;; The [config] section contains configuration variables used by all ; other sections. [config] expname=hmon.v3.2.0 ;; Experiment is running stormlabel={ENV[stormlabel|-storm1]} ;; storm1, unless you set $stormlabel use_message=YES ;; use message for operations ;; The [dir] section contains paths to directories and files used by HMON [dir] ; Installation directories: ;; Installation area hmondir={ENV[HOMEhmon]} ;; hmondir is the same as HOMEhmon USHhmon={ENV[HOMEhmon]}/ush ;; low-level utility scripts (nmmbUsh.py) PARMhmon={ENV[HOMEhmon]}/parm ;; text fixed data files FIXhmon={ENV[HOMEhmon]}/fix ;; binary fixed data files EXhmon={ENV[HOMEhmon]}/scripts ;; one python script per job EXEChmon={ENV[HOMEhmon]}/exec ;; directory for HMON executables ; Input directories: input={ENV[COMINgfs]} COMgfs={ENV[COMINgfs]}/gfs.{YMD}/{HH}/atmos/ ;; directory with GFS data COMgfso={input}/gfs.{YMD}/{HH}/atmos/ ;; directory with GFS data COMgdas={ENV[COMINgdas]}/gdas.{YMD}/{HH}/atmos/ ;; directory with GFS data syndat={ENV[DATA]}/ ;; tcvitals directory COMmsg={ENV[COMINmsg]}/ ;; inpdata directory ; Output and scrub directories: ;; scrub area for HMON jobs: DATAhmon={ENV[DATA]} ;; output COM area COM={ENV[COM]} HISTDATA={ENV[HISTDATA]} ;; The [exe] directory contains paths to the executables HMON requires: [exe] WGRIB={ENV[WGRIB]} ;; path to wgrib program COPYGB={ENV[COPYGB]} ;; path to copygb program CNVGRIB={ENV[CNVGRIB]} ;; path to cnvgrib program hmon_forecast={EXEChmon}/hmon_forecast ;; path to HMON forecast executable hmon_ungrid={EXEChmon}/hmon_ungrid ;; path to NPS program