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Interface Output from the NCEP Marine Surface Decoder

Mnemonic Description Units Value
STID Ship or Platform ID CCITT IA5 civals (icstid)
SLAT Station latitude Degrees rivals (irslat)
SLON Station longitude Degrees rivals (irslon)
SELV Station elevation Meters rivals (irselv)
TOST Type of station WMO BUFR Code Table 002001 rivals (irtost)
ITSO Indicator for station operation and for present and past weather WMO Code Table 1860 rivals (iritso)
YEAR Report year Year rivals (iryear)
MNTH Report month Month rivals (irmnth)
DAYS Report day Day rivals (irdays)
HOUR Report hour Hour rivals (irhour)
MINU Report minute Minute rivals (irminu)
TDMP Direction of movement of ship WMO Code Table 0700 rivals (irtdmp)
ASMP Average speed of ship WMO Code Table 4451 rivals (irasmp)
ISWS Indicator for source and units of wind speed WMO Code Table 1855 rivals (irisws)
DRCT Wind direction Degrees true rivals (irdrct)
SPED Wind speed Meters / Sec rivals (irsped)
NSPW Number of supplementary wind groups Numeric rivals (irnspw)
SPWP Supplementary wind period Minutes rivals (irspwp(1..NSPW))
SPWS Supplementary wind speed Meters / Sec rivals (irspws(1..NSPW))
SPWT Supplementary wind type groups Code Table rivals (irspwt(1..NSPW))
XS10 10-meter extrapolated wind speed Meters / Sec rivals (irxs10)
XS20 20-meter extrapolated wind speed Meters / Sec rivals (irxs20)
PWYR Year of peak wind observation Year rivals (irpwyr)
PWMO Month of peak wind observation Month rivals (irpwmo)
PWDY Day of month of peak wind observation Day rivals (irpwdy)
PWHR Hour of peak wind observation Hour rivals (irpwhr)
PWMN Minute of hour of peak wind observation Minute rivals (irpwmn)
PWSP Peak wind speed Meters / Sec rivals (irpwsp)
PWDR Peak wind direction Degrees True rivals (irpwdr)
NCWD Number of sets of continuous wind groups Numeric rivals (irncwd)
TPMI Time displacement of continuous wind groups Minutes rivals (irtpmi(1..NCWD))
WDSC Speed of continuous wind Meters / Sec rivals (irwdsc(1..NCWD))
WDRC Direction of continuous wind Degrees True rivals (irwdrc(1..NCWD))
PRES Station pressure Hectopascals rivals (irpres)
PMSL Mean sea level pressure Hectopascals rivals (irpmsl)
CHPT Characteristic of 3-hourly pressure tendency WMO Code Table 200 rivals (irchpt)
3HPC 3-hourly pressure change Hectopascals rivals (ir3hpc)
P03D appp 3-hourly pressure change group Numeric rivals (irp03d)
24PC Amount of surface pressure change in last 24 hours Hectopascals rivals (ir24pc)
TMPC Temperature Degrees Celsius rivals (irtmpc)
DWPC Dewpoint temperature Degrees Celsius rivals (irdwpc)
RELH Relative humidity Percent rivals (irrelh)
MSST Indicator for sign and type of measurement of sea surface temperature Code Table 3850 rivals (irmsst)
SSTC Sea surface temperature Degrees Celsius rivals (irsstc)
STMWC Indicator for sign and type of measurement of wet bulb temperature WMO Code Table 3855 rivals (irstwc)
TMWC Wet bulb temperature Degrees Celsius rivals (irtmwc)
DTFV1 Period of maximum air temperature Hours rivals (irdtv1)
MXTM Maximum air temperature Degrees Celsius rivals (irmxtm)
DTFV2 Period of minimum air temperature Hours rivals (irdtv2)
MITM Minimum air temperature Degrees Celsius rivals (irmitm)
WWMO Present weather reported from a manned weather station WMO Code Table 4677 rivals (irwwmo)
WWMA Present weather reported from an automatic weather station WMO Code Table 4680 rivals (irwwma)
PWWM Past weather 1 reported from a manned weather station WMO Code Table 4561 rivals (irpwwm)
PWWA Past weather 1 reported from an automatic weather station WMO Code Table 4531 rivals (irpwwa)
PSW2 Past weather 2 reported from a manned weather station WMO Code Table 4561 rivals (irpsw2)
PWA2 Past weather 2 reported from an automatic weather station WMO Code Table 4531 rivals (irpwa2)
PWPD Period of the past weather Hours rivals (irpwpd)
INPC Indicator for inclusion or omission of precipitation data WMO Code Table 1819 rivals (irinpc)
NPCV Number of precipitation values Numeric rivals (irnpcv)
PPRD Period of the precipitation Hours rivals (irpprd(1..NPCV))
PAMT Precipitation amount Millimeters rivals (irpamt(1..NPCV))
WPER Period of the waves obtained by instrumental methods Seconds rivals (irwper)
WHGT Height of the waves obtained by instrumental methods Meters rivals (irwhgt)
POWW Period of the wind waves Seconds rivals (irpoww)
HOWW Height of the wind waves Meters rivals (irpoww)
NSWV Number of sets of swell wave groups Numeric rivals (irnswv)
DOSW True direction from which swell waves are coming Degrees rivals (irdosw(1..NSWV))
POSW Period of swell waves Seconds rivals (irposw(1..NSWV))
HOSW Height of swell waves Meters rivals (irhosw(1..NSWV))
VSBK Horizontal visibility Kilometers rivals (irvsbk)
VRTM Vertical visibility Meters rivals (irvrtm)
CFRT Total cloud cover WMO Code Table 2700 rivals (ircfrt)
NCLO Total number of cloud layers described in Sections 1 and 3 Numeric rivals (irnclo)
VSSO Vertical significance WMO BUFR Table 008002 rivals (irvsso(1..NCLO))
CLAM Cloud amount WMO BUFR Table 020011 rivals (irclam(1..NCLO))
CLTP Genus of cloud WMO BUFR Table 020012 rivals (ircltp(1..NCLO))
HOCB Height of cloud base Meters rivals (irhocb(1..NCLO))
CSEC Report section of location of cloud data Numeric rivals (ircsec(1..NCLO))
HBLCS Height of base of lowest cloud seen WMO Code Table 1600 rivals (irhblc)
COIA Ice accretion on ships WMO Code Table 1751 rivals (ircoia)
IDTH Thickness of ice accretion on ships Meters rivals (iridth)
ROIA Rate of ice accretion on ships WMO Code Table 3551 rivals (irroia)
TLLW Tide elevation with respect to mean lower low water Feet rivals (irtllw)

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Page last modified: Wednesday, 17-May-2006 15:27:33 UTC