A) TITLE: glwu.v1.1.1: Port codebase from WCOSS1 to WCOSS2 (update for run time optimization, and name change from 'wave_glwu' to 'glwu') B) SYSTEM DEPENDENCIES - As with v1.1.0, the wave model code 'wave_code.v5.16.0', wave_code_pkg=st4nc_nl3 is built as part of glwu, and is thus no longer an external dependency. C) INPUT FILE CHANGES None D) IMPLEMENTATION INSTRUCTIONS 1) Clone glwu from Github, and checkout the release tag: >> git clone https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/glwu.git >> git checkout IT-glwu.v1.1.1-20211213 2) >> cd glwu/sorc 3) >> ./make.all.sh 4) ***VERY IMPORTANT*** DELETE any wave_glwu*.moddef.* files in the fix directory, these should be generated when the system is run for the first time. 5) All restart files from the current operational runs should work seamlessly. E) TESTING INSTRUCTIONS 1) The WCOSS2 installation has been tested using canned input data from WCOSS1. These are available from: /lfs/h2/emc/couple/noscrub/Andre.VanderWesthuysen/GLWU/dcom/prod/20211003/wgrbbul 2) Set DCOM to the above canned data directory. 3) Copy the 01z restart file from the canned WCOSS1 output to the local COMOUT. The former is available at: /lfs/h2/emc/couple/noscrub/Andre.VanderWesthuysen/GLWU/COM_wcoss1_prod/glwu.20211003/glwu.glwu.t01z.restart 4) Set %CYC% to 01 to run the long cycle (149 hours). 5) Compare output to the canned WCOSS1 01z output available at: /lfs/h2/emc/couple/noscrub/Andre.VanderWesthuysen/GLWU/COM_wcoss1_prod/glwu.20211003 6) Using the restart created by the 01z cycle, set %CYC% to 02 to run the short cycle (48 hours). 7) Compare output to the canned WCOSS1 02z output above.