HiresW v8.1.3 - released 09/08/2022 ........ really 8.1.4 because of a bug fix RFC 9/13/22 and resource change 9/20 ........... jhiresw_forecast.ecf had #PBS -l walltime=02:25:00 to #PBS -l walltime=01:40:00 Only change for this version was scripts/fv3/exhiresw_forecast.sh: Google docs version at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13NXUb2D5jaZXoGsPlvqbf16ITiFUEC7uQx1u77561xc/edit?usp=sharing ##################### Update overview ##################### * Updates HiresW FV3 model run script to better handle reruns initiated early in the forecast (< 12 h into forecast). ##################### Obtaining the package ##################### Clone it with this command (but change hiresw.v8.1.3 to whatever you want to call it in the directory that it is cloned into): git clone -b v8.1.3 https://github.com/MatthewPyle-NOAA/hiresw.git hiresw.v8.1.3 ############################# Modified files: ############################# scripts/fv3/exhiresw_forecast.sh: Modifies logic to ensure that rerunning will work properly without external intervention. Looks at the number of files in the RESTART directory, and based on the count decides whether to do a midrun restart, or to do a fresh start from the initial conditions. ############################# Resource changes: ############################# None.