PROGRAM readnic IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: NLON,NLAT INTEGER :: ILON, ILAT CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: FMT, FMT2 REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: MASK(:,:),CICE(:,:) OPEN(12,FILE='T_OEBA88_C_KNWC.mask') OPEN(13,FILE='') OPEN(52,FILE='T_OEBA88_C_KNWC.newice') READ (13,*)NLON,NLAT ALLOCATE(CICE(NLON,NLAT),MASK(NLON,NLAT)) DO ILAT=1,NLAT DO ILON=1,NLON READ(12,*)MASK(ILON,ILAT) READ(13,*)CICE(ILON,ILAT) IF ((CICE(ILON,ILAT).EQ.9.999e+20).OR.(MASK(ILON,ILAT).EQ.-1)) THEN CICE(ILON,ILAT)=-1. ELSE CICE(ILON,ILAT)=1E-1*CICE(ILON,ILAT) ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO CALL INPAINT(NLON,NLAT,CICE) DO ILAT=1,NLAT DO ILON=1,NLON WRITE(FMT2,'("(",I0,"F6.2)")') 1 ! Unstructured grid does not yet use transparencies for ico ! (eg, FLAGTR=4 in WW3). Setting here lower ice bound to 40% ! Anything > 25% is totally blocked. IF(CICE(ILON,ILAT).LT.0.70)THEN CICE(ILON,ILAT)=0. ELSE CICE(ILON,ILAT)=0.95 ENDIF WRITE(52,FMT2)MAX(0.,CICE(ILON,ILAT)) ENDDO ENDDO END ! Subroutine : inpaint ! Calling Functions : meanundef ! Author Stelios Flampouris ! v0.5.prttp ! 11.04.2015 ! TODO : It needs a _main_ ! ! Variables ! xlen :: length of x-dim (e.g longtitude) ! ylen :: length of y-dim (e.g latitude) ! gap :: 2D-array(lenght(x),length(y)) integer, 0 : where must have a value, 1 : where must not have a value ! arr :: 2D-array(lenght(x),length(y)) with data which has the gaps. The gaps have NaN as values ! subroutine inpaint(xlen, ylen, arr) implicit none ! integer :: xlen,ylen real, dimension(xlen,ylen), intent(inout) :: arr integer, parameter :: it_max = 10 ! !local real, dimension(xlen,ylen) :: arrNaN real, dimension(2,2) :: subarr logical, dimension(xlen,ylen) :: indNaN integer :: ix, iy, indx_min, indx_max, indy_min, indy_max, ext_it integer :: strt_ix, end_ix, strt_iy, end_iy,stp_ix, stp_iy real :: UNDEF, max_val, Avg ! ! 1.Basic Input Manipulation ! CLMSK max_val=maxval(arr) ! arrNaN = arr UNDEF=-1 indNaN = arrNaN.eq.UNDEF ! do ix = 1,xlen,1 do iy = 1,ylen,1 if (indNaN(ix,iy)) then arrNaN(ix,iy) = UNDEF arr (ix,iy) = UNDEF endif enddo enddo ! 2. The hoop do ext_it = 1,it_max,1 do ix = 1,xlen,1 do iy = 1,ylen,1 indx_min = max(ix-1,1) indy_min = max(iy-1,1) indx_max = min(ix+1,xlen) indy_max = min(iy+1,ylen) if (arr(ix,iy).eq.UNDEF) then subarr=arrNaN(indx_min:indx_max,indy_min:indy_max) if ( any(subarr .ne. UNDEF) ) then arr(ix,iy) = meanundef(arrNaN(indx_min:indx_max,indy_min:indy_max), UNDEF) end if end if end do end do arrNaN = arr end do contains function meanundef(array,UNDEF) real :: meanundef real, intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: array real, intent(in) :: UNDEF if ( any(array .ne. UNDEF) ) then meanundef = sum (array, array .ne. UNDEF) / max(1,count(array .ne. UNDEF )) else meanundef = UNDEF endif end function meanundef ! end subroutine inpaint