Critical Data with Normal Counts |
Type | Description | Hourly Count | Monthly Average | Percent (%) of Monthly Mean |
1bamua |
NOAA 15-19 & METOP 1-2 AMSU-A NCEP-proc. br.temps |
405352 |
404595 |
100.2 % |
1bhrs4 |
NOAA 18-19 & METOP 1-2 HIRS-4 NCEP-proc. br.temps |
359184 |
362536 |
99.1 % |
1bmhs |
NOAA 18-19 & METOP 1-2 MHS NCEP-proces. br. temps |
2172636 |
2171737 |
100.0 % |
acars |
MDCRS ACARS acft data from ARINC(dcded from BUFR) |
75784 |
77429 |
97.9 % |
ahicsr |
Himawari Clear Sky Radiance |
268228 |
288841 |
92.9 % |
airep |
Manual AIREP aircraft data (dcded from AIREP fmt) |
3802 |
4106 |
92.6 % |
airsev |
AQUA AIRS/AMSU-A/HSB brightness temps- every FOV |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
amdar |
AMDAR aircraft data (decoded from AMDAR format) |
2359 |
2888 |
81.7 % |
amdarb |
AMDAR aircraft data (decoded from BUFR) |
17082 |
16724 |
102.1 % |
ascat |
METOP 1-2 ASCAT products |
479724 |
476022 |
100.8 % |
atms |
NPP/NOAA-20 ATMS brightness temperatures |
1555200 |
1555161 |
100.0 % |
cmanb |
Surface Marine CMAN rpts decoded from BUFR format |
26126 |
25747 |
101.5 % |
dbuoy |
Buoys decoded from FM-18 fmt (moored or drifting) |
244 |
239 |
102.1 % |
dropw |
Dropwinsonde (from TEMP DROP) |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
eadas |
E-AMDAR (European AMDAR acft decoded from BUFR) |
18884 |
19778 |
95.5 % |
esamua |
NOAA 15-19 & METOP 1-2 AMSU-A proc btmps frm RARS |
234461 |
274561 |
85.4 % |
eshrs3 |
NOAA 15-19 & METOP 1-2 HIRS-3/4 pr btmps frm RARS |
528430 |
715097 |
73.9 % |
gpsro |
GPS radio occultation data |
3867 |
3500 |
110.5 % |
gsrasr |
GOES-16/17 All Sky Radiances (proc.) |
6488568 |
6359394 |
102.0 % |
gsrcsr |
GOES-16/17 Clear Sky Radiances (proc.) |
3243845 |
2917417 |
111.2 % |
h20ja |
MTSAT/JMA water vapor imager derived cloud motion |
57636 |
53615 |
107.5 % |
h20mo |
MODIS (AQUA/TERRA) wvpr imager derived cld motion |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
h2tusr |
GOES-16&up/NESDIS wv imgr/cld-top derived cld mtn |
117202 |
131318 |
89.3 % |
ifeunb |
METEOSAT/EUMETSAT ir lg-wave drv cld motion NBseq |
126336 |
129747 |
97.4 % |
infja |
MTSAT/JMA infrared long-wave derived cloud motion |
46978 |
47354 |
99.2 % |
infmo |
MODIS (AQUA/TERRA) ir l-wave derived cloud motion |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
infusr |
GOES-16&up/NESDIS ir long-wave derived cld motion |
524724 |
472623 |
111.0 % |
lcman |
Land-based CMAN stations decoded from CMAN format |
506 |
499 |
101.4 % |
leogeo |
LEO-GEO satellite AMVs from UWisc. |
60233 |
50919 |
118.3 % |
mbuoy |
Buoys decoded from FM-13 format (moored) |
647 |
648 |
99.8 % |
metar |
Aviation - METAR |
47961 |
49718 |
96.5 % |
mtiasi |
METOP 1-2 IASI 1C radiance data (varbl. channels) |
648000 |
632975 |
102.4 % |
nxrdw |
NEXRAD Vel Azm Dsp(VAD) winds via radar coded msg |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
omi |
Aura Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) data |
394441 |
346914 |
113.7 % |
osbuv8 |
NOAA 16-19 Solar Backscatter UV-2 rad frm V8 BUFR |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
pibal |
36 |
32 |
112.5 % |
prflrp |
Profilr winds from PIBAL (PILOT,PILOT SHIP/MOBIL) |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
raobf |
Rawinsonde - fixed land (from TEMP or PILOT) |
569 |
560 |
101.6 % |
raobm |
Rawinsonde - mobile land (from TEMP/PILOT MOBIL) |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
raobs |
Rawinsonde - ship (from TEMP SHIP, PILOT SHIP) |
5 |
2 |
250.0 % |
recco |
Flight level reconnaissance aircraft data |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
ships |
Ship - manual and automatic, restricted |
147 |
210 |
70.0 % |
shipsb |
Ship - manual and automatic, restricted (BUFR) |
1303 |
1221 |
106.7 % |
shipsu |
Ship - manual and automatic, unrestricted |
725 |
656 |
110.5 % |
shipub |
Ship - manual and automatic, unrestricted (BUFR) |
5434 |
5586 |
97.3 % |
synopb |
Synoptic - fixed manual & auto (decoded fr BUFR) |
32666 |
33004 |
99.0 % |
synopm |
Synoptic - mobile manual and automatic |
5321 |
5230 |
101.7 % |
synopr |
Synoptic - restricted (WMO Res 40) manual & auto. |
3 |
11 |
27.3 % |
synpbr |
Synoptic - restricted (WMO Res 40)(decoded BUFR) |
2304 |
2300 |
100.2 % |
synpmb |
Synoptic - mobile manual & auto (decoded fr BUFR) |
214 |
232 |
92.2 % |
tideg |
Tide gauge reports decoded from CREX format |
5460 |
5484 |
99.6 % |
visja |
MTSAT/JMA visible derived cloud motion |
1638 |
1755 |
93.3 % |
vseunb |
METEOSAT/EUMETSAT visible drv cld motion NBseq |
209564 |
218622 |
95.9 % |
Data Types of Opportunity with Normal Counts |
Type | Description | Hourly Count | Monthly Average | Percent (%) of Monthly Mean |
3p9usr |
GOES-16&up/NESDIS ir short-wv derived cld motion |
235752 |
201682 |
116.9 % |
acarsa |
MDCRS ACARS acft data (ARINC via AFWA)(AIREP fmt) |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
amsr2 |
GCOM-W AMSR2 1B brightness temperatures |
9999999 |
9999999 |
100.0 % |
atmsdb |
NPP/NOAA-20 ATMS bright. temps-direct b-cast SSEC |
256800 |
298002 |
86.2 % |
atovs |
POES/NESDIS - processed ATOVS soundings/radiances |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
avcsam |
A.M.(N17,M2,M3) AVHRR GAC NCEP-proc clr&sea btmps |
7247459 |
7512431 |
96.5 % |
avcspm |
P.M.(N18-19) AVHRR GAC NCEP-proc clr & sea btemps |
8177563 |
8846446 |
92.4 % |
crisf4 |
NPP/NOAA-20 CrIS full spctrl radn (431 ch subset) |
1458000 |
1457424 |
100.0 % |
crsfdb |
NPP/NOAA-20 CrIS full spctrl radn dir brdcst SSEC |
312120 |
315522 |
98.9 % |
cstgd |
Coast Guard |
20 |
22 |
90.9 % |
dbuoyb |
Drifting buoys (decoded from BUFR) |
9057 |
9252 |
97.9 % |
dropwb |
Dropwinsonde (decoded from BUFR) |
44 |
41 |
107.3 % |
esatms |
NPP Adv. Tech. MW Sndr (ATMS) br. temps from RARS |
384393 |
381255 |
100.8 % |
esiasi |
METOP 1-2 IASI 1C radiance data vbl chn from RARS |
370209 |
417803 |
88.6 % |
esmhs |
NOAA 18-19 & METOP 1-2 MHS proc. btemps from RARS |
1869806 |
2118927 |
88.2 % |
geoimr |
GOES/NESDIS (11x17 f-o-v) imager clear radiances |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
gmi1cr |
GPM GMI Level 1C-R brightness temperatures |
2541721 |
2540506 |
100.0 % |
gnss |
Grnd-based Gbl Navigation Sat System (GNSS) data |
4543 |
5778 |
78.6 % |
gome |
METOP 1-2 Global Ozone Monitoring Exp.-2 (GOME-2) |
79170 |
79385 |
99.7 % |
h20in |
INSAT/KALPANA India wvpr derived cloud motion |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
h20in2 |
38814 |
32346 |
120.0 % |
h2dusr |
GOES-16&up/NESDIS wv imgr/deep-lyr derivd cld mtn |
95822 |
84881 |
112.9 % |
h2eunb |
METEOSAT/EUMETSAT wvpr imgr drv cld motion NBseq |
248317 |
249281 |
99.6 % |
iasidb |
METOP 1-2 IASI 1C radiances-direct broadcast SSEC |
253504 |
246326 |
102.9 % |
ifvrnb |
VIIRS (NPP/NOAA-20) ir lg-wv drv cloud motion(NB) |
96633 |
98412 |
98.2 % |
infav |
AVHRR (NOAA/METOP) ir lg-wave derived cld motion |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
infav1 |
AVHRR (METOP) ir lg-wave derived cld motion |
67305 |
65886 |
102.2 % |
infin |
INSAT/KALPANA India ir lg-wave derived cld motion |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
infin2 |
44480 |
42306 |
105.1 % |
kamdar |
Korean AMDAR aircraft data (decoded from BUFR) |
176 |
345 |
51.0 % |
mbuoyb |
Moored buoys (decoded from BUFR) |
5381 |
5379 |
100.0 % |
nxrdw2 |
NEXRAD Vel Azm Dsp(VAD) winds via Level 2 decoder |
1570 |
2121 |
74.0 % |
ompslp |
OMPS Limb Profiler ozone data (NPP) |
1465 |
1585 |
92.4 % |
ompsn8 |
OMPS nadir profile ozone (Version 8 BUFR) |
3359 |
3449 |
97.4 % |
ompst8 |
OMPS total column ozone (Version 8 BUFR) |
2143011 |
2060258 |
104.0 % |
pibalb |
PIBAL (decoded from BUFR) |
2 |
3 |
66.7 % |
prflrb |
Multi-Agency Profiler (MAP) and SODAR winds |
389 |
363 |
107.2 % |
raobfb |
Rawinsonde - fixed land (decoded from BUFR) |
341 |
346 |
98.6 % |
raobmb |
Rawinsonde - mobile land (decoded from BUFR) |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
raobsb |
Rawinsonde - ship (decoded from BUFR) |
9 |
5 |
180.0 % |
rass |
RASS temperatures (NOAA and Multi-Agency) |
208 |
186 |
111.8 % |
saldrn |
Surface Marine Saildrone (decoded from BUFR) |
816 |
431 |
189.3 % |
sevasr |
METEOSAT-10 2nd Gen SEVIRI All Sky Radiance(proc) |
452649 |
450259 |
100.5 % |
snocvr |
18910 |
18079 |
104.6 % |
ssmisu |
DMSP SSM/IS 1C radiance data (Unified Pre-Proc.) |
1364880 |
1227580 |
111.2 % |
sstvcw |
31 |
31 |
100.0 % |
sstvpw |
9999999 |
9999999 |
100.0 % |
synop |
Synoptic - fixed manual and automatic |
8655 |
8881 |
97.5 % |
tesac |
CTD probe, Argo prflng float, mooring (TESAC fmt) |
2185 |
2042 |
107.0 % |
tmdara |
TAMDAR aircft data-all types(from Panasonic,BUFR) |
277 |
252 |
109.9 % |
trkob |
ThermoSalinoGraph (TSG) TRACKOB format) |
728 |
469 |
155.2 % |
visin |
INSAT/KALPANA India visible derived cloud motion |
0 |
0 |
n/a |
visin2 |
4659 |
4553 |
102.3 % |
visusr |
GOES-16&up/NESDIS visible derived cloud motion |
687101 |
556029 |
123.6 % |