SUBROUTINE LS_ERRS ( ierrno, lsfrpt, iret ) C************************************************************************ C* LS_ERRS * C* * C* This subroutine writes an error message to the decoder log file. * C* The value of IERRNO will be used to choose which message to write. * C* * C* LS_ERRS ( IERRNO, LSFRPT, IRET ) * C* * C* Input parameters: * C* IERRNO INTEGER Error message number * C* LSFRPT CHAR* Current raw report * C* * C* Output parameters: * C* IRET INTEGER Return code * C* 0 = normal return * C* * C** * C* Log: * C* R. Hollern/NCEP 4/96 * C* R. Hollern/NCEP 1/98 Modified log messages; cleaned up code * C* R. Hollern/NCEP 4/00 Removed bulletn header from log message * C************************************************************************ INCLUDE 'GEMPRM.PRM' INCLUDE 'lscmn.cmn' C* CHARACTER*(*) lsfrpt C------------------------------------------------------------------------ iret = 0 loglvl = 2 C logmsg = ' ' CALL DC_WLOG ( loglvl, 'LS', 3, logmsg ( 1:5 ), ier ) CALL DC_WLOG ( loglvl, 'LS', ierrno, lsfrpt ( 1:59 ), ier ) C* RETURN END