#PBS -N hwrf%STORMNUM%_gsi_post_%CYC% #PBS -j oe #PBS -S /bin/bash #PBS -q %QUEUE% #PBS -A %PROJ%-%PROJENVIR% #PBS -l walltime=00:25:00 #PBS -l place=vscatter,select=1:ncpus=24:mpiprocs=24:mem=15G #PBS -l debug=true export NODES=1 export TOTAL_TASKS=24 model=hwrf export cyc="%CYC%" %include %include export cyc="%CYC%" export storm_num="%STORMNUM%" # versions file for hwrf sets $model_ver and $code_ver module load envvar/${envvar_ver} module load PrgEnv-intel/${PrgEnv_intel_ver} module load craype/${craype_ver} module load intel/${intel_ver} module load cray-pals/${cray_pals_ver} module load libjpeg/${libjpeg_ver} module load grib_util/${grib_util_ver} module load wgrib2/${wgrib2_ver} module load bufr/${bufr_ver} module load hdf5/${hdf5_ver} module load netcdf/${netcdf_ver} # module load pnetcdf/${pnetcdf_ver} module load udunits/${udunits_ver} module load gsl/${gsl_ver} module load nco/${nco_ver} module load python/${python_ver} module load cfp/${cfp_ver} module list ${HOMEhwrf}/jobs/JHWRF_GSI_POST %include %manual TASK gsi_post PURPOSE: Post-processes the Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation (GSI) input and output, and the inputs to the relocation jobs. Generates COM directory outputs allowing an analysis of the effects of relocation and data assimilation on the inputs to the forecast. This is intended to allow NOAA researchers and collaborators to analyze and improve the initialization of HWRF. It can also be used to diagnose the reason for failures of the initialization. %end