[archive] ## Archive path for HyCOM output *.a and *.b files in runwrf/ directory: hycomab=hpss:/NCEPDEV/emc-hwrf/2year/{ENV[USER]}/{SUBEXPT}/hycomab/{out_prefix}.tar [runwrf] wm3c_ranks=6 ;; Number of coupler ranks ocean_ranks={hycominit/hycom_procs} ;; Number of HyCOM ranks [dir] ## Path to HyCOM fix files FIXhycom={FIXhwrf}/hycom [config] ocean_model=HYCOM ;; Ocean model: must be HYCOM. Do not change. CASE_ROOT={config/case_root} run_wave=no ;; Do not run wave coupling with HYCOM (not yet working) [cpl_nml] # FIXME: put coupler namelist settings here. The syntax is # namelist%option=value. The coupler namelist is CPL_SETTINGS. # CPL_SETTINGS.magic_hycom_option=magic_values