########################################################### # The following list specifies details about the # the use of variables in the Solver internal # state for use in nests. The names of the # internal state variables are on the left and # their desciption is on the right. ########################################################### ########################################################### # The first specification column indicates which # variables on the nest boundaries are updated by # the parent. An 'H' means the given variable lies # on H points while a 'V' means the variable lies # on a V point. ########################################################### ########################################################### # The second column for each variable indicates # if it is involved in shifts of moving nests. # Users need to exercise caution if they edit # that column. # # Key: H - Shift this mass point variable. # V - Shift this velocity point variable. # F - Shift this mass point variable with intra- # and inter-task routines but read in values # from external nest-resolution datafiles # within the parent update regions. # L - Shift this land sfc variable. # W - Shift this water sfc variable. # x - The parent must execute a halo exchange # for this variable each time one of its # children moves. ########################################################### ########################################################### # The third column indicates which variables are # to be used in 2-way exchange of data from a child # to its parent. An 'H' means the given variable will # be used and lies on H points while a 'V' means the # variable is to be used and lies on a V point. ########################################################### #------------------------------------------------------------ # Name Specifications Variable Description #------------------------------------------------------------ # BC Moving 2-way ### 2D integer 'ISLTYP' - F - 'Soil type' 'IVGTYP' - F - 'Vegetation type' 'NCFRCV' - - - 'Number of times convective cloud fraction >0 between outputs' 'NCFRST' - - - 'Number of times stratiform cloud fraction >0 between outputs' ### 2D real 'FIS' - F - 'Surface geopotential (m2 s-2)' 'HDACX' - - - 'Horiz diffusion param in X for H pts' 'HDACY' - - - 'Horiz diffusion param in Y for H pts' 'GLAT' - - - 'Latitudes of h points (radians)' 'GLON' - - - 'Longitudes of h points (radians)' 'GLAT_DBL' - - - 'Dbl precision latitudes of h points (radians)' 'GLON_DBL' - - - 'Dbl precision longitudes of h points (radians)' 'PD' H H - 'Pressure difference, sigma range (Pa)' 'F' - - - 'Coriolis parameter (s-1)' 'HDACVX' - - - 'Lateral diffusion coefficient in X' 'HDACVY' - - - 'Lateral diffusion coefficient in Y' 'VLAT' - - - 'Latitudes of V points (radians)' 'VLON' - - - 'Longitudes of V points (radians)' 'VLAT_DBL' - - - 'Dbl precision latitudes of V points (radians)' 'VLON_DBL' - - - 'Dbl precision longitudes of V points (radians)' 'PDO' - Hx - 'Previous pressure difference, sigma range (Pa)' 'ACFRCV' - - - 'Accumulated convective cloud fractions between outputs' 'ACFRST' - - - 'Accumulated statiform cloud fractions between outputs' 'ACPREC' - Hx - 'Accumulated precip (m)' 'ACPREC_TOT' - Hx - 'Accumulated total precip (m)' 'ACSNOM' - - - 'Accumulated melted snow (?)' 'ACSNOW' - - - 'Accumulated snow (?)' 'AKHS_OUT' - - - 'Sfc exch coeff T and q (m2 s-1)' 'AKMS_OUT' - - - 'Sfc exch coeff momentum (m2 s-1)' 'ALBASE' - F - 'Base albedo' 'ALBEDO' - Hx - 'Dynamic albedo' 'ALWIN' - - - 'Accumulated LW down at surface (W m-2)' 'ALWOUT' - - - 'Accumulated LW from the ground (W m-2)' 'ALWTOA' - - - 'Accumulated LW at top of atmosphere (W m-2)' 'ASWIN' - - - 'Accumulated SW down at surface (W m-2)' 'ASWOUT' - - - 'Accumulated SW up at ground (W m-2)' 'ASWTOA' - - - 'Accumulated SW at top of atmosphere (W m-2)' 'BGROFF' - - - 'Subsurface runoff (mm)' 'CFRACH' - - - 'High atmosphere cloud fraction' 'CFRACL' - - - 'Low atmosphere cloud fraction' 'CFRACM' - - - 'Mid atmosphere cloud fraction' 'CLDEFI' - Hx - 'Convective cloud efficiency' 'CMC' - Lx - 'Canopy moisture (m)' 'CNVBOT' - Hx - 'Lowest convec cloud bottom model lyr between outputs' 'CNVTOP' - Hx - 'Highest convec cloud top model lyr between outputs' 'CPRATE' - Hx - 'Instantaneous convective precipitation' 'CUPPT' - Hx - 'Convective precip between radiation calls (m)' 'CUPREC' - Hx - 'Conv precip (m)' 'CZEN' - Hx - 'Current cosine of solar zenith angle' 'CZMEAN' - Hx - 'Mean cosine of solar zenith angle between radiation calls' 'EPSR' - Hx - 'Surface longwave emissivity' 'GRNFLX' - - - 'Deep soil heat flux (W m-2)' 'HBOTD' - Hx - 'Bottom model layer of deep convective cloud for output' 'HBOTS' - Hx - 'Bottom model layer of shallow convective cloud for output' 'HTOPD' - Hx - 'Top model layer of deep convective cloud for output' 'HTOPS' - Hx - 'Top model layer of shallow convective cloud for output' 'MIXHT' - - - 'Mixed layer height (m)' 'MXSNAL' - F - 'Maximum deep snow albedo' 'PBLH' - - - 'PBL height (m)' 'POTEVP' - - - 'Accumulated potential evaporation (m)' 'PREC' - - - 'Precip within physics timestep (m)' 'PSHLTR' - Hx - 'Pressure at 2-m (Pa)' 'Q10' - - - 'Specific humidity at 10-m (kg k-1)' 'QSH' - Hx - 'Surface specific humidity (kg kg-1)' 'QSHLTR' - - - 'Specific humidity at 2-m (kg kg-1)' 'QWBS' - Hx - 'Instantaneous latent heat flux (W m-2)' 'QZ0' - Hx - 'Specific humidity at top of viscous sublayer (kg kg-1)' 'RADOT' - - - 'Longwave from the ground (W m-2)' 'RLWIN' - - - 'Longwave down at ground (W m-2)' 'RLWTOA' - - - 'Longwave at top of atmosphere (W m-2)' 'RSWIN' - - - 'Shortwave down at ground (W m-2)' 'RSWINC' - - - 'Clear-sky shortwave down at ground (W m-2)' 'RSWOUT' - - - 'Shortwave up at ground (W m-2)' 'SFCEVP' - - - 'Surface evaporation (?)' 'SFCEXC' - - - 'Another surface exchange coefficient for T and q (?) (m2 s-1) (see AKHS_OUT)' 'SFCLHX' - Hx - 'Accumulated sfc latent heat flux (W m-2)' 'SFCSHX' - Hx - 'Accumulated sfc sensible heat flux (W m-2)' 'SI' - - - 'Snow depth (m)' 'SICE' - Wx - 'Sea ice fraction' 'SIGT4' - - - 'Sigma*T**4 (W m-2)' 'SM' - F - 'Sea mask (1=>sea ; 0=>land)' 'SMSTAV' - - - 'Soil moisture availability for evapotranspiration' 'SMSTOT' - - - 'Total soil moisture (?)' 'SNO' - - - 'Liquid water snow amount (m)' 'SNOPCX' - - - 'Snow phase change heat flux (W m-2)' 'SOILTB' - Lx - 'Deep ground soil temperature (K)' 'SR' - - - 'Timestep mass ratio of snow:precip' 'SSROFF' - - - 'Surface runoff (mm)' 'SST' - Wx - 'Sea sfc temperature (K)' 'SUBSHX' - - - 'Accumulated deep soil heat flux (W m-2)' 'TG' - F - 'Deep ground soil temperature (K)' 'TH10' - - - 'Theta at 10-m (K)' 'THS' - Hx - 'Surface theta (K)' 'THZ0' - Hx - 'Theta at top of viscous sublayer (K)' 'TSHLTR' - - - 'Theta at 2-m again (K)' 'TWBS' - Hx - 'Instantaneous sensible heat flux (W m-2)' 'U10' - Hx - 'U at 10-m (m s-1)' 'U10MAX' - Hx - 'Hourly maximum U at 10-m (m s-1)' 'USTAR' - Hx - 'Friction velocity (m s-1)' 'UZ0' - Hx - 'U component at top of viscous sublayer (m s-1) (H points)' 'V10' - Hx - 'V at 10-m (m s-1)' 'V10MAX' - Hx - 'Hourly maximum V at 10-m (m s-1)' 'VEGFRC' - F - 'Vegetation fraction' 'VZ0' - Hx - 'V component at top of viscous sublayer (m s-1) (H points)' 'Z0' - Hx - 'Roughness length (m)' 'TSKIN' - Hx - 'Skin temperature (K)' 'AKHS' - Hx - 'Sfc exch coeff T and q divided by delta Z (m s-1)' 'AKMS' - Hx - 'Sfc exch coeff momentum divided by delta Z (m s-1)' 'HBOT' - Hx - 'Bottom model layer of convective cloud for radiation' 'HTOP' - Hx - 'Top model layer of convective cloud for radiation' 'RSWTOA' - - - 'Shortwave at top of atmosphere (W m-2)' 'POTFLX' - - - 'Energy equivalent of POTEVP (W m-2)' 'RMOL' - - - 'Reciprocal of Monin-Obukhov length (m-1)' 'T2' - - - 'Temperature 2-m (K)' 'Z0BASE' - - - 'Background roughness length (m)' 'PSFC' - - - 'Surface Pressure (Pa)' 'TLMIN' - - - 'Hourly minimum temperature' 'TLMAX' - - - 'Hourly maximum temperature' 'LSPA' - - - 'Land surface precipitation accumulation' 'ACUTIM' - - - 'post0/bufr counter in summing cloud processes (conv, grid)' 'APHTIM' - - - 'post0/bufr counter in summing other physics (turb, land, rad)' 'ARDLW' - - - 'Counter in summing LW radiation flux' 'ARDSW' - - - 'Counter in summing SW radiation flux' 'ASRFC' - - - 'Counter in summing surface fluxes' 'AVRAIN' - - - 'Counter in summing latent heating from grid microphysics' 'AVCNVC' - - - 'Counter in summing latent heating from convection' ### 3D real 'T' H H H 'Sensible temperature (K)' 'Q' H H H 'Specific humidity (kg kg-1)' 'U' V V V 'U wind component (m s-1)' 'V' V V V 'V wind component (m s-1)' 'Q2' - H - '2*tke (m2 s-2)' 'CW' H H H 'Cloud condensate (kg kg-1)' 'W' - H - 'Vertical velocity at midlayers (m s-1)' 'DWDT' - H - 'Vertical acceleration, correction factor (m s-2)' 'PINT' - H - 'Nonhydrostatic interface pressure (Pa)' 'OMGALF' - - - 'Omega-alpha (K)' 'O3' - H - 'Ozone' 'DIV' - - - 'Horizontal mass divergence' 'TCU' - Vx - 'Time change of U (m s-2)' 'TCV' - Vx - 'Time change of V (m s-2)' 'TCT' - Hx - 'Time change of T (K s-1)' 'TP' - Hx - 'Sensible temperature, previous step (K)' 'UP' - Vx - 'U wind component, previous step (m s-1)' 'VP' - Vx - 'V wind component, previous step (m s-1)' 'PSGDT' - - - 'Specific volume (m3 kg-1)' 'Z' - Hx - 'Height at midlayers (m)' 'CLDFRA' - - - 'Cloud fraction' 'EXCH_H' - Hx - 'Turbulent exchange coefficient for heat (m2 s-1)' 'RLWTT' - Hx - 'Radiative T tendency, longwave (K s-1)' 'RSWTT' - Hx - 'Radiative T tendency, shortwave (K s-1)' 'TCUCN' - Hx - 'Accumulated convective T tendency (K s-1)' 'TRAIN' - Hx - 'Accumulated stratiform T tendency (K s-1)' 'XLEN_MIX' - - - 'Mixing length (m)' 'F_ICE' - Hx - 'Fraction of condensate that is ice' 'F_RIMEF' - Hx - 'Rime factor' 'F_RAIN' - Hx - 'Rain fraction of liquid part of CWM' 'SH2O' - Lx - '3D unfrozen soil moisture/soil liquid water' 'SMC' - Lx - '3D total soil moisture content (volumetric fraction)' 'STC' - Lx - '3D soil temperature (K)' ### 4D real 'TRACERS' - - - 'All tracer variables' 'TRACERS_PREV' - - - 'Previous step tracers' #EOF