CCPA v4.2.0 Instructions: 1. Checkout GitHub Tags: git clone -b tags/ccpa.v4.2.0 2. Download the static binary files for the fix directory and copy the directory back to the ccpa code: 3. Set up the Package After copying this ccpa directory to "(your file location)", you need to do the following: (1) Check ecf/ccpa/jccpa_conus.ecf and jccpa_gempak.ecf to make sure the following modules and tags are available: module purge module load envvar/1.0 module load PrgEnv-intel/8.1.0 module load craype/2.7.8 module load intel/ module load cray-pals/1.0.12 module load cfp/2.0.4 module load libjpeg/9c module load prod_envir/2.0.5 module load grib_util/1.2.3 module load prod_util/2.0.9 module load wgrib2/2.0.8 module load gempak/7.14.0 (2) Build the executables of CCPA Go to the sorc sub-directory, following the instructions in file, all the executables will be generated and saved in the exec sub-directory. 4. Start the Test Run, on WCOSS2 Please check and modify (if it is necessary) the ecf/ccpa/ccpa_test.def, ecf/ccpa/jccpa_conus.ecf &jccpa_gempak.ecf, jobs/JCCPA_CONUS&JCCPA_GEMPAK, to make sure the paths of the source and output files are correct. Run ecf/ccpa/jccpa_conus.ecf twice at 16:10Z and 00:10Z to launch CCPA jobs. jobs/JCCPA_GEMPAK is triggered by partial completion of the JCCPA_CONUS job. 5. No Change to Resources Requirements (1) No change to compute resource information: The cpu requirement is 1 node 5 tasks. Run time is about 10-15 minutes. (2) No change to disk space IBM Disk: 300 MB/day, latest 20days of output residing in /com IBM Tape: 300 MB/day, save the day before 9 day's output in HPSS. 6. No product Changes 7. No change to up and downstream dependencies