#PBS -N jamsu_estimation_00 #PBS -j oe #PBS -S /bin/bash #PBS -q %QUEUE% #PBS -A NHC-%PROJENVIR% #PBS -l walltime=01:30:00 #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=2:mem=5GB #PBS -l debug=true cd $DATAROOT %include "/ecf/ecfnets/scripts/head.h" # EXPORT list here set -x export envir=prod export cyc=00 export job=amsu_estimation_00 export model_ver=v1.3.0 # CALL executable job script here VERSION_FILE=${PACKAGEROOT}/amsu_estimation.${model_ver}/versions/amsu_estimation.ver if [ -f $VERSION_FILE ]; then . $VERSION_FILE else ecflow_client --msg="***JOB ${ECFNAME} ERROR: Version File $VERSION_FILE does not exist ***" ecflow_client --abort exit fi ${PACKAGEROOT}/amsu_estimation.${model_ver}/jobs/JAMSU_ESTIMATION if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then ecflow_client --msg="***JOB ${SMSNAME} ERROR RUNNING J-SCRIPT ***" ecflow_client --abort exit fi %include "/ecf/ecfnets/scripts/tail.h" %manual ###################################################################### # Purpose: To execute the processing of the Storm TC estimation using # the AMSU code ###################################################################### ###################################################################### # Job specific troubleshooting instructions: # see generic troubleshoot manual page # ###################################################################### # include manual page below %end