Changes from v3.0.0 to v3.0.2 Directories with changes: notes sorc scripts jobs sms More Detail -- initial round prior to starting significant work on the ensembles: Move version notes to 'notes' directory sorc/seaice_sicedrft.fd: sk2setup.f -- explicit file open now, test for whether there is indeed an ice edge file to use, and print message if not. -- update parameters for higher resolution ice edges and GFS inputs. sicedrft.f -- minor change to output sequencing makefile -- change to using 'BASE' to reference path to libraries sorc/ makefile -- change to using 'BASE' to reference path to libraries sorc/ add (for computing ensemble averages) sorc/seaice_postaverage.Cd: NEW -- average output of each ensemble run. Format for distribution. scripts: -- test for presence of sea ice edge analysis, use if there is one, error output message if not sms: sms.fake -- change to new version number and developer path -- update paths and dates jobs: JSEAICE_DRIFT -- update paths for developer COMIN, COMINice_analy deleted JSEAICE_DRIFT.canned, Robert Grumbine 2 June 2014