#PBS -N ecmwf_highres_gempak_%CYC% #PBS -j oe #PBS -S /bin/bash #PBS -q %QUEUE% #PBS -l walltime=02:30:00 #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=500MB #PBS -A %PROJ%-%PROJENVIR% #PBS -l debug=true model=ecmwf %include %include # EXPORT list here export cyc=%CYC% module load intel/$intel_ver module load gempak/${gempak_ver:?} # CALL executable job script here ${HOMEecmwf:?}/jobs/JECMWF_HIGHRES_GEMPAK %include %manual ###################################################################### # Purpose: To submit the job creates ECMWF GEMPAK grids. ###################################################################### ###################################################################### # Job specific troubleshooting instructions: # # ****************************************** # *** THIS JOB USES NON OPERATIONAL DATA *** # ****************************************** # # The data used in this job are received from ECMWF via # NON OPERATIONAL communications paths. ECMWF ftp's these data to # NCOSRV and the data are mirrored the NCOSRV directory: # # /pub/data/model/grid/grib/ecmwf/DCD*. # # DBNET on NCOSRV then deliver these data to the CCS under: # # /dcom/{YYYYMMDD}/wgrbbul/ecmwf/ # # If the job fails and these data are not available on either of # these locations, then it is a good bet that the ECMWF was not able # to send them to us. # # Try to run the job a little later or set it to complete. There # is no need to call in additional support or the ECMWF if the data # are not in the above locations. # ###################################################################### # include manual page below %end