Release Notes: HRRR v4.0.10 v4.0.10 - released May 13, 2021 * HRRRv4 smartinit changes associated with the RTMA/URMA v2.8.7 upgrade * The RTMA CONUS land/sea mask and terrain around the Great Salt Lake are updated to better match the lake's current shape * Repository Details * After cloning the hrrr.v4.0.10 tag of the EMC_hrrr git repository using the command below, retrieve the new code from the hrrr.v4 directory. * git clone -b hrrr.v4.0.10 https://${USER} * git clone -b hrrr.v4.0.10 ssh://${USER} * fix files changed * fix/conus/hrrr_smartmask_consensus.gb2 * fix/conus/hrrr_terrain_consensus.gb2 * resource changes * N/A * implementation instructions * Retrieve the new fix files from the following directory on Luna/Surge (cannot store fix files in repository): /gpfs/hps3/emc/meso/save/Benjamin.Blake/nwprod_final/hrrr.v4.0.10/fix/conus * These changes should be implemented alongside RTMA/URMA v2.8.7