Critical Data with Normal Counts |
Type | Description | Hourly Count | Monthly Average | Percent (%) of Monthly Mean | UTC Time Window |
1bamua |
NOAA 15-19 & METOP 1-2 AMSU-A NCEP-proc. br.temps |
44426 |
44578 |
99.7 % |
1820.00-1901.99 |
1bhrs4 |
NOAA 18-19 & METOP 1-2 HIRS-4 NCEP-proc. br.temps |
44606 |
36290 |
122.9 % |
1820.00-1901.99 |
1bmhs |
NOAA 18-19 & METOP 1-2 MHS NCEP-proces. br. temps |
273151 |
246377 |
110.9 % |
1820.00-1901.99 |
acars |
MDCRS ACARS acft data from ARINC(dcded from BUFR) |
108522 |
101304 |
107.1 % |
1819.75-1902.25 |
camdar |
Canadian AMDAR aircraft data (decoded from BUFR) |
155 |
51 |
303.9 % |
1819.75-1902.25 |
cmanb |
Surface Marine CMAN rpts decoded from BUFR format |
1699 |
1682 |
101.0 % |
1822.50-1823.50 |
dbuoy |
Buoys decoded from FM-18 fmt (moored or drifting) |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
1822.50-1823.50 |
gnss |
Grnd-based Gbl Navigation Sat System (GNSS) data |
2783 |
2519 |
110.5 % |
1821.95-1822.05 |
h20mo |
MODIS (AQUA/TERRA) wvpr imager derived cld motion |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
1820.50-1901.50 |
infmo |
MODIS (AQUA/TERRA) ir l-wave derived cloud motion |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
1820.50-1901.50 |
lgycld |
GOES/NASA(Langley) hi-res. (1x1 f-o-v) cloud data |
1875087 |
1870496 |
100.2 % |
1822.50-1823.50 |
mbuoy |
Buoys decoded from FM-13 format (moored) |
81 |
47 |
172.3 % |
1822.50-1823.50 |
metar |
Aviation - METAR |
5514 |
5355 |
103.0 % |
1822.50-1823.50 |
nxrdw |
NEXRAD Vel Azm Dsp(VAD) winds via radar coded msg |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
1822.00-1900.00 |
prflrb |
Multi-Agency Profiler (MAP) and SODAR winds |
93 |
88 |
105.7 % |
1821.50-1900.50 |
raobf |
Rawinsonde - fixed land (from TEMP or PILOT) |
0 |
1 |
0.0 % |
1822.00-1900.00 |
rass |
RASS temperatures (NOAA and Multi-Agency) |
13 |
19 |
68.4 % |
1822.50-1823.50 |
shipsb |
Ship - manual and automatic, restricted (BUFR) |
2 |
1 |
200.0 % |
1822.50-1823.50 |
shipsu |
Ship - manual and automatic, unrestricted |
54 |
61 |
88.5 % |
1822.50-1823.50 |
shipub |
Ship - manual and automatic, unrestricted (BUFR) |
696 |
652 |
106.7 % |
1822.50-1823.50 |
synop |
Synoptic - fixed manual and automatic |
338 |
325 |
104.0 % |
1822.50-1823.50 |
synopb |
Synoptic - fixed manual & auto (decoded fr BUFR) |
1698 |
1674 |
101.4 % |
1822.50-1823.50 |
tideg |
Tide gauge reports decoded from CREX format |
185 |
179 |
103.4 % |
1822.50-1823.50 |
Data Types of Opportunity with Normal Counts |
Type | Description | Hourly Count | Monthly Average | Percent (%) of Monthly Mean | UTC Time Window |
3p9usr |
GOES-16&up/NESDIS ir short-wv derived cld motion |
2029 |
2399 |
84.6 % |
1822.00-1822.99 |
acarsa |
MDCRS ACARS acft data (ARINC via AFWA)(AIREP fmt) |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
1819.75-1902.25 |
airep |
Manual AIREP aircraft data (dcded from AIREP fmt) |
2165 |
1925 |
112.5 % |
1819.75-1902.25 |
airsev |
AQUA AIRS/AMSU-A/HSB brightness temps- every FOV |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
1820.00-1901.99 |
amdar |
AMDAR aircraft data (decoded from AMDAR format) |
1290 |
1311 |
98.4 % |
1819.75-1902.25 |
amdarb |
AMDAR aircraft data (decoded from BUFR) |
2907 |
2714 |
107.1 % |
1819.75-1902.25 |
amsr2 |
GCOM-W AMSR2 1B brightness temperatures |
439200 |
592582 |
74.1 % |
1820.00-1820.99 |
ascat |
METOP 1-2 ASCAT products |
18290 |
22818 |
80.2 % |
1821.00-1901.00 |
atms |
NPP/NOAA-20 ATMS brightness temperatures |
208047 |
178251 |
116.7 % |
1821.00-1900.99 |
atmsdb |
NPP/NOAA-20 ATMS bright. temps-direct b-cast SSEC |
131328 |
132484 |
99.1 % |
1821.00-1900.99 |
coopmd |
Coop/MADIS NEPP & HCN-Modernization NOAA COOP Obs |
18 |
19 |
94.7 % |
1822.50-1823.50 |
crisf4 |
NPP/NOAA-20 CrIS full spctrl radn (431 ch subset) |
105282 |
95190 |
110.6 % |
1821.00-1900.99 |
crsfdb |
NPP/NOAA-20 CrIS full spctrl radn dir brdcst SSEC |
71103 |
61568 |
115.5 % |
1821.00-1900.99 |
cstgd |
Coast Guard |
3 |
7 |
42.9 % |
1822.50-1823.50 |
dbuoyb |
Drifting buoys (decoded from BUFR) |
626 |
642 |
97.5 % |
1822.50-1823.50 |
dropw |
Dropwinsonde (from TEMP DROP) |
0 |
2 |
0.0 % |
1822.00-1900.00 |
dropwb |
Dropwinsonde (decoded from BUFR) |
0 |
2 |
0.0 % |
1822.00-1900.00 |
eadas |
E-AMDAR (European AMDAR acft decoded from BUFR) |
7434 |
7381 |
100.7 % |
1819.75-1902.25 |
esamua |
NOAA 15-19 & METOP 1-2 AMSU-A proc btmps frm RARS |
22628 |
11837 |
191.2 % |
1822.00-1900.00 |
esatms |
NPP Adv. Tech. MW Sndr (ATMS) br. temps from RARS |
41699 |
31675 |
131.6 % |
1821.00-1900.99 |
eshrs3 |
NOAA 15-19 & METOP 1-2 HIRS-3/4 pr btmps frm RARS |
60007 |
29199 |
205.5 % |
1822.00-1900.00 |
esiasi |
METOP 1-2 IASI 1C radiance data vbl chn from RARS |
104033 |
93442 |
111.3 % |
1821.00-1900.99 |
esmhs |
NOAA 18-19 & METOP 1-2 MHS proc. btemps from RARS |
161600 |
91621 |
176.4 % |
1822.00-1900.00 |
gmi1cr |
GPM GMI Level 1C-R brightness temperatures |
211829 |
229014 |
92.5 % |
1820.00-1901.99 |
gpsro |
GPS radio occultation data |
130 |
121 |
107.4 % |
1821.00-1900.99 |
gsrasr |
GOES-16/17 All Sky Radiances (proc.) |
812097 |
781445 |
103.9 % |
1821.00-1900.99 |
gsrcsr |
GOES-16/17 Clear Sky Radiances (proc.) |
448968 |
453322 |
99.0 % |
1821.00-1900.99 |
h20ja |
MTSAT/JMA water vapor imager derived cloud motion |
1857 |
2661 |
69.8 % |
1820.50-1901.50 |
h2dusr |
GOES-16&up/NESDIS wv imgr/deep-lyr derivd cld mtn |
10466 |
10705 |
97.8 % |
1822.00-1822.99 |
h2eunb |
METEOSAT/EUMETSAT wvpr imgr drv cld motion NBseq |
5209 |
5360 |
97.2 % |
1821.50-1900.49 |
h2tusr |
GOES-16&up/NESDIS wv imgr/cld-top derived cld mtn |
18220 |
15691 |
116.1 % |
1822.00-1822.99 |
iasidb |
METOP 1-2 IASI 1C radiances-direct broadcast SSEC |
30295 |
19547 |
155.0 % |
1821.00-1900.99 |
ifeunb |
METEOSAT/EUMETSAT ir lg-wave drv cld motion NBseq |
2967 |
3087 |
96.1 % |
1821.50-1900.49 |
ifvrnb |
VIIRS (NPP/NOAA-20) ir lg-wv drv cloud motion(NB) |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
1820.50-1901.50 |
infav |
AVHRR (NOAA/METOP) ir lg-wave derived cld motion |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
1820.50-1901.50 |
infav1 |
AVHRR (METOP) ir lg-wave derived cld motion |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
1821.50-1900.49 |
infja |
MTSAT/JMA infrared long-wave derived cloud motion |
2065 |
2338 |
88.3 % |
1820.50-1901.50 |
infusr |
GOES-16&up/NESDIS ir long-wave derived cld motion |
36239 |
33781 |
107.3 % |
1822.00-1822.99 |
kamdar |
Korean AMDAR aircraft data (decoded from BUFR) |
112 |
118 |
94.9 % |
1819.75-1902.25 |
lcman |
Land-based CMAN stations decoded from CMAN format |
42 |
40 |
105.0 % |
1822.50-1823.50 |
ltnglr |
LLDN Long-rng lightning from Vaisala via NOAAPORT |
155538 |
218774 |
71.1 % |
1822.00-1823.50 |
ltngsr |
NLDN Shrt-rng lightning from Vaisala via NOAAPORT |
4166 |
9817 |
42.4 % |
1822.00-1823.50 |
mbuoyb |
Moored buoys (decoded from BUFR) |
602 |
620 |
97.1 % |
1822.50-1823.50 |
mso470 |
Mesonet/MADIS Colorado E-470 (Interstate 470) |
18 |
18 |
100.0 % |
1822.50-1823.50 |
msoalk |
Mesonet/MADIS Alaska Department of Transportation |
111 |
93 |
119.4 % |
1822.50-1823.50 |
msoapg |
Mesonet/MADIS U.S. Army Aberdeen Proving Grounds |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
1822.50-1823.50 |
msoapr |
Mesonet/MADIS Citizen Weather Observers Program |
57269 |
58049 |
98.7 % |
1822.50-1823.50 |
msoaws |
Mesonet/MADIS AWS Convergence Technologies, Inc. |
25222 |
24910 |
101.3 % |
1822.50-1823.50 |
msoawx |
Mesonet/MADIS "Anything Weather" |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
1822.50-1823.50 |
msocol |
Mesonet/MADIS Colorado Dept. of Transportation |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
1822.50-1823.50 |
msodcn |
Mesonet/MADIS DC Net |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
1822.50-1823.50 |
msoden |
Mesonet/MADIS Denver Urban Drainage & Flood Cntrl |
225 |
225 |
100.0 % |
1822.50-1823.50 |
msofla |
Mesonet/MADIS Florida (FAWN & USF) |
3 |
4 |
75.0 % |
1822.50-1823.50 |
msoflt |
Mesonet/MADIS Florida Dept. of Transportation |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
1822.50-1823.50 |
msogeo |
Mesonet/MADIS Georgia Dept. of Transportation |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
1822.50-1823.50 |
msohad |
Mesonet/MADIS NWS Hydromet Auto Data System(HADS) |
5241 |
5582 |
93.9 % |
1822.50-1823.50 |
msoien |
Mesonet/MADIS Iowa Environmental |
172 |
178 |
96.6 % |
1822.50-1823.50 |
msoind |
Mesonet/MADIS Indiana Dept. of Transportation |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
1822.50-1823.50 |
msoiow |
Mesonet/MADIS Iowa Department of Transportation |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
1822.50-1823.50 |
msokan |
Mesonet/MADIS Kansas Department of Transportation |
356 |
357 |
99.7 % |
1822.50-1823.50 |
msokla |
Mesonet/MADIS Oklahoma Mesonet |
636 |
576 |
110.4 % |
1822.50-1823.50 |
msolju |
Mesonet/MADIS Louisiana State/Jackson State Univ. |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
1822.50-1823.50 |
msomca |
Mesonet/MADIS Missouri Commercial Agricult Wx Net |
268 |
264 |
101.5 % |
1822.50-1823.50 |
msomin |
Mesonet/MADIS Minnesota Dept. of Transportation |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
1822.50-1823.50 |
msonos |
Mesonet/MADIS NOS-Phys Oceanographic Realtime Sys |
291 |
283 |
102.8 % |
1822.50-1823.50 |
msoraw |
Mesonet/MADIS NFIC Remote Automated Wx Stns(RAWS) |
1702 |
1781 |
95.6 % |
1822.50-1823.50 |
msothr |
Mesonet/MADIS many providers, not separated out |
45392 |
45303 |
100.2 % |
1822.50-1823.50 |
msourb |
Mesonet/MADIS UrbaNet |
3359 |
3612 |
93.0 % |
1822.50-1823.50 |
msowfy |
Mesonet/MADIS "Weather for You" |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
1822.50-1823.50 |
msowis |
Mesonet/MADIS Wisconsin Dept. of Transportation |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
1822.50-1823.50 |
msowst |
Mesonet/MADIS MesoWest (many subproviders) |
38346 |
36904 |
103.9 % |
1822.50-1823.50 |
msowtx |
Mesonet/MADIS West Texas |
5612 |
5549 |
101.1 % |
1822.50-1823.50 |
mtiasi |
METOP 1-2 IASI 1C radiance data (varbl. channels) |
37265 |
29990 |
124.3 % |
1821.00-1900.99 |
nxrdw2 |
NEXRAD Vel Azm Dsp(VAD) winds via Level 2 decoder |
672 |
752 |
89.4 % |
1822.00-1900.00 |
osbuv8 |
NOAA 16-19 Solar Backscatter UV-2 rad frm V8 BUFR |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
1821.00-1823.99 |
pibal |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
1822.00-1900.00 |
pibalb |
PIBAL (decoded from BUFR) |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
1822.00-1900.00 |
pirep |
Manual PIREP aircraft data (dcded from AIREP fmt) |
394 |
391 |
100.8 % |
1819.75-1902.25 |
prflrp |
Profilr winds from PIBAL (PILOT,PILOT SHIP/MOBIL) |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
1821.50-1900.50 |
raobfb |
Rawinsonde - fixed land (decoded from BUFR) |
12 |
11 |
109.1 % |
1822.00-1900.00 |
raobm |
Rawinsonde - mobile land (from TEMP/PILOT MOBIL) |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
1822.00-1900.00 |
raobmb |
Rawinsonde - mobile land (decoded from BUFR) |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
1822.00-1900.00 |
raobs |
Rawinsonde - ship (from TEMP SHIP, PILOT SHIP) |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
1822.00-1900.00 |
raobsb |
Rawinsonde - ship (decoded from BUFR) |
1 |
0 |
n/a |
1822.00-1900.00 |
rd2wnd |
NEXRAD radial wind (Level 2 - GTS) |
929777 |
1037827 |
89.6 % |
1822.50-1823.49 |
recco |
Flight level reconnaissance aircraft data |
0 |
1 |
0.0 % |
1822.00-1900.00 |
saldrn |
Surface Marine Saildrone (decoded from BUFR) |
14 |
26 |
53.8 % |
1821.00-1900.99 |
saphir |
Megha-Tropiques SAPHIR L1A2 brightness temps |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
1820.00-1901.99 |
sevasr |
METEOSAT-10 2nd Gen SEVIRI All Sky Radiance(proc) |
9512 |
9200 |
103.4 % |
1821.00-1900.99 |
sevcsr |
METEOSAT-10 2nd Gen SEVIRI Clr Sky Radiance(proc) |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
1821.00-1900.99 |
ships |
Ship - manual and automatic, restricted |
3 |
2 |
150.0 % |
1822.50-1823.50 |
snocvr |
3439 |
6692 |
51.4 % |
1821.00-1901.00 |
subpfl |
Sub-surface float and glider profile (BUFR) |
5 |
5 |
100.0 % |
1821.00-1900.99 |
synopr |
Synoptic - restricted (WMO Res 40) manual & auto. |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
1822.50-1823.50 |
synpbr |
Synoptic - restricted (WMO Res 40)(decoded BUFR) |
342 |
351 |
97.4 % |
1822.50-1823.50 |
synpmb |
Synoptic - mobile manual & auto (decoded fr BUFR) |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
1822.50-1823.50 |
tmdara |
TAMDAR aircft data-all types(from Panasonic,BUFR) |
91 |
239 |
38.1 % |
1819.75-1902.25 |
visja |
MTSAT/JMA visible derived cloud motion |
1558 |
1696 |
91.9 % |
1820.50-1901.50 |
visusr |
GOES-16&up/NESDIS visible derived cloud motion |
112435 |
125340 |
89.7 % |
1822.00-1822.99 |
vseunb |
METEOSAT/EUMETSAT visible drv cld motion NBseq |
0 |
31 |
0.0 % |
1821.50-1900.49 |