#!/bin/sh # Experiment name EXPT=${EXPT:-fv3sartest} # Grid type GTYPE=${GTYPE:-regional} # Model domain name DOMAIN=${DOMAIN:-conus} # First, last, and interval of the workflow cycles CYCLE_YMDH_BEG=${CYCLE_YMDH_BEG:-2019071700} CYCLE_YMDH_END=${CYCLE_YMDH_END:-2019071706} CYCLE_INT_HH=${CYCLE_INT_HH:-06} # The platform the workflow will be run: wcoss_dell_p3, wcoss_cray, theia, jet machine=${machine:-wcoss_dell_p3} # The corresponding site file to use for the workflow SITE_FILE="sites/${machine}.ent" # The project to use for submitting the jobs/tasks CPU_ACCOUNT=${CPU_ACCOUNT:-HREF-T2O} # Home directory of the regional_workflow package HOMEfv3=${HOMEfv3:-/gpfs/dell2/emc/modeling/noscrub/${USER}/regional_workflow} # Temporary directory root for the WORK (where the jobs/tasks will be run) directories STMP=${STMP:-/gpfs/dell1/stmp/${USER}/${EXPT}} # Temporary directory root for the COM (where the products will be delivered) and LOG (where job log files will be) directories PTMP=${PTMP:-/gpfs/dell1/ptmp/${USER}/${EXPT}} # Run the make_grid_orog task or not: YES|NO MAKE_GRID_OROG=${MAKE_GRID_OROG:-NO} # Run the make_sfc_climo task or not: YES|NO MAKE_SFC_CLIMO=${MAKE_SFC_CLIMO:-NO} # Run the get_input task or not: YES|NO GET_INPUT=${GET_INPT:-NO} # Directory of the GFS input files COMINgfs=${COMINgfs:-/gpfs/dell1/nco/ops/com/gfs/prod}