#PBS -N ccpa_conus_%CYC% #PBS -j oe #PBS -S /bin/bash #PBS -q %QUEUE% #PBS -A %PROJ%-%PROJENVIR% #PBS -l walltime=00:40:00 #PBS -l place=vscatter,select=1:ncpus=5:mem=5000MB #PBS -l debug=true export model=ccpa %include %include module load PrgEnv-intel/${PrgEnv_intel_ver} module load craype/${craype_ver} module load intel/${intel_ver} module load cray-pals/${cray_pals_ver} module load cfp/${cfp_ver} module load libjpeg/${libjpeg_ver} module load grib_util/${grib_util_ver} module load wgrib2/${wgrib2_ver} module list # EXPORT list here export cyc=12 #cyc=12 for both /prod00 and /prod12 ############################################## # COPYSRC - switch for re-copying source files of STAGE IV data files # YES = do the re-copy anyway # NO = do the re-copy ONLY IF the files has been updated since last time of execution # SENDCCPA - switch for copying the CCPA output (hrap domain only) # files to the CCPA directory for developer's monitoring ############################################### export SENDCCPA=${SENDCCPA:-YES} export COPYSRC=${COPYSRC:-NO} # CALL executable job script here ${HOMEccpa}/jobs/JCCPA_CONUS %include %manual ###################################################################### # Purpose: This job runs the main CCPA job script for the CONUS domain # ###################################################################### %end