#PBS -N hwrf%STORMNUM%_bufrprep_%CYC% #PBS -j oe #PBS -S /bin/bash #PBS -q %QUEUE% #PBS -A %PROJ%-%PROJENVIR% #PBS -l walltime=00:05:00 #PBS -l place=vscatter,select=1:ncpus=1:mpiprocs=1:mem=10G #PBS -l debug=true export NODES=1 export TOTAL_TASKS=1 model=hwrf export cyc="%CYC%" %include %include export cyc="%CYC%" export storm_num="%STORMNUM%" # versions file for hwrf sets $model_ver and $code_ver module load envvar/${envvar_ver} module load PrgEnv-intel/${PrgEnv_intel_ver} module load craype/${craype_ver} module load intel/${intel_ver} module load cray-pals/${cray_pals_ver} module load libjpeg/${libjpeg_ver} module load grib_util/${grib_util_ver} module load wgrib2/${wgrib2_ver} module load bufr/${bufr_ver} module load hdf5/${hdf5_ver} module load netcdf/${netcdf_ver} # module load pnetcdf/${pnetcdf_ver} module load udunits/${udunits_ver} module load gsl/${gsl_ver} module load nco/${nco_ver} module load python/${python_ver} module load cfp/${cfp_ver} module load bufr_dump/${bufr_dump_ver} module list ${HOMEhwrf}/jobs/JHWRF_BUFRPREP %include %manual PURPOSE: This job prepares the prepbufr file for input to the gsi_d02 and gsi_d03 jobs. It also decides whether GSI is to be run for one, both or neither domain. Information on whether domains should use GSI is passed on via ecFlow events: GsiD02 - set if domain 2 (6km intermediate domain) GSI should be run, clear otherwise GsiD03 - set if domain 3 (2km innermost domain) GSI should be run, clear otherwise. %end