## This is the first configuration file read in during the pre_master # job when creating the initial configuration. It sets directory # paths to which the later conf files refer. Any variables set in # later conf files will override variables set here. # # This default file is used by NCEP EMC for retrospective runs. It # assumes another file has set the CDSCRUB, CDSAVE, syndat and # CDNOSCRUB variables in the [dir] section. This allows the system to # be easily picked up and moved to another cluster. See @ref # conf-file-system_conf_jet and @ref conf-file-system_conf_zeus # for examples. [config] GFSVER=PROD2016 ;; GFS version (default) forecast_length=126 ;; Length of the forecast in hours #! Number of hours between cycles. Only 6.0 has ever been tested. # Several things will break if you try to change this without # modifying the code and scripts. cycling_interval=6.0 ## Prefix to prepend to most output files in the COM directory. Also # used for archive filenames. out_prefix={vit[stormnamelc]}{vit[stnum]:02d}{vit[basin1lc]}.{vit[YMDH]} out_prefix_nodate={vit[stormnamelc]}{vit[stnum]:02d}{vit[basin1lc]} ## out_prefix value for prior cycle old_out_prefix={oldvit[stormnamelc]}{oldvit[stnum]:02d}{oldvit[basin1lc]}.{oldvit[YMDH]} ## out_prefix_nodate value for prior cycle old_out_prefix_nodate={oldvit[stormnamelc]}{oldvit[stnum]:02d}{oldvit[basin1lc]} ## RUNhwrf is a component of some other file paths RUNhwrf={SUBEXPT} # # The input_catelog specifies a section (default: [hwrfdata]) to use # for. input_catalog=hwrfdata ## Configure the prelaunch configuration overrides, run in ## hwrf_expt, and implemented in hwrf.prelaunch [prelaunch] ensid_overrides=no ;; allow per-ensid overrides for forecast ensemble ungrib_overrides=yes ;; replace [ungrib] tbl with per-year tbl%Y values ## Minimum allowed wind for running relocation and GSI. # # The tcvitals wind will be checked and if the intensity is below this # value in m/s then relocation and GSI will be disabled. The GFS # analysis vortex will be used directly without relocation, intensity # adjustment, size adjustment, or data assimilation. min_wind_for_init=11 # Per-forecast-center configurations rsmc_overrides=no ;; read parm/hwrf_JTWC.conf and parm/hwrf_NHC.conf rsmc_conf={PARMhwrf}/hwrf_{RSMC}.conf ;; File to read for rsmc_overrides # Per-basin configurations: read no_basin_conf if basin_conf is missing basin_overrides=yes ;; read parm/hwrf_(basin).conf ## File to read for recognized basins when basin_overrides is enabled basin_conf={PARMhwrf}/hwrf_{vit.pubbasin2}.conf ## File to read for unrecognized basins when basin_overrides is enabled no_basin_conf={PARMhwrf}/hwrf_other_basins.conf ## Configure directory paths. [dir] ## Main scrub directory WORKhwrf={CDSCRUB}/{EXPT}/{vit[YMDH]}/{vit[stormid3]} ## install location HOMEhwrf={ENV[HOMEhmon]} ## fix location FIXhwrf={HOMEhwrf}/fix ## parm location PARMhwrf={HOMEhwrf}/parm ## COM directories are used for communicating between cycles and ## storms. This is the COM directory specified by the vitals in the ## "vit" variable. com={CDSCRUB}/{EXPT}/hmon.{vit[YMDH]} realstormcom={CDSCRUB}/{EXPT}/hmon.{vit[YMDH]} realstormwork={CDSCRUB}/{EXPT}/{YMDH}/{realstorm} oldcom={CDSCRUB}/{EXPT}/hmon.{oldvit[YMDH]} oldsid={oldvit[stormid3]}