Release Notes: wave_glwu v1.1.0 - released to NCO on October 3, 2021 Transition from WCOSS Cray to WCOSS2. Where is the release tag on subversion/git/vlab? Tag: IT-wave_glwu.v1.1.0-20211003 List of external software used (anything outside of your vertical structure), including compilers and version numbers for everything. Software used must be a minimal list of modules/versions specified per job: jwave_glwu_prep: envvar/1.0 prod_envir/2.0.5 prod_util/2.0.8 PrgEnv-intel/8.1.0 craype/2.7.8 intel/ cray-mpich/8.1.7 cray-pals/1.0.12 cfp/2.0.4 wgrib2/2.0.8 hdf5/1.10.6 iobuf/2.0.10 jwave_glwu_forecast: envvar/1.0 prod_envir/2.0.5 prod_util/2.0.8 PrgEnv-intel/8.1.0 craype/2.7.8 intel/ cray-mpich/8.1.7 cray-pals/1.0.12 hdf5/1.10.6 netcdf/4.7.4 jasper/2.0.25 libpng/1.6.37 zlib/1.2.11 g2/3.4.5 w3nco/2.4.1 bacio/2.4.1 iobuf/2.0.10 jwave_glwu_post: envvar/1.0 prod_envir/2.0.5 prod_util/2.0.8 PrgEnv-intel/8.1.0 craype/2.7.8 intel/ cfp/2.0.4 wgrib2/2.0.8 grib_util/1.2.2 libjpeg/9c hdf5/1.10.6 netcdf/4.7.4 iobuf/2.0.10 jwave_glwu_pgen: envvar/1.0 prod_envir/2.0.5 prod_util/2.0.8 PrgEnv-intel/8.1.0 craype/2.7.8 intel/ libjpeg/9c libpng/1.6.37 grib_util/1.2.2 wgrib2/2.0.8 util_shared/1.4.0 List of all code/scripts modified with this release The wave model codebase 'wave_code.v5.16.0' has been integrated into the 'wave_glwu.v1.1.0' codebase: modulefiles/build_wavewatch3.modules -> modulefiles/ wave_code.v5.16.0/st4nc_nl3/sorc/ integrated into sorc/ wave_code.v5.16.0/st4nc_nl3/sorc/*.fd -> sorc/ Large fix files were moved out of 'wave_glwu.v1.1.0' and stored on WCOSS2 (>50 MB Github limit). These are now installed by running sorc/ (called by build script): fix/mesh.glwu fix/grint_weights.grlc_2p5km fix/grint_weights.grlr fix/grint_weights.grlr_500m New directory with dev testing scripts (please ignore): dev/ New directory with production .ecf scripts: ecf/ Files modified: versions/wave_glwu.ver replaced by versions/build.ver and versions/run.ver modulefiles/build_glwu.module modulefiles/build_wavewatch3.modules sorc/ sorc/multiwavefcst.fd/makefile sorc/multiwavefcst_sbs.fd/makefile sorc/multiwavefldn.fd/makefile sorc/multiwaveprnc.fd/makefile sorc/multiwavespnc.fd/makefile sorc/wavesystrk.fd/makefile ecf/jwave_glwu_forecast.ecf ecf/jwave_glwu_pgen.ecf ecf/jwave_glwu_post.ecf ecf/jwave_glwu_prep.ecf jobs/JWAVE_GLWU_FORECAST jobs/JWAVE_GLWU_PGEN jobs/JWAVE_GLWU_POST jobs/JWAVE_GLWU_PREP scripts/ -> scripts/ scripts/ -> scripts/ scripts/ -> scripts/ scripts/ -> scripts/ scripts/ -> scripts/ What changes were made to the above code/scripts to support the new architecture? Full use was made of the 128 cores/node and the larger RAM, so that the node count was reduced significantly from 32 to 6 (forecast job). These changes are in the ecf files. Changes to makefiles were needed due to changes in library path environment variables on WCOSS2. Remaining changes were due to EE2 standards: (i) The use of build.ver and run.ver, (ii) Writing AWIPS products to wmo/ instead of pcom, (iii) Removing .ecf extension from ex-scripts. Were any other changes made that aren’t directly related to the transition? No Are there any changes to incoming data needs or outgoing products? No If output filenames are changing, list the current and new filename N/A Compute resource information, for every job: *** Providing PBS and/or ecFlow submission scripts as part of release tag is preferred; if they are provided then resource information is not needed in the release notes. See wave_glwu/ecf/ Runtime changes compared to current production (/gpfs/dell1/nco/ops/com/logs/runtime/daily/* for current stats) Note: Code optimization with GDIT is still under way. Current run time stats are: Long cycles (01z, 07z, 13z, 19z): jwave_glwu_prep: 00:02:40 (prod: 00:00:21) jwave_glwu_forecast: 00:40:57 (prod: 00:24:34) jwave_glwu_post: 00:13:44 (prod: 00:15:09) jwave_glwu_pgen: 00:00:10 (prod: 00:00:27) Short cycles (remaining hours: 00z, 02z, 03z, 04z, 05z, 06z, 08z, 09z, 10z, 11z, 12z, etc.): jwave_glwu_prep 00:01:52 (prod: 00:00:20) jwave_glwu_forecast 00:14:46 (prod: 00:08:31) jwave_glwu_post 00:08:41 (prod: 00:09:31) jwave_glwu_pgen 00:00:06 (prod: 00:00:11) Disk space required per day or per cycle; data retention on disk will remain the same unless otherwise requested. Unchanged at 118G/day. Dissemination will remain the same unless otherwise communicated to NCO and a PNS/SCN issued Unchanged. HPSS archive retention will remain the same unless approval granted by HPCRAC Unchanged. What are your up and downstream dependencies? Unchanged. Upstream: NDFD winds and NIC sea ice analysis from DCOM. Downstream: None. Provide a pointer to your COMOUT directory that was used during testing: /lfs/h2/emc/couple/noscrub/Andre.VanderWesthuysen/GLWU/COM_dev/glwu.20211003 Canned data from WCOSS1 Cray for comparison: /lfs/h2/emc/couple/noscrub/Andre.VanderWesthuysen/GLWU/COM_wcoss1_prod/glwu.20211003