#PBS -N hwrf%STORMNUM%_launch_%CYC% #PBS -j oe #PBS -S /bin/bash #PBS -q %QUEUE% #PBS -A %PROJ%-%PROJENVIR% #PBS -l walltime=00:05:00 #PBS -l place=vscatter,select=1:ncpus=1:mpiprocs=1:mem=1G #PBS -l debug=true model=hwrf export cyc="%CYC%" %include %include export cyc="%CYC%" export storm_num="%STORMNUM%" # versions file for hwrf sets $model_ver and $code_ver module use ${HOMEhwrf}/modulefiles/ module load HWRF/run #module load PrgEnv-intel/${PrgEnv_intel_ver} #module load intel/${intel_ver} #module load python/${python_ver} module list ${HOMEhwrf}/jobs/JHWRF_LAUNCH %include %manual TASK launch PURPOSE: Creates initial directory structure and configures the rest of the workflow for one storm. This job will delete and recreate the $DATA work area for one HWRF storm. It sets several flags to turn on and off parts of the workflow, or disable the entire workflow if there is no storm. All logic is triggered by the message file sent by the SDM via setup_hurricane. Labels: stormN - storm1-storm7 label tells whether a storm is to be run. IF the storm is to be run, it tells what the storm is, and who sent it (NHC or JTWC). Events: NoStorm - set if no storm is to be run. The rest of the workflow sees the event and automatically completes via ecFlow completion clauses. Pom - Princeton Ocean Model (POM) is requested. This is set for the North Central Pacific, North East Pacific and North Atlantic basins in the current system. If this is clear upon completion of the launch job, the rest of the workflow will automatically skip ocean and wave coupling. Wave - Wavewatch 3 (WW3) coupling is requested. This should be set whenever Pom is set, and enables wave coupling and related initialization and post-processing jobs. If it is clear upon completion of the launch job, then the relevant jobs will be set to completed via ecFlow completion clauses. Gsi - Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation (GSI) data assimilation is enabled. This enables the "fgat," "gsi," and "ensda" families of jobs, as well as the bufrprep and gsi_post jobs. If GSI is disabled, those jobs are skipped via ecFlow completion clauses. Ensda - Ensemble Data Assimilation (ENSDA) is requested for this storm. This flag should only be set if Gsi is also set. If it is set, the "ensda" family of jobs is run, otherwise they are skipped via ecFlow completion clauses. TROUBLESHOOTING This job will rarely fail since it has little to do; it just sets up some directories and makes configuration files. If this job fails, it is likely due to a hardware or other system issue, with one exception... PROBLEM: Why is there no storm? The launcher does whatever the NOAA SDM tells it to do. The NOAA SDM uses a script called setup_hurricane to create message files read by the launcher job's JHWRF_LAUNCH script. If the launcher job decided not to run a storm, then that means the SDM told it not to. If there should have been a storm, then it likely means there was a communication problem, preventing data from getting from NHC or JTWC to the NOAA SDM. For NHC/CPHC storms, the NOAA SDM has a direct line to the on-call NHC/CPHC person, who can confirm the absence of a storm. It may then be possible to manually edit the message and nstorms files to add the storm in. Alternatively, you could rerun setup_hurricane, but that may change storm priorities. In that case, you must rerun the entire HWRF cycle (all storm slots). All of this is technical possibility; there may be procedural reasons why this cannot be done. For JTWC storms, the NOAA SDM has the direct line to the JTWC duty officer, but there isn't much that can be done. JTWC lacks any way to send vitals after the T+3 deadline. Hence, a JTWC storm that is missed, is missed. %end