Inventory of File nos.ngofs.fields.f000.20140914.t03z.

Model: NGOFS
Cycle: 03 UTC
Number of Records: 52

netcdf nos.ngofs.fields.f000.20140914.t03z

  int nprocs
   nprocs:long_name = "number of processors"

  int partition(nele)
   partition:long_name = "partition"

  float x(node)
   x:long_name = "nodal x-coordinate"
   x:units = "meters"

  float y(node)
   y:long_name = "nodal y-coordinate"
   y:units = "meters"

  float lon(node)
   lon:long_name = "nodal longitude"
   lon:standard_name = "longitude"
   lon:units = "degrees_east"

  float lat(node)
   lat:long_name = "nodal latitude"
   lat:standard_name = "latitude"
   lat:units = "degrees_north"

  float xc(nele)
   xc:long_name = "zonal x-coordinate"
   xc:units = "meters"

  float yc(nele)
   yc:long_name = "zonal y-coordinate"
   yc:units = "meters"

  float lonc(nele)
   lonc:long_name = "zonal longitude"
   lonc:standard_name = "longitude"
   lonc:units = "degrees_east"

  float latc(nele)
   latc:long_name = "zonal latitude"
   latc:standard_name = "latitude"
   latc:units = "degrees_north"

  float siglay(siglay, node)
   siglay:long_name = "Sigma Layers"
   siglay:standard_name = "ocean_sigma/general_coordinate"
   siglay:positive = "up"
   siglay:valid_min = -1.f
   siglay:valid_max = 0.f
   siglay:formula_terms = "sigma: siglay eta: zeta depth: h"

  float siglev(siglev, node)
   siglev:long_name = "Sigma Levels"
   siglev:standard_name = "ocean_sigma/general_coordinate"
   siglev:positive = "up"
   siglev:valid_min = -1.f
   siglev:valid_max = 0.f
   siglev:formula_terms = "sigma:siglay eta: zeta depth: h"

  float h(node)
   h:long_name = "Bathymetry"
   h:standard_name = "sea_floor_depth_below_geoid"
   h:units = "m"
   h:positive = "down"
   h:grid = "Bathymetry_Mesh"
   h:coordinates = "lat lon"
   h:type = "data"

  int nv(three, nele)
   nv:long_name = "nodes surrounding element"

  int iint(time)
   iint:long_name = "internal mode iteration number"

  float time(time)
   time:long_name = "time"
   time:units = "days since 2012-01-01 00:00:00"
   time:format = "defined reference date"
   time:time_zone = "UTC"

  int Itime(time)
   Itime:units = "days since 2012-01-01 00:00:00"
   Itime:format = "defined reference date"
   Itime:time_zone = "UTC"

  int Itime2(time)
   Itime2:units = "msec since 00:00:00"
   Itime2:time_zone = "UTC"

  char Times(time, DateStrLen)
   Times:time_zone = "UTC"

  float zeta(time, node)
   zeta:long_name = "Water Surface Elevation"
   zeta:units = "meters"
   zeta:positive = "up"
   zeta:standard_name = "sea_surface_height_above_geoid"
   zeta:grid = "Bathymetry_Mesh"
   zeta:coordinates = "time lat lon"
   zeta:type = "data"
   zeta:location = "node"

  int nbe(three, nele)
   nbe:long_name = "elements surrounding each element"

  int ntsn(node)
   ntsn:long_name = "#nodes surrounding each node"

  int nbsn(maxnode, node)
   nbsn:long_name = "nodes surrounding each node"

  int ntve(node)
   ntve:long_name = "#elems surrounding each node"

  int nbve(maxelem, node)
   nbve:long_name = "elems surrounding each node"

  float a1u(four, nele)
   a1u:long_name = "a1u"

  float a2u(four, nele)
   a2u:long_name = "a2u"

  float aw0(three, nele)
   aw0:long_name = "aw0"

  float awx(three, nele)
   awx:long_name = "awx"

  float awy(three, nele)
   awy:long_name = "awy"

  float art2(node)
   art2:long_name = "Area of elements around a node"

  float art1(node)
   art1:long_name = "Area of Node-Base Control volume"

  float u(time, siglay, nele)
   u:long_name = "Eastward Water Velocity"
   u:standard_name = "eastward_sea_water_velocity"
   u:units = "meters s-1"
   u:grid = "fvcom_grid"
   u:type = "data"
   u:coordinates = "time siglay latc lonc"
   u:mesh = "fvcom_mesh"
   u:location = "face"

  float v(time, siglay, nele)
   v:long_name = "Northward Water Velocity"
   v:standard_name = "Northward_sea_water_velocity"
   v:units = "meters s-1"
   v:grid = "fvcom_grid"
   v:type = "data"
   v:coordinates = "time siglay latc lonc"
   v:mesh = "fvcom_mesh"
   v:location = "face"

  float tauc(time, nele)
   tauc:long_name = "bed stress magnitude from currents"
   tauc:note1 = "this stress is bottom boundary condtion on velocity field"
   tauc:note2 = "dimensions are stress/rho"
   tauc:units = "m^2 s^-2"
   tauc:grid = "fvcom_grid"
   tauc:type = "data"
   tauc:coordinates = "time latc lonc"
   tauc:mesh = "fvcom_mesh"
   tauc:location = "face"

  float temp(time, siglay, node)
   temp:long_name = "temperature"
   temp:standard_name = "sea_water_temperature"
   temp:units = "degrees_C"
   temp:grid = "fvcom_grid"
   temp:coordinates = "time siglay lat lon"
   temp:type = "data"
   temp:mesh = "fvcom_mesh"
   temp:location = "node"

  float salinity(time, siglay, node)
   salinity:long_name = "salinity"
   salinity:standard_name = "sea_water_salinity"
   salinity:units = "1e-3"
   salinity:grid = "fvcom_grid"
   salinity:coordinates = "time siglay lat lon"
   salinity:type = "data"
   salinity:mesh = "fvcom_mesh"
   salinity:location = "node"

  float short_wave(time, node)
   short_wave:long_name = "Short Wave Radiation"
   short_wave:units = "W m-2"
   short_wave:grid = "fvcom_grid"
   short_wave:coordinates = "time lat lon"
   short_wave:type = "data"
   short_wave:mesh = "fvcom_mesh"
   short_wave:location = "node"

  float net_heat_flux(time, node)
   net_heat_flux:long_name = "Surface Net Heat Flux"
   net_heat_flux:units = "W m-2"
   net_heat_flux:grid = "fvcom_grid"
   net_heat_flux:coordinates = "time lat lon"
   net_heat_flux:type = "data"
   net_heat_flux:mesh = "fvcom_mesh"
   net_heat_flux:location = "node"

  float uwind_speed(time, nele)
   uwind_speed:long_name = "Eastward Wind Velocity"
   uwind_speed:standard_name = "eastward wind"
   uwind_speed:units = "meters s-1"
   uwind_speed:grid = "fvcom_grid"
   uwind_speed:coordinates = "time latc lonc"
   uwind_speed:type = "data"
   uwind_speed:mesh = "fvcom_mesh"
   uwind_speed:location = "face"

  float vwind_speed(time, nele)
   vwind_speed:long_name = "Northward Wind Velocity"
   vwind_speed:standard_name = "northward wind"
   vwind_speed:units = "meters s-1"
   vwind_speed:grid = "fvcom_grid"
   vwind_speed:coordinates = "time latc lonc"
   vwind_speed:type = "data"
   vwind_speed:mesh = "fvcom_mesh"
   vwind_speed:location = "face"

  float uwind_stress(time, nele)
   uwind_stress:long_name = "Eastward Wind Stress"
   uwind_stress:standard_name = "Wind Stress"
   uwind_stress:units = "Pa"
   uwind_stress:grid = "fvcom_grid"
   uwind_stress:type = "data"

  float vwind_stress(time, nele)
   vwind_stress:long_name = "Northward Wind Stress"
   vwind_stress:standard_name = "Wind Stress"
   vwind_stress:units = "Pa"
   vwind_stress:grid = "fvcom_grid"
   vwind_stress:type = "data"

  int wet_nodes(time, node)
   wet_nodes:long_name = "Wet_Nodes"
   wet_nodes:grid = "fvcom_grid"
   wet_nodes:type = "data"
   wet_nodes:coordinates = "time lat lon"
   wet_nodes:mesh = "fvcom_mesh"
   wet_nodes:location = "node"

  int wet_cells(time, nele)
   wet_cells:long_name = "Wet_Cells"
   wet_cells:grid = "fvcom_grid"
   wet_cells:type = "data"
   wet_cells:coordinates = "time latc lonc"
   wet_cells:mesh = "fvcom_mesh"
   wet_cells:location = "face"

  int wet_nodes_prev_int(time, node)
   wet_nodes_prev_int:long_name = "Wet_Nodes_At_Previous_Internal_Step"
   wet_nodes_prev_int:grid = "fvcom_grid"
   wet_nodes_prev_int:type = "data"
   wet_nodes_prev_int:coordinates = "time lat lon"
   wet_nodes_prev_int:mesh = "fvcom_mesh"
   wet_nodes_prev_int:location = "node"

  int wet_cells_prev_int(time, nele)
   wet_cells_prev_int:long_name = "Wet_Cells_At_Previous_Internal_Step"
   wet_cells_prev_int:grid = "fvcom_grid"
   wet_cells_prev_int:type = "data"
   wet_cells_prev_int:coordinates = "time latc lonc"
   wet_cells_prev_int:mesh = "fvcom_mesh"
   wet_cells_prev_int:location = "face"

  int wet_cells_prev_ext(time, nele)
   wet_cells_prev_ext:long_name = "Wet_Cells_At_Previous_External_Step"
   wet_cells_prev_ext:grid = "fvcom_grid"
   wet_cells_prev_ext:type = "data"

Last Updated: Mon Sep 15 15:40:27 2014