected, the istart and jstart options are ignored. start = centered istart = 36 ;; Ignored. jstart = 59 ;; Ignored. parent_grid_ratio = 3 ;; Parent-nest resolution ratio. Must be 3 ## List of sections for setting per-domain options for this domain. namelist = namelist_inner,namelist_ghost [storm1ghost_parent_big] nx = 280 ;; Domain X (rotated East) extent ny = 546 ;; Domain Y (rotated North) extent parent_grid_ratio = 3 ;; Parent-nest resolution ratio. Must be 3 ## Domain initial location decision method # # How to decide the domain initial location: # - auto --- use hwrf_swcorner_dynamic. Only immediate children of the MOAD can do this. # - centered --- center on the parent domain # - fixed --- specify a location using istart= and jstart= options # If auto or centered are selected, the istart and jstart options are ignored. start = auto istart = 101 ;; Ignored. jstart = 206 ;; Ignored. ## List of sections for setting per-domain options for this domain. namelist = namelist_outer,namelist_ghost ## Extra per-domain WRF namelist settings for ghost domains, sent to ## hwrf.namelist.Conf2Namelist when geherating the WRF namelist. [namelist_ghost] # Nothing needed here yet. ## Extra per-domain WRF namelist settings for all nests. # # This section sets the namelist for the intermediate and innermost # domains. It only needs to set values that differ from the MOAD. # The innermost domains can override these values in namelist_inner. # See the WRF documentation for details. [namelist_outer] physics.nrads = 90 physics.nradl = 90 physics.nphs = 6 physics.ncnvc = 6 physics.gwd_opt = 0 physics.ntrack = 6 physics.sas_pgcon = 0.2 physics.nomove_freq = 3.0 dynamics.coac = 1.0 physics.ntornado=6 domains.corral_y=18 domains.corral_x=9 ## Extra per-domain WRF namelist settings for all nests. # # Sent into the hwrf.namelist.Conf2Namelist when generating the WRF # namelist. This section sets per-domain settings for the innermost # domains. It overrides settings from namelist_outer and # namelist_moad.See the WRF documentation for details. [namelist_inner] # This section sets the namelist for the 2km domains. It only needs # to set values that differ from the 6km domains. physics.nrads = 270 physics.nradl = 270 physics.ntrack = 18 physics.vortex_tracker = 7 dynamics.coac = 1.2 physics.ntornado=18 domains.corral_y=18 domains.corral_x=9 ## Extra per-domain WRF namelist settings for all nests. # # Sent into the hwrf.namelist.Conf2Namelist when generating the WRF # namelist. This section sets per-domain settings for the Mother Of # All Domains (moad), which is the outermost domain. The settings in # this section will be copied to all domains unless the namelist_outer # or namelist_inner override them. See the WRF documentation for # details. [moad_namelist] dynamics.dwdt_damping_lev = 2000. physics.mp_physics = 5 physics.ra_lw_physics = 4 physics.ra_sw_physics = 4 physics.sf_sfclay_physics = 88 physics.sf_surface_physics = 2 physics.bl_pbl_physics = 3 physics.cu_physics = 4 physics.mommix = 1.0 physics.h_diff = 1.0 physics.gwd_opt = 2 physics.sfenth = 0.0 physics.nrads = 30 physics.nradl = 30 physics.nphs = 2 physics.ncnvc = 2 physics.gfs_alpha = -1.0 physics.sas_pgcon = 0.55 physics.vortex_tracker = 2 physics.ntrack = 6 physics.ntornado = 2 physics.sas_mass_flux=0.5 dynamics.non_hydrostatic = .true. dynamics.wp = 0 dynamics.coac = 0.75 dynamics.codamp = 6.4 physics.nomove_freq=0 physics.icoef_sf=6 physics.lcurr_sf=.false. physics.iwavecpl=0 domains.corral_y=18 domains.corral_x=9 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # HWRF Ensemble DA Settings # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Configures the execution of the 6 hour ENSDA forecast [enswrf] namelist=wrf ;; The section for setting up the WRF namelist ## Configures the domain used for ENSDA, about 30x30 degrees. [ensdadom] ny = 702 ;; Domain X (rotated East) extent nx = 350 ;; Domain Y (rotated North) extent ## Domain initial location decision method # # How to decide the domain initial location: # - auto --- use hwrf_swcorner_dynamic. Only immediate children of the MOAD can do this. # - centered --- center on the parent domain # - fixed --- specify a location using istart= and jstart= options # If auto or centered are selected, the istart and jstart options are ignored. start = auto parent_grid_ratio = 3 ;; Parent-nest resolution ratio. Must be 3 ## List of sections for setting per-domain options for this domain. namelist = namelist_outer,namelist_ghost [ensda_gfsinputcheck] # Check next cycle for TDR data catalog = {input_catalog} ;; The section for configuring hwrf.input.DataCatalog dataset=enkf ;; The dataset for hwrf.input to find TDR data item=enkf_sfg ;; The item for hwrf.input to find TDR data anl_item = enkf_siganl ;; Item for hwrf.input to find GFS ENKF analysis files ## Configures the prep_hybrid run for ENSDA [ensda_prep_hybrid] namelist = prep_hybrid_namelist ;; Name of the section used to make the prep_hybrid namelist dataset = enkf ;; Dataset for hwrf.input to find GFS ENKF files item = enkf_sfg ;; Item for hwrf.input to find GFS ENKF forecast files anl_item = enkf_siganl ;; Item for hwrf.input to find GFS ENKF analysis files catalog = {input_catalog} ;; Catalog section for hwrf.input.DataCatalog threads = 8 ;; Number of threads when running hwrf_prep ## Configures the hwrf.ensda.DAEnsemble [hwrf_da_ens] fcsttask=ensda_runwrf ;; Section for configuring the 6hr forecast task realinit=enswrfexe ;; Section for configuring the real_nmm program prep_hybrid=ensda_prep_hybrid ;; Section for configuring prep_hybrid enkf_merge=enkfmerge ;; Section for configuring the enkf merge task ensda_size=40 ;; number of ensemble members (from 30 to 80) ensda_physics_pert=0 ;; 0: no physics pert. 1: physics pert. in ensda post=ensda_post ;; section to configure the post for the ensemble regribber=regribber ;; section to configure the regribber for finding the vortex of the ensemble tracker=tracker ;; section to configure the tracker for finding the vortex of the ensemble relocate=ensda_relocate ;; section to configure the relocation for the ensemble gsihx=gsi_enshx ;; section to configure the gsi for the ensemble innovation ## Configures the WRF execution for the 6hr forecast [ensda_runwrf] simlen=21600 ;; Simulation length in seconds nproc_x=-1 ;; Number of processors in the X direction (-1 means auto) nproc_y=-1 ;; Number of processors in the Y direction (-1 means auto) nio_groups=1 ;; Number of IO server groups nio_tasks_per_group=0 ;; Number of ranks per IO server group (0=disable) use_restart=yes ;; if yes, output restart file, if no, output wrfout io_netcdf=yes ;; if yes, io_form=2 NetCDF, otherwise io_form=11 PNetCDF @inc=runwrf,wrfexe ;; Include settings from these sections [ensda_post] ## Post control file control={PARMhwrf}/post/hwrf_cntrl.nonsat [ensda_relocate_pre] ens_rlct_flag_file = {com}/{stormlabel}.run_ensda_relocate ;; The path to ENSDA flag file intensitymin = 14.0 ;; Run relocation when intensity >= intensitymin [ensda_relocate] # scrub=no initopt=1 ;; 1: relocation only (this is the only option for the ensemble) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Delivery settings # ----------------------------------------------------------------------