TITLE: wave_glwu.v1.0.2: Eliminating risk of writing restart file to prod directory; fine-tuning ice concentrations to avoid unrealistic wave heights near areas of recently-melted ice. SUMMARY: - COMRSTout is set to a subdirectory of COMOUTwave, no longer COMINwave, eliminating risk of writing over /com/wave/prod when running tests - Changes the ice concentration thresholds in the wave_glwu.inp file: fine tunes wave behavior in newly-melted ice regions.eliminating instability noticed in unstructured grids CHANGE REQUEST CLASS: Bugfix STRUCTURE AND RESOURCE DESCRIPTION CHANGES TO SCRIPTS AND CODES: 1) exwave_glwu_forecast.sh - Has been updated to reflect COMRSTout now writing to subdirectory in COMOUTwave 2) J-JOBS have been updated to eliminate references to COMINOUT 3) Input file - wave_glwu.inp in the fix directory has been updated with new ice concentration bounds. DISSEMINATION INFO BUGFIXES As per above BENEFIT OF CHANGE: Corrects unrealistic wave growth in areas of recently-melted ice. Eliminates risk of writing restart file to prod directory. USER IMPACT STATEMENT: Attenuates unrealistic high waves in areas of breakup ice. TECHNICAL IMPACT STATEMENT: No impacts to current system profile/metrics. TESTING Dev testing completed. RISKS: N/A PROPOSED IMPLEMENTATION DATE: TIME: